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LEXINGTON FORM CHART. LEXINGTON. KY., TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1917.— Third day. Kentucky Association. Spring Meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. T. J. lay. Associate Judges. B. I. Wilson and W. II. Shelley. Starter, Ilarrv Mornssey. Racing Secretary. W. II. Slielley. Racing starts at 2:15 11. in. Chicago time 2:15 p. in.. W indicates whip. S spurs, 15 blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. tfCA I-UST HACK- 3-4 Mile. May i. 1911 -1:12— 0— 115. SOOO Added. 3-year-olds. W.8 «£l J U Tt Maidens. Allowances. Net raise t. winner :C,7 : second. .00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtSt U =_• ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners E.jiiiv. Odds Strt 270S8*IRREGULAR will 2 ;• :: 5 1* W W TlorM Younrc ~ UHH 20135 COUNTY COURT vM I 1- 1- M !• R Goose W 11 JVarce MO-HI avis w P7 :: # 4i :: :r W MeehanH 11 Hewitt tll25-lW 88444 *CHIEFTAIN wo 113 7 8*1 : • Il V V K. -. th E Her* 7380-1 no BRIBES VOTER Willi 8 8] fi1 H .".■ C Kirsi-hmE R Bradley 6*18-100 PARR w M U Ui t« 7- fi j i.yk.s Riverside Stable 9925-100 20118 LADY MICHIGAN wM 1 lj - II 7- J D*mlnickVan ATsdale A Elliott t :-S007-» ALICE WEISENBACH wild I 5k a* gi Bl J Hanover S Weisenbach t 8S010 JANUARY w Ml 11 M» W 9- •» K LanailleWlIliains Bros IM-MI 30106 SHADOW LAWN wbWM 12 ll in1 W- w Lilley ., h Woodford 572and-1M 8TB8TY w UI U 7"- 7 Ml 11- R Hnr»v C ;•: Rowe ll*-Wfl 30166 WHITE STOCKINGS w 1« I 13 l- i:i 11 W Doyle Graves 8 Anderson t GEORGE DOYLE wild 4 Rj Palled up. Howard. I M Nichols 13S*-M8 •Mats* Ml Time. C3S. 48. 1:1515. Track good. mutuels paid. Irregular, 1917.sh4.00 straight, 1.90 place. .70 •how: County Court. -20 aiaee. 38 70 show: Avis. fieW, .90 show. Eqslvaleat booking odds- Irregular. 3130 to 1H straight. IK t 1K place, is.", to 100 BhSW; Cotiutv ourt. no to loo place, sr, to loo shew; Avis. ti.i.i. 88 to loo show. Winner- I.r. c, by Hastings — Armilda trained ly T. 1. Hayes; bred bv Mr. C. C. Patrick. Went t.. p.. t si 2:18. At post 3 Minutes. Start Bond and stow. Won driving: second and third the same. IRRBG1 I. Alt. away a ■•!!. rained steadily and. linishing with a rush, overhauled COUNTY COURT in tin- last few -Hides. COUNTY COURT showed high speed in pace-making, but tired slighilv near the end. .WIS ran well ami a hard drive gamely at the end. CHIEFTAIN began slowly and made up ground. BTBBTY ran poorly. GEORGE DOYLE broke a leg after coins three -eighths. Overweights--Chieftain. i poands; Bribed Voter, 2..; Alio- Wrlsrnbaih. 3: George Doyle. 1. 3tyff SECOND RAd: 4 1-2 Furlong-s. May 11. 1M1 -81% 2 115. 1917.sh00 Added. andJtJ 2 year olds. MaMeaS. Colts and ieldings. Siic.-ial Weights. Net value to win ner 8880; second. SUM: third. 880. Index Hois, s AWt8t % j % Str Kin Jockeys Owners F.iuiv. Odds Strt StS IS* BIG ENOUGH w HI 7 Ill3 1« W Lillev W H Fitter TToTi KLlNi; v. n_» o i" Pr K LspailleWiUiams Bros 390-101 88844 .IAS. T. CLARK w VH 4 :: :;. :v D ConnellyJ W Schorr 170-101 32014 POOR JOE VlMI X 4 V 41 M Garner Wickllffe Stable 610-101 ATTORNEY MUTR will 1 ..- :-l » ■ Martin Poland Stable 3600-100 REGAL LODGE wi-112 " 61 m p K Qraves j Livingston £425-100 PRANK KEOGH win i 8 1 ~i F Keogh B Hen 9035-100 BUBBLING LOUDER wnllS !i ! !i sh p Lowdcr S B Bradley 1520-100 TEX PORMAN v 112 -i 7. s1 : R loose W il Baker 3120-1C0 Time. 24, 48a., 55. Track grood. S3 mntnela paid. Rig Enough, 0.40 straight, .00 .s2.oo Bhow: Kling, s."..2i place M show- las. T. Clark. .30 show. Equiraleni bookins sdda Big ITniagb, 420 to 100 straight. ISO to loo place, 30 to loo show Klin-ion t,, loo place, 1". to 100 show; Jan. T. Clark. IS to loo show. Winner — B. c, by Transvaal— -Grace I ix n trained by W. II. Fizor: bred bv Mr. B. K. Kichste W.-nt to post aj 2:53. At pest 1 miniile. St:,u K"..d and sh-w. Won easily; second and third driving. Hit; ENOUGH moved into the tend booh after th - start and. setting a fast pace, ilimj the way tor the entire race and won in a canter. KLING moved up into second place after going the Brst quarter and tun-bed gamely. JA8. T. LARK had to be strongly nddvn through the last eighth to outstay ROOK JOE. The latter Bnished .:sl. The others were eased up when beaten. ov. rweJghta I rank Keogh, 1 pound. X CC THIRD RACK 3-4 Mile. I May 0. Itll 1 .12 C. IIS. Winchester Handicap. Rurse O •• " v-F " J 00. 3 year sMa and upward. Net value to winner 30; second. 00; third, 1917.sh0. Index Horses AWtSt1, _ % Str Phi Jockeys Owners lapiiv. »dds Strt K204J BUND BAGGAGE wit lias 4 l1. P 1- 1« P Lowder E R Bradley WW BOSM MARS CASSIDY wSKM 2 :;- :;- 2" 8* L Larkea I: M Anderaon 120-100 :;o-l42 BAOLE wandMt E ."• 4- 4- 3* W Crump E Hera 1280-101 :;2 43 PRINCE OF COMO wnlins :; 2| p :; 4H R Goose .1 Livingston 360-100 :"i37 BOB HENSLE1 WS 1107 1 4 S 5 E R WtagTldB RerKins TlZ-m Time. 22. 463;.. 1:12 cimals track record. Track fast. mutuels paid. Blind Baggage, .40 straight. .70 place. . show; Mars Cassidv, , 3.10 place .00 show: Eagle, ,M show. K.iuivalent I king odd- Blind Baggage, 70 to 100 straight. 35 to 1H place. 15 to 1H show; Mars Caaahly, 70 to loo place, so to loo show; Katie. M to loo show. Winner— B. c by Bata— Love-not trained by c. Hammon; bred by ir. K. R. Bradtey. Went t i est .. . 3:22. At post 2 minute. . Start goad and glow. Won aily: Bfriind and third driving. BLIND BAGGAGE moved into the tend at once and, setting a great pace, won in a. canter. MA US CASSIDY, av.av forwardly, ran well and. standing hard urging in the stretch, In Id on gamelv. EAGLE moved no resomteI.v ba the Btretch and tinished fast. PRINCE OF COMO quit badly after running a fast half mile. BOB IIEN8LEY ahwaya outrun. On .weights -Prince of Cease, 1 pound. 3*f7 FOURTH RACK -1 1-16 Miles. May 1, 1916 1:44% 5 M0. Pint Running Ben *"*"JvJ I Ali Handicap, si.r.oo Added. S-year-oUa and upward. Net value to winner ; irrand, 70 Jhlrd, 88. Index Horses AWtSt1:, 2 % Str Fin .lockr ys Owners Ripiiv. Odds Strt StSM -Ci!.r NEL VENNIE w4U! fi V 5» 4- U P W Crump J Livingston MOM i32«4fi EMBROIDERY WU51M 3 n- •:■- :,■■ :;■ :- M Garner A B Hancock 405-109 -ftil; .KIO.N RJSRY wr.lKI 1 3 .. ::•"• . Hanover M C Moon; lOOO-ino ■V*7S*LADYROTIIA wSltt 2 l 2 5 2« B1 4* R Goose W H Baker 1370-100 :72fii7 CUDGEL v.e. :: !07 E 4" l» 1] I" E* D ConneUyJ W Schorr :h.- -1ik M1M TOP O Till-; WAVE w 3 1011 4 * -M V **• «•• i, Lykes Bevcrwyck Stable 890-100 S2O00 DADDYS CHOICE wa INI 7 7 7 7 7 7 P Lowder E Hers 13525-100 Time. 24, 07%, 1:1*, 1:10%, 1:4G. Tr:ic:; last. S2 mutuebi paid, Colonel Venaie, .00 straight, . 3.h» place, .40 show; Esshmidfrj .-53 70 slacc :80 show: Marion Gooshy. :-.:.:. show. Bqnlvalenl booking odd« Colonel Vennie, 100 to 100 straight SO ti. 100 place, 20 to lot show- Embroidery, 85 to loo place, 10 to loo show: Marios Gooshy, 65 to 100 show. Winner I!. ,-. by Picten Shy Minsk trained by M. Goldblatt; bred in Fngland bv Mr. R Whi:-worth . Went to post at 1:57. At past 1 minute. Start road and slow. Woa driving: second and third the .same. * COLON EL VENNIE began slowly, bul moved up tost and Ktesdiiy until reachiag the middle of the steel, h. where Im raced bito the lead, but had to be ridden hard near the end to outstay KMKKOID- BRY. The bitter rl I a bbj gap and Isished tast t of all. MARION GGOSBY ran a good race and held on gamely to the end. LADY BOTHA sel a la-; earl] pace and tired sear the end CI DGEL raced int.. tin- tend on Ihe hackstretch, but null in the Btretch. TOR O* Till. WW B bad so mishaps Scratched- 32046 II. in y Kelly, 106; 31848 Pif Jr., lit. Overweights- Marion Gooshy, 2 pounds; Cudgel, I: Top a the W.!e. .-_.. SQAriS 1 H lii RA i: 1 Mile. M. y 11. Rill 1:37-. 5 100. Parse 1917.sh00. 1 year ..Ids and O JlJUO upward. Allowances. Net value to u inner $ ISO; sr fond. 00; third, 0. Index Hor.s AWtSt1, K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners F |iiiv. O.hls Strt S2S08SOLID ROCK w4M 4 4- 4" 2 l1 1- W rum?. J Livingston i-pii 3tX14SOSIUS wCMI :; I" P ::• :;s V R Goose J Livingston t 200403REDLAND wa E ll:; 2 V Is VI 28 P* A Pickens A uuneda Stable US-MI 2S4M CANTARA ws 41W E i V 4 !»• P« D ConaellyH H Hewitt 4096-100 S7S10 PEACH BLOSSOM w 4 101] 6 El t; S E 6 L Lykes "ll B Reether 8620-ino «wOMSUN MADD w 4 no 1 P |h :.■ :,- I ,i Garn r .1 O Whitlow 1465-108 Tioiipled m betting a* J. Livingston entry. Time. 24;,, 48-K, 1:14%, 1:4143. Tracl- fast. mutiiei- paid. Solid Rock, ¥3.00 straight. .10 place. .10 show; Basins, .10 place. .10 show Redland. Si:. 30 show. Bqnhmlent booking adda Betid Rock, 08 to MO straight. 58 to 100 place. 5 to 100 show. S.-sius, 55 to R«l place. 5 to 100 show : ReOhwd. 15 to 100 show. Winner- R. g. by Trap Rock— Amaranth trained by M. Goldblatt; bred bv Mr. R. J Mllett Went to post nt 4:31. At i ost 1 minute, start g 1 ami she-.. Woa easily; second and third driving. SOLID ROCK moved up fast after going a half mile and drew out .a-ilv in the stretch BOBIUS was prominent from the start and. under bard riding, dhmaatl of REDLAND in the final sixteenth ItEDLAND showed high sped u pacemakteg, but tired after rounding into the stretch. CANTARA ran fairly w dl. Bl N MAID qui; i.adly after racing will Car three -quarters. Scratched -321S0 Basin, 115. Overwadghts Peach Blaaaaaa, 1, pounds. Ort£*_CJQ sixth rack -4 1-2 Furlongs. May 11, Mil— S3%— 2— 118. Added. 3-year-O £ljKJ*J «dds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weight-. Net value to winner 00; 1 1 1 II al 8; third. 8. Index Horses AWtSt, .. % Str Fin Jo key Owners Etjuiv. Odds Strt EASTERN PRINCESS w 112 2 in 2* 1» J Hnwsrd G W J Itissell MK-101 LADY LONGFELLOW will 8 21 1 P A Pickens Beverwyck Stable t24O-100 32648 irma schorr wlU l P V V D Connelly j W Schorr 2630-101 : ;J525 EAGER KATE w :i2 t; s »;•• 4l w Cnamp Beverwyck Stable t NM»NTI1K wnlJ3 7 4i 41 ,•• M Garner WteklUte Stable E86-MI PRANCES CRAWFORDwDJ 3 ::- :;t. J R Graves .1 Livtagston ORS-Ml SWIFT SI I H w 112 5 El 7 11 J DTninick. Johnson . : Ayers 10396-100 BLIND BEAUTY wn 112 10 7 v IP P Lowder E R Bradley nSO-lOO MISTRESS POLLY wH3|l :• p : -■• w AndrranOalluhrr Thros 10716-10e MORION w 112 4 M 10 11 Adair and Raker RS-KJO tCssmled in letting a.s Beverwyck Stable entry. Time. 24%, 4S2i, 56. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid, Eastera Priaseaa, .S3!. straight, .S13.30 place. .30 show; Reverwyck Stable entry, .30 place. £3.40 show : lima Schorr. .83 show. Kiiuivuleiit booking adds Baa tors Prteeess, MM to 100 straight. 505 to 100 place, 265 to 100 show: Reverwyck Stable entry. ■ to 100 place, 70 to loo show: lima Schorr. 335 to KM show. Winner— Ch. f. by Rapid Water— Mabel Richardson trained bv J. Cuss; bred bv Mr. Frank Clarkson Went to at 5:03. At l»ost 3 lnir.iites. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. EASTERN PRINCESS was away forwardly. set a fast pace, saved much ground on all tuens and outgamed LAI RON;FKI.LOW . The latter showed a high order of speed, but lost ground on the turns by racing wide and tired slightly near the end. IRMA SCHORR came w jth a rush after getting straightened out la the ■tretch. FAOKR KATK closed a good gap. MORION was well up when she was cut down. BLIND BEA1 1 ran green. NOONTIDE also was green, but showed speed. Overweights — Mistress Redly. 1U pounds. 9*70 SKVKXTH RACK— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 23. 1911— 1: 42 :.— 3— 08. Purse O £l J I 9 1917.sh80. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Selling. Net value to win ner S450: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtSt -j % % Str Fin Joek.-ys Owners Ecjuiv. Odds Strt 28179 RILROWS wnOMl f. I1 U ll P Iti H Shilling T M Murphy 3:S5-l tn 82375 GUIDE ROST wit 7 IIS 1 55 7i 2- li 2 W Kelsay L H Dickinson 3155-100 32439 BLACK PROST will 6 • ] iU «k 4« 3 R Goose W A JkKiniicy 220-100 29639 JOCULAR w3 M 2 2 2i 3i ::i 41* R WingfldWilliams Bros 720-KiO 323993RL.CE CAP wit 4 112 3 41 6l 5i 5 5= E Martin R McCoy 2560-100 2339*MISS FANNIE wb 5 113 7 S» il tii H P| G ScherrerE H Kane 4 so ] 00 *»J;0171 BROWN VELVET w 4 111 8 61 3 7 7i 7i P Lowder 8 K Nichols 3395-100 :-:2420 MARJORIE D. w 5 110 10 !« 81 84 8 s* C Hunt N F Dortch 13550-100 32308*MATIN WO 3 100 4 10 10 lo 10 9 W Crump J Livingston 920-100 iSlllSHASTENA w 6 110 9 I» 9» 91 91 10 A Pickens R H McKenzie 12920-100 Time. 23%, 48. 1:14, 1:40%, 1:45%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Billows. .70 straight, .40 place, .00 show; Guide Post. 1.80 place, 1.50 show: Black Frost. .10 show. Kiitiivaleut booking odds— Billows, 335 to 100 straight. 220 to 100 place. SO to 100 show; Guide Tost. 990 to 100 place. 475 to Kit show: Black Fro.-t. 55 to 100 show. Winner— R. m. by Ctmard -1rincess Titania trained by J. Iinensetter: bred by Mr. E. R. Bradley. Went to lKist at 5:37. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BILLOWS, showing the most si»eecl, mov-d into the lead soon after the start and. after being headed, came again and outstayed OIIDE POST in the last seventy yards. GI1DE POST raced into the lead in the stretch and appeared the winner, but tired near the end. BLACK FROST had no mishaps. JOCULAR showed si»eed, but tired in the stretch. BLUE CAP ran well. MISS PANNIE quit in the stretch after allowing speed.