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ONTARIO JOCKEY CLUB TO PAY TAX. Other Canadian Racing Association Clubs in Ontario Will Likely Follow. Willi the increased war tax of twenty-five cents per person over that of ten cents of last year, the public patrons of the Ontario Jockey Clubs meetings at Woodbine, Toronto, are the winners, the club ofTieials having announced that they will pay tin-war tax this year. Last season the public stood the war tax of ten cents, paying 81.88 for each ticket, but with the club defraying the twnl v-live cent tax this year, the price of admission is reduced to 81.53 for each person. The other Canadian Rncjng Associations clubs in Ontario v il! likely follow the lead of the Ontario Jockey Club. thai the same rate ,,f admission will apply at Fort Brie, Hamilton. Kenttworth and the Windsor tracks, with the clubs paying the tax. James It. Parke. Jr.. eamllllU editor of the Buffalo Brening News, baa the following to say regarding the racing situation in Canada: "The sport of rating in Canada is certainly going to do its bit toward raising war revenues this aeaaon. Last year tli-re was a tax of tea at; an admission ticket at tin- Canadian Racing Aa da-lions tracks. This year the ticket tax will he twenty-five cents aa admteston, and it re:.:.: ins to be seen whether the price of admission al the tort Brfe course will he raised to 81.75 or not, in which case the public would pay the freight. There are also other tentative measures in prospect, and one of them is that the government takes all profit; in excess of ten of fifteen per cent. It was stall d on good authority by a inn interested in the snort, that he thought several of the big tracks would be perfectly willing to turn them over entirely to the government for a season or so. bat tint such a suggestion did not meet with governmental favor, as it woald entail the employment of too many governmenl workers. "It seems unit, likely that several of the half-mile tracks will find pretty hard sledding. While some tracks or this character, where the admlssioa charge is seventy-five cents or less, pay only two cents an admission, and assume thai charge themselves— this in-h.di-.g the Dafferih Park and Hill-crest tracks near Tomato— the action of the Canadian rmamltUi of th.- Thoroughbred Horsemens Association in a recent meeting at Montreal in insisting upon no parses of :•■-, than 3408 and on the pari-mutne! machines, may put some of the little fellows out of bantaess. "It is likely that the proposal proviso that no two-mile tracks can operate within fifty miles of each other will be reduced to thirty-five miles, so that there will he no hrtcrfeicaec with the Hamilton or Port Brie meetings on this account."