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OWNERS GOING TO THE OKLAHOMA CIRCUIT. Hot Springs. Ark.. April 18. — Departures today again were uii.ncroiis aad the visiting elinent. particularly those who came here to t:ike part in the racing, is thinning out rapidly and causing this town to take on an afar of noraial conditions. Next week will find but few owners in these parts. La and left overs will he confined to those intending aT to ship to Windsor, now awaiting the opening of the Devonshire track and. some who will campaign, beginning May 1. on the Oklahoma circuit. For some days agents of Joe Bartels, who is financing the Oklahoma meetings, have been here •-dieiting horsemen to ship there and. according to reports, about one hundred horses will be shipped to Vinltu, the first of the racing points in the circuit. A seven days meeting will lie held there, to be followed with race meetings of seven days duration at Clareiuore. Muskogee, Pawhuska and Okmulgee. The racing will lie over half-mile tracks. O, D. Stevens has been engaged to do the starting at these tracks. A. N. Hayden will ship fourteen horses to campaign on the circuit including Keeluse and Gibraltar, which he purchased yesterday from flurry Fink at private terms.