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TO AMEND THE WILCOX BILL. Fifty-Mile Radius to Be Reduced to Thirty-Tivc in Order Not to Effect Hamilton. Ottawa, Out.. May 1. Tie- return of tin- mia falter of justice is awaited as a preliminary to the appointment -f the special committee which is to deal with the Wilcox bill, limiting racing to fourteen days in a ye-ar and to one track iu each place, the- latter to serve- a radius of fifty miles. The fact thai tie- second rending is passed means that the principle of the bill is accepted, but it is anhjeei to amc-miment in committee ami from present proapecta will I*- aim-nded. The- fifty-mile radian i« be aerved by each track will be rednccd to thirty-five, so thai Hamilton will md in- ahni out, beennae it is lean than fifty miles from Toronto. Tien- is likely to 1-- an amemtaaent whereby the number of tracks to a certain extent will be influenced by the population of the- place of their location. Montreal doubt-lens will have two at least. It is understood thai Mr. Wih-ov. piwmoter of the bill, is agreeable to sajch amendments, but insistent that Windsor shall have hot cue track with two meets of seven days each, Instead of .•"Incest continuous racing during tie- summer season. The-general purpc e of th-- bill is to give effect to the amended Miller bill. This limited tie- racing peri c-ds, but not tie- number of tracks, thus giving rise-to many new racing propositions and a continuous inaviaf from one track to another in the same city or territory, in order to circumvent the law. If tin- Wilcox racing bill is amend d whereby the number of tracks to a certain extent will be influenced by th ■ population of the- place- of Ca-ir location, Toronto would undoubtedly be permitted to operate two. htentreel, s.» the report states, will have two, so it is practically certain that the name conditions which govern Mem trial will be in force-in Toronto. As it is now, Toronto has one mile track —Woodbiii". and two h.df-milers — rUOereat and Diitforin. Nothing has been heard concerning the new Thorncliff- truck lately.