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THE Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks la North America during the month of AUGUST, is now on sale. PEXCE -00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only bf sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular ,mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH PLACE :: CHICAGO. ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y, CREE INFORMATION S To Prove the Value of 1 MY INFORMATION 1 I Will Wire the Same FREE During: the LOUISVILLE and HAVRE DE GRACE MEETINGS Send Self-addressed, Stamped envelope for Code. No Callers. No Telephone Interviews. Horses will be filed with Daily Racing Form. . M. V. MITZEL Hotel Henry Watterson : : Louisville, Hy. 1 BWIKHBtSMBHIKQrgfrTrTTltrFTftiwl GRAND OPPORTUNITY for players to Get Down on some Genuine Stable Information. The good things that I have under surveillanco have been at Havre de Grace for some time, waiting to be uncovered when the Mutuels start clicking again. Terms for this service are Winnings of a 5.00 Play. Send 1.00 to guarantee payment for telegrams, same to be deducted from my first winnings. Rush your name, address and deposit to JAMES STERLING General Delivery :: :: Havre de Graco, Md. TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756. Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316. All Departments. OWEN H. FAY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE 435 Plymouth Court : Chicago, 111. GOING NEXT SATURDAY. Two live ones, can wire you them for 1. TUESDAYS SPECIAL: No. 402. Book 666. THE TURF REPORTER. R. 609 Baltimore Bldg., 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago. ROSE DOR, 3-1, WON Saturday also Gift, 2-1; Barnard, 1-1. See all in Book 322, The Thoroughbred for winners. Todays Best: Fort-South-Out-Buy-Buy-Out. Bk. 322 American Thoroughbred. Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. Roso dOr, 3 to 1, Won and Rosie OGrady, 6 to 1, 1 third, were last Saturdays 2 X Specials. Dont miss noxt Saturdays two live ones at Lexington. 2.00 are all they cost. Todays Form Special: October-Peach-61-lC-37-10. Standard Turf Guide, 403-22 W. Quincy St., Chicago SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: . CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO, N. Y.