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EMPIRE CITY FLOURISHING. GREAT CROWD VIEWS YESTERDAYS RACING DESPITE TORRID TEMPERATURE. Wcsty Hogan Takes the Knickerbocker Handicap in a Great Display of Speed with Ticket Second Intone Wins Again. New York, July 25. The west marked its first stake victory of the meeting, when John O. Whitlows speedy eolt Wcsty Hogan galloped home an easy winner of the Knickerbocker Handicap, the mile and a sixteenth sweepstakes, - which featured the afternoons racing on the hilltop course. The westerner set a tremendous pace and at the end was casing up, while hack of him came Ticket, runner-up in this years Kentucky Derby, driving hard to take second place from Wistful. There was little to the running but Wcsty Hogan. The Whitlow colt shot to the front at the barriers rise and quickly racing into a decisive lead, kept it without bcinc closely approached. Ticket began with his wonted sluggishness, was pocketed throughout the early running and knocked back to last place just after passing the half mile post. At the head of the stretch Sehuttingcr took the. Miller colt to the outside and, closing .up rapidly, got up in time to take second place. Wistful, after chasing the pacemaker closely, had little trouble in saving third place. Todays was the seventh running of the Knickerbocker Handicap, the brief history of which is as follows: Year. Winner. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. 19ns Dick Roller 112 J. Lee ,025 1:10 1903 Arondack 107 J. MeCahey. 9S0 1:11 1910 Schoolmarm 101 It. Scoville. 1,150 1:12 1914 Surprising 115 M. Buxton. 2,300 1:55 1915 Saratoga 103 C. Turner.. 1,925 1:15 1910 Spur 123 J. Loftus... 1,750 1:15 1917 Westy Hogan.. . .120 D. Connelly 2,325 1:45 For two year-ohls in 190S at about 3-4 mile. Distance 3-1 mile in 1909 and 1910. Not run in 1911, 1912 and 1913. Run at Belmont Park in 1915. Distance 1 1-8 miles in 1914. News About New Orleans Racing-. Harry Shaw, who acted in an official capacity at the first "meeting of the Business Mens Association in New Orleans received word from that city today that work was progressing rapidly on the new race truck in Jefferson parish and it is planned to open the inaugural meeting in the latter part of November. Twenty-four days of racing will be held over the new mile track, preceding the Fair Grounds meeting. The Quincy Stable claimed John Sanfords Parti-zan out of the second race for ,991. Despite the great heat, the best mid-week crowd of the meeting was on hand to witness the afternoons sport. Intone, winner of the fourth race, was bid up to ,500 by William Shields and sold at Unit figure. This was an advance of 800 over his entered price. It is reported that James Butler has entered an application for fall racing dates at this track. Yesterdays racing, which was conducted for the benefit of the Red Cross, netted ,411 for that charity. Chris F. Grady has purchased the two-year-old filly Wood Violet from August Belmont at private terms.