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NOTED rOBJ? FIGURE TASSES AWAY. Elliott C. Gewdin Died Saturday at His Farm in Iount Flioco After Ar. Illness of Two Days. New fork. May 1. BUiotl Ohaaafatg Cnwdin. one of the beat-knowa nun connected with American tin f affair*, died Hatuntay :il Mapteharat, hia farm :ii Mocwl Kb ii. N. V. Hi- had been in good health until tun taya before his death, when !:;• had aa attach "I" heart li-.-:is... The fnneral will be held ;it Mount ki-i-.i Tneaday forenoon. Mi-, c.iwiiin. who waa forty Hve yean old, waa :: son ef the bite Elliott . Ciwiliu. of this eit.v. a well-knowa merchant, lie i :ves :1 brother, John K. ow.iin. His nephew, KUioti C. Cowdla II., vim now is in this country, haa won dtotinctioa as :ui aviator with the riench fareea .-it tin- front. As ,-i jMiim Mr. owiln look aa lateresi la the turf. in lstis he gave ui raefatg to aerve thraagh the Hpaniah amerlraa war, bwt retarned in the tavf the following year, when he brought to the northern traefca ami eon rata aeveral ho:- ea he had li.. i at a atock farm lie owned in Keatacky. in recent yeara Mr. Dawdia waa a familiar figure ai all tin- leading race tracka ami ionises. Hia home was .-,1 Maplebnrat, win re In- aceumalated a large lihrarj on racing ami breeding aubjecta. Ilis collection ..I .ninnies is s.ihl to he one of tin- most v.iliiabl Of the kiml in this eouiilrv.