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NOTES OF THE HORSES AT LOUISVILLE Schorr String to Be Considerably Reduced Cudgel Ready to Race Faux-Cols Ca:e. By C. A. Bcrgin. Louisville, Ky., September 10. The horses that John W. Schorr campaigned at Saratoga have returned to Douglas Park, where they- have rejoined the other horses of the stable that have been quartered at that track all summer. The combined number embraces twenty-six head, which owner Schorr believes is too great a number to carry through the fall and winter seasons. He, therefore, has decided to dispose of eight of them, the sale to take place at Lexington during the meeting in that city. These include six two-year-olds that have been in charge of Jim Everman all summer, and the older horses Penrod and John W. Klein. The two-year-old lima Schorr was to he included in this sale, but she was withdrawn from the list after she had met with an accident in a race at Saratoga. The two-year-olds to be placed under the hummer have all been doing and working well at Douglas Tark, and are ready to race. The list is as follows! Cruelty, Georgia Kelly, Snappy, The Merry Whirl, Ordnung, and Prinzessin. Louis Tauber has been engaged bv Mr. Schorr to take them to Lexington to race them prior to the sale. All of the Schorr horses under the care of trainer James Mooney are doing well, there being not a single case of illness among them. Cudgel, which sustained an injury at Saratoga, is once more in first class condition and ready to run. Harry Kelly and Butterscotch II. are also in tip-top condition. Jack Hanover, who is under contract to Mr. Schorr, will continue to ride for the stable this fall. John Lowe, who lias in charge quite a large stable at Douglas Park, will not ship any horses to Lexington, as he had intended. The change in his plans was due to the fact that several of his horses are coughing. LUZADER HAS TWELVE Hi CHARGE. Al Luzader has in his keeping at Douglas Park an even dozen horses that he is training and which are the property of various owners. Among them are eight yearlings recently shipped here from Nashville, Tenn., being by the sires St. Volma and McGee, and bred at J. G. Greeners farm. These are owned jointly by Mr. Greener, J. W. "Bub" May and K. D. Canfield, the latter being a business man in Nashville, and a comparative newcomer to the sport of . racing. The others in Luzaders care consist of the five-year-old Stone Chase, the property of M. L. Schwartz, which was imported from England last spring, but never raced in this country; the four-year-old Falls City, owned by G. L. Gruber. of Louisville, and the pair of two-year-olds Bed Start and Ledom, both the property of E. D. Canfield, and which have never faced the barrier in a race. Luzader, who is one of the youngest trainers in this country, is meeting with flattering success with his charges and he believes they all will acquit themselves with credit when they engage in a contest. L. F. Marshall is back at Douglas Park with a stable of six horses, all of which are fit and ready to race. The list comprises Palatable, John Hurie. Ninety Simplex, Lord Byron, Merry Twinkle and Precision. Marie Miller, the good three-year-old filly that raced in Kentucky last spring with success in the colors of Mr. Marshall, was sold during the Saratoga meeting. Fnux-Col is the only horse that J. D. Adkins brings to Louisville this fall. This four-year-old may not be seen under colors until .late in the autumn. His trainer reports that he lias not yet entirely recovered from the injury he sustained when he was kicked in a race at Saratoga. Adkin says he is on the lookout for a couple of good horses. Bob Rogers is at Douglas Park with Star of Love, and C. J. Brockmiller is at the same track with Grumpy. J. L. Paul has returned from Canada with Prince S. and five other horses, and is resting them at Douglas Park for the local meetings. C. E. Bowe is at the same track with five useful horses.