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NINETEEN NAMED FOR ASPIRANT ELATE. New Feature Arranged to Take Place of Piping Rock Subscription Stake. Xew Y rk. April IS. — Subscriptions for the Aspirant Plate for two-year obis, to he raa at Piping I Rock at the spring meeting, numbers nfaseteen. This is a new feature, arranged to take the place of the I Piping Hoc!: Babscriptloa Stake, which v. as ieesaed I inadvisable to Ik- coatiaued, owing to the new rule I of racing, which provides ■ peaalty for the winner of a private s wepstikos. I The on.litioas «.: the race call for an initial subscription of 5 and a further fee of .*lT for horses sot d.. hired by May iti. the startcn to pay . u .•■ All ■uhsillptkiBS will go to the winners, in adilition to fl piece of plate valued at 8980, donated by the Piping Hock Baeiag Association, tolts and geldiags will carry IIS pounds am! fillies 11". pounds. A sp,.,i:,: straight five-eighths course has ben built for the race. The following are the tallica. J. B. Davis. Bapciaua, Wetoaat. Mrs. J. K. Davis lave Mam, J. K. Watcaua Ming. br. g. by Oarry Herrmann — Ocean Boaad, Beafarer. K. B. Casaatta Daedalus. Ierigonrdii.e. H. T. WBasaa brown cott, kf Helmet — Hem:m Cold: Woodthraah, cheataat filly, by Otaataala— Faataaoa . V. H. Cues Nutcracker. XMialerian. Marco Polo. Oeorge 1. Wideiier., llialatis. Hose DOr. Aba-dane. GhTord A. Chateaaa b.-ty fUtg by Radium — Pietra. Baghsaae, Aaaaekaaaia. Mrs. E. MeNaaghtoas fieorge Clark. frown Stables Sveng-ili. Nassau Stables Kokohi. Poor Butterfly . K. G. Hillings Enfilade. II. L. Pratts flamii Tock. Frederick Johnsens Peace and Plenty. Morton L. Bchwarta* Approval, Heredity. Common Law. Edward F. Whitneys Contender, Winning Card. J. F. Flmiagan. Jr.s Teap.-irty. Harry Payne Whitneys Happy Go Lucky, chestnut colt, by Whisk Broom II. — Inaugural, stoats OGrady. George W. Lofts Don Jose, Arrah-Go-On.