Pimlico Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-02

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PIMLICO FORM CHART. PIMLICO, MD.. TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1917.— First day. Maryland Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 15 days. Weather cloudy. t. . r?t «ards, Thomas Clyde, Frank J. Bryan and Spalding Jenkins. Judges, II. P. Conkling and E. C. Sniitn. Starter. A. B. Dude. Racing Secretary, W. P. Riggs. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Fig-iiros 111 parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. 9ft7 1 FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. May C. 1900— 48%— 2— 110. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. *-f *AJ m ±. Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtSt U jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiiuiv. Odds Strt Sfff.SSfSSS.*0011 wlOS 3 1 -" ll F Rob son H P Whitney 11G5-10O 88010»M1DNIGHT SUN w 110 2 1 1. 2« R Troxier Sunset Stable 1«5 -100 QUIETUDE « 107 5 5- 4« P J P Ryan A H Morris t5G5-10O rl,:NIVi,N LAW x w K.7 4 2- 3* 4» J McTagtM L Schwartz 250-100 .•-. .0 .,,-«« STAR SPANGLED will ! 6= V- » C, If game Quincv Stable 1380-100 i;:DRRHR wain 1 p r a l McAtee G A Cocbwaa 32Si-ioo 88032 «/...a CHAR. LBYDECKKR wlM 7 7» 8] 7. T Par ton E McRri.le t MOHICAN wit HI S 8 8 P j Rutwell W P Burch 4100-Kio rWIN SIX w 112 ID lo in M. T McTagt R Parr 2405-100 ~ CONTENDER will I P MM .1 MetcaM E P Whitnev t TMutiei held. •!■;„„.. 25, 49%. Track good. " jp mutuels paid, Ronnie Rrocm. 5.31 straight. 1917.sh.40 pla.-e, .70 show: Miduight Sun. .50 place .80 show: Quietude, Held, .78 show. K.iuivalent booking ...Ids I: lie Broeaa, 1108 to 100 straight. 220 to Km place. 09 to 100 show Midnight Ban, 18 to UK place, 28 to 100 show: Quietude, t-c Id. 35 t.. loo shew. Wl inicv"" rl f- l"V WI,isL P"— II— Ronnie Star trained by A. Simons; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Went to post at 2:32. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but TWIN SIX. Won oasilv second and third driving. BONNIE BROOM, away forwardly. responded with a burst of speed when called ..11 and drew clear with a rush to win under restraint. MIDNIGHT SIN raced into an earlv lead and held on gamely when challenged. QUIETUDE gained steadily in the final quarter and the race should improve her. COMMON ],.V displayed speed for three-eighths and probably was short. ROEDERER was cut oR m the last eighth and wa- eased up. TWIN SIX was away badlv and showed speed Scratched 32873 Dirigo, 110; Odaleaaua, 107; Start Right, 110: George Starr. 110; Rubber II 110 Overweights- T. je Broom, 1 pound: star Spangled. 2: Mohican. 1: Twin Six. 2. fl7 9 WDCOND BACE 2 Milcs- M;-V s- 1!,1:! 3:40.. -S— 119. Pimlico Inaugural St-eple-f3mi3 m dmJ base. Rurse K. I-y.ar-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 8880; ■arand, 8880; third, 880, Index Horses AWtSt 4 8 12 13 Fin Jockeys Owners Ivpiiv. Odds Strt 80411 COLONETTA w 7 142 5 3= 2J V-" V 1-" K Hensoa I H Munford 2rtTioo 30141 RRYX ROSE wu 5 1::7 I 4 4" 2 2-" 2- - M Ural WI.au.br 40T.-KK T5s21«T5SKSTTJ: w4l:;l 7 I 5 :i :t 3 MrAIIFyJr P Humphrey Jr 7020-100 20000 KINTORE w I Hi I V- :;-• I.-u. L FrnnkUnT Hitchcock 70-100 30410 EUGENIA MeGEE w 8 141 1 XI 1 * PelL 11 BaaTel W Skinker IiO-loo MAITRE CORBE.VU w I 1 14 4 P* F.U. B Haynes J K Widencr IS-hM 808JM*8HARPSHOOTER w 6139 2 Lost rider. W KenUngR L Gerry I0VMI Time. 4:09%. Track good. inutuels paid. Colonetta, 8.40 straight. *li.30 plac-c-, 7. .: ,!!ov; Rryn Base, 0.50 place 0.30 •■■L"" show: Tredette, 4.80 show. • ,. -l1" ,:"V-il-,,,":K * l"""tta. 2720 to 108 straight. 715 to 100 place, 295 to 100 show; Rrvn Rose. 878 to 100 place. 413 to 100 show ; Tredette. 015 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. 111. by Ormi.ant— Loot trained by II. SalTel; bred by Mrs. Thomas J Carson - tin.-:,-!-,: y- V 1"t L lni""t,,s- Sl"t I t and slow. Won pulled up: seeoncl and third driving. 1 Ol.O.M-. I IA fenced well, ran a steady r-ic-e and won eased up. BRYN ROSE lacked speed ind swerved when going to several of the femes. TREDETTE v.as badly outrun. KINTORE feil at the ninth jiunp and Kl C1.NIA McGEE tumbled ever him. MA1TRE CORBBAU fell at the fifth fence and S: i A li !S! OOI KK hist his rider at the third. Scratched 80411 Shnnnos giver. 140: 32i.23-li rtant Shore. MOjttOBj Psker. 139. 3 k ft 7 O THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. fHsw. 4, 1010-1:11%— 0—188. Purse 00. S-year-slda. *md J i fj Selling. Net value to winner 18830; second. 00; third. 880. Index Horses AWtStU K "i Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 32880 BLUE POX wM I 3l l!i l3 1** T Par ton Mirasol Stable .175-100 320*4 5» MEDDLING MISS a r. 104 S 6 4J 2- 2K P MerimeeO E Pons 410-100 S2024*KATHRYN GRAY a ■ 103 1 9 pa 4» P A Johnson H G .dwell M8-M0 •32617 OWAGA muPi:: :; ps p p f. A Collins J H McDonald 1010-MI 32834 SPEXTTRE wM0|13 MP] P| 7 » B Haynea J Bper SSOMM 32017»FLECHA NEGRA w 103 4 B P :,- P H Rowan IJSWIsbsrd t 32808 LUCK w 188 M :ii 7 fi 71 W CoUlns B J Crcighton h288S=QUEEN OP THE SEA wloOU 12 13 P 8 E AmbroseW Stockton 545-100 80288 INTRIGUER w 313 2 7 P P P .1 Metcalf E P Whitney 1881-101 80B87*GLORINE w Vi I U« Mj IP 10* J P Ryan Nassau Stable :;M.-ioo „-,,„, !,i;;,-*" ,l.,r wl0:i 7 8 II 12 11 L McAfee V A Clark 27405-100 8M01 HOPSCOTCH w IM ,; 4 si, Ui _ ., McTag-t P B Lemaire 15-100 .Mnt-iei field. Time. 23*i. 08%. IM. Track good. mntnela paid, Blue Pox, .50 straight. 84.70 place, .20 show-; Meddling Miss. .10 place, S3 30 show: Kathrya Gray, .08 show. Equivalent booking odds- Bine Fox. 375 to 100 straight. 135 to 100 plate. 110 to 100 show; Meddling ..Rss. in., to loo place, OS to 108 show: Kathrya Gray, 100 to 100 show. Winner- B. f. by Waterboy— Russian Sabfa trained by J. astasias; bred bv Mr. Jani.-s B. Htggin "","- ,•. ."..~; .:,t ;J:1,--, At v,sl l """t1- sart good and slow. Won driving; seeoncl and third the same-. J .1-1 I. MIX worked her way up on the outside and drew into a long lead after rounding the far turn, but tired badly mar tl nd. MEDDLING MISS tinishe.l fast and would have beaten the winner in a few more strides. KATHRYN CRAY showed early speed, but tired badly in the Btretch OWAGA set the early pace, but .pi.t in the last Quarter. SPECTRE and QUEEN OF THE BEA were off badlv and made up ground. Scratched 32530-Arbitrator. 108; 2203 Three Cheers. 10«. Overweight; -Spectre, TL. pounds; Qucea .t the Sea. 32: Glorine, 4. 9fl7d- FoiRTll RACE— 1-3 Kile. May i. 1800— 48%— 2—110. Druid Hill Park Pane. tJ JmdKJ § ri: rurse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. PR Index Horses AWtSt t ■ ■■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Strt . coral wH2 :; 2: n para ? McTng*tR Parr SnMM and282S VIRGINIA YELL w 112 1 U P] :; 2 ■ AnabrosaJ P Jones 125-101 SCABBARD W 112 4 3J P| 2:i P .1 McTagt R T Wilson tS IM WOODTHRUSH w 112 5 I i 5 Ah J BuBman R T Wilson t BALLAST w 112 2 4" 4 4 I L McAtee G A Cochrsn 1190-100 • oupled in betting as B. T. Wilson entry. Time. 2413. 51t5. Track good. mutuels paid, Coral, .30 straiglit, . 10 place, .20 show; Virginia V* ll. 82.08 plac-e. S2.10 show; R. r. Wilson entry, .18 -how. Equivalent I king odds Coral, 208 t- 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Virginia Yell, 30 t 100 place, 5 to loo show: R. T. VrBsoa entry, 5 to 108 show. W inn r !:. e, by Star Shoot Mimosa trained by W. Garth; bred bv Mr. John E. Madden. e.it t., post at i:!7. At post 1 minute. *t..rt g.o.l and slow. Won driving: second and third the same-. CORAL was speedy, hung on resotatery la the lii.nl drive and just lasted long enough to win VIRGINIA lBLL saved grousd n the Btretch turn and. finishing fast next to the inside rail, would have won ui another stride. SCABBARD raced well and was aa the outside of the teadem all the way. lt.L-LAST d» It wIm n tie- barrier was spraag. Scratche I SSgajMaUnee Id I. 112: G ame Cock, 112: Jack of Spaclcs. 112. 9i7a FI. HI RACE— 1 Mile. .,-. 2S, R.lVTrTTT2~ R-rinert Hniidi.ap. Pasaa *J JmiJ • fJ 8L200. l-yeai alda and upward. Net value to winner 1917.sh80; second, 50, third, 8180. Index Horses AWtSt % M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Entiiv. Odds Strt 82502 *FENMOUSE wandHI I H 0* 8* P l1 K DnihrnanO A Muflu 415-ino :-i-:» 13 WOODSTONE WB41M I 2i S l»k l»t 2 .1 McTagt M Shea 1210-100 88040 ROBERT BRADLEY w 7 lot; -1 Ill] 2 ::-• :;- A Collins W R Mix. II ZU0-M0 32598 RUNES wn S 111 1 B"k 6* P 5- 4i T Par-ton Mira.sol Stable MO-MO S0494 BAY/BERRY CANDLE -.v C13s 2 $« P| 4 | 41 :.- .1 BntweU J W May 118-10 31803 ALL S.MILLS w51!2 7 7 7 5 6- 0 F Merim.-eK T Zollicoffor K48-101 29007 ASK MA m IH8 i ;3 0- 7 7 7 W Collins J K L Ross HOW 101 Time, 25, 51. 1:17, 1:43%. Track good. mutuels paid. Fenmouse, .sio..it straiglit. 220 place, .S3.10 show: Woodstone, .G0 place, SI. 00 show: Robert Bradley, 1917.sh.88 ■how. K.iuival. i:t booking odds- Fenmouse. 415 to 101 straiglit. 110 to 100 place. 88 to 100 BBSW; Wood: tone. 230 ; 1 100 place, ISO t. loo show; Robert Bradley, 340 to 108 show. Winner — B. m, by Bock Band -flittermease trained by M. Raly; bred by Mr. August Bchnsat. Ac-nt to posl at -i:49. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. FENMOUSE was saved behind the leaders until is tiie final quarter, then responded qaiekly when ratted an and was goiag away at the end. WOODSTONE forced the pace for the Brst half aad took the had, bat tired after disposing of ROBERT BRADLEY. The latter showed the most early speed and ran a good race. R| NFS finished with a rush. BAYBSRRY CANDLE ran well to the stretch and tin d under her weight. Scratched -32502 -Wooden Shoes. 112: 32511 Christie. 108. Ofc fJr7ari sixth rack -3-* Mile. Nov. l. U10— 1:11%— O— 138. Parse 08. S-year-okfei OiSU I VJ and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second. S100; third, 0. Index Horses AWtSt ::: % Str Phi Jockeys Owners Emiiv. Odds Strt S880SNIGHT8TICK w7 118 I 2»» 2J li 1 .1 Rutwell Kentucky Stable Sfit-MO SO770xCRIMPBR wi: 4115 7 0*8*4 2" T MeTagt R Iarr Q0-M8 30201s JOCK SCOT urn ::no 4 l inu :«■=. 31 l McAtee G A Cochran SM0-M0 :;;iC,4.l TEA CADDY w 4 115 1 7L P r,3 4 E AmbroseM Shea 7:;5 100 30495 RACK RAY w rl IIS E P 2- 2 PW Collins P Sheridan 10400-100 30325 RHINE MAIDEN W •", IIS 2 5" 0* P P J Metcalf K F Whitney tU88-lM 32621 -STARFiNCH Wa3M8 I P 8J 7"k 71 A Collins Sunset Stable 1770-100 20880 2MANHASSET w 4 115 15 ]:;-li in- s- F Robson H P Whitney I PRIAM ur3M6 S 4 41- 8] J- J McTng*tR T Wilson 27.".15-100 S0500LUCIUS w :: M0U3 tPl 9i P 10s K Haynes A Johnson 0MB 100 324 10 3 LONE STAR W s lis 12 la 10. n ll8 J Petz L A Stevens f 31552 .MAD. HERRMANN wn 4110 11 P IP 12l 1PJ F MerinseeJ W McClelland t 88011 FIRING LINE wu :. lin 10 M 14- 1;.- 13- J McGraw J J Farrrli Jr t 82858 MERCHANT wa31M 14 14- IP M» IP H Wakoff li L BroshsT 11100-KH 20163 CANDY LAND W 3105 I llnicl5 15 15 M Rowan i W Loft t tMatael field. Time, 23»/5. 48%, 108%. Track good. S2 mutuels paid. Nightstick, S7.10 straiglit, .30 plac-e, S3.40 show; Crimper, S3.50 place. .50 show: Jock Seat, 1.08 show. Ldiiiv.-.lent booking odds — Nightstick. 255 to 100 straigit. 65 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Crimper, 75 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show: .lock Scot. 4*0 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g, by BraSBHtKk — Handspun trained by W. F. Martin: bred bv Mr. Ilarrv Payne Whitney. Went to ;»ost at 5:21. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. NIGHTSTICK raced in closest pursuit to the stretch, then took the lead, but had to be hard ridden to outstay CRIMPER and pulled up sore. CRIMPER finished with a fush and gaining fast after meeting with much interferenc-e :n the first half mile. JOCK SCOT set a fast pace to the stretch and tired, but finished gamely. TEA CADDY finished fast and close up. BACK BAY raced well to the last eighth. PRIAM showed speed. Scratched--30321 Ilanobala, 110; 32463sWarsav, 105. Overweights— Lucius. 4-.. pounds. Q k£ H H SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. Oct. 2S, 1910—1:39—3—112. Purse 00. 3-year-oids U*iU I I "nd upward. Selling. Net value to winn"r 50; second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtSt M % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 82083* •MAXOPS CHOICE wa* 81M 7 4 4 21 ll lJ F MerimceH G Bedwell 300-100 38000 BROOMSKDGK vill: 3 31 3! li 2i 81 T McTagt R Parr 95-100 32642 *THESIERES wn 7 114 2 lJ 2 4l 3s 3* A JohnsonN L Snelson 330-100 33596 LIFE wb 4 111 4 T- 7s 53 54 4- A Collins V Arreda 1780-100 32880*LANTANA w 3 85 6 2i l"t P 4- 5 B KopmnH J Kennedy 2670-100 S2088*LADY INNOCENCE wb 6 109 S 6 6 7° 6» G2 J Petz D A Stevens 16290-100 32586 CHILTON KING w 7 119 1 5l 5" 6- 75 75 W Ward B Johnson f 22633 STANLEYS. wb 9 119 5 8 8 8 8 8 E Haynes S Lonefield t tMutuel field. Time. 25. 60%, 1:17%, 1:46%. Track good. mutuels paid. Maxims Choice, .OO straight, .00 place, .30 show; Broomsedge, .30 place, .20 show: Thesieres. .30 show. Equivalent booking odds — Maxims Choice. 300 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 place, 15 to 100 Bhow; Broomaedge, 28 to 300 place, 10 to 100 show: Thesieres. 15 to 100 show. Winner— R. g. by Gainaa Maxim— Leonulla trained by II. G. Bedwell: bred by Mr. C. H. Bobbins. Aent to post at 5:54. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MAXIMS HOICK moved up rapidly while rounding the far turn and drew away under pressure in the last eighth. BltOOMSEDGE ran well, but tired after going to the front on the torn out of the hackstretch. THESIERES ran well, but was shuttled back on the stretch turn and could not recover. LIFE ran fairly well. LANTANA quit. The winner, entered for 00, was bid up to 05 and bought in. Scratched— 32042-Jerry, 111; 32472 Tootsie, 88; 32572Edith Baumann, 106; 32612 Hiker, 109; 32642 Buzz Around, 100; 28814=Fairweather, 116.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917050201/drf1917050201_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1917050201_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800