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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY Buy a Liberty Bond today. Keep on buying until it hurts. PATRIOTIC INVESTMENTS. — Law and order un-derly all investments. If life and person are insecure everything else is in danger. That is the reason why the French iKX-t wrote the lines: "There is only one Future — that of our country: "There is onlv one Foresight — our country: "There is only one Economy — our country:" No matter how many farm mortgages you may have, no matter how many skyscrapers you may own, no matter how many flat buildings you may have for rent or how many factories you may he operating— every investment you have rests on the sovereignty of the United States of America. The slightest danger that confronts the United States acts as a depreciation of every piece of proiierty you own. We are engaged at the present time in a desperate war. The issue is our right to remain "free and independent." If the military tyrant of Europe Seats us we must lie his vass:Is and his slaves. To whip him iiml retain our liberty and to insure our inde|M*ndcnic we must win a complete victory over Germany. If we fail our mortgages anil flats are worthless. The moral is: INVEST IN LIBERTY BONDS nuil WIN the WAR! The allies have carried 13.000.000 men across the seas from one part of the world to another, and of that large umulier. despite the submarine activity of the Hermans, only lost 3,500 men, and of those 550 were lost on hospital ships, according to the Earl of Reading. Premier Loyd George said yesterday, in the House of Commons: "When an emergency has arisen which compels ns to nlace men of 50 and boys of IS in the army it was not possible to exclude Ireland from conscriptions." French artillery aud aviators are bombarding the Cerman long-range gun which has l cen shelling Paris and which has l eon located iu a forest near Crepy-cii-I.aonnois. Five billion dollar-: is the goal toward which L Willy Loan organizations all over the country are working despite the minimum of ,000,000 set by the treasury. The United States will loan the Greek government 4,000,000 as soon as the Greek Parliament passes the necessary authorizing legislation. Germany is planning to gain control of northern Russia and cut the interior or European Russia off from the Arctic and the Baltic. Aline. Sarah Bernhardt arrived in Chicago yesterday prepared to give the icmainder of the week to the Liberty Loan campaign. Employes of the Chicago Stock Yards have subscribed to the third Liberty Loan to the amount of ,700,000. Plans are under way to have every family in the City of Chicago have a Liberty Bond iu its home.