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JUDGE MURPHY AND CANADIAN RACING. Toronto, Out., July 28. Joseph A. Murphy, who has been here acting as presiding steward at Tliorn-cliffe, today made public the reason for the severance of his relations witli the Canadian Racing Associations last winter. It seems that November 23, 1910. he received from W. P. Fraser, secretary of the Canadian Racing Associations, the following letter: "Your letter of September 30, regarding your services as steward for the season of 1917 has been submitted to the committee of the Canadian Racing Associations, who have instructed me to say that the agitation in Canada regarding the employment of those who are not Canadians is sucli that the committee feel that they are not in a position to accept your services for 1917." "My friends have been insistent for some time that I make the letter public." said Mr. Murphy, "but I thought racing was in trouble enough in Canada without starting an international controversy among the horsemen."