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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART LOUISVILLE. KY.. THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1918.— Churchill Downs. Fifth day. New Louisville Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 13 days. Weather clear; temperature 86. Stewards, "has. F. Price and "has. F. Grainger. Placing Judges, W. II. Shelley and J. B. Campbell. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. J. B. Camplx-11. Racing starts at 2:15 y. m. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicite date, track record, age of horse aud weight carried. •Indicates appr« ntiee allow: nee. Q6QO/I FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlong May C, 1909— 52*i— 2— 103. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. OOmI4 Maiden-.. Colt", and Gelding;:. Special Weights. Net value to winner 05; second, 39; third, 6. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Kids Strt 38182JOE STAHR »B M 12 « 2i P 1* F .Murphy C T Worthington 4: "100 38182 IWINIWIN w 112 I E 4- :! 2 J McUalf A B Siuvckcls i.v .1 Mm 38148 = BV HECK w 112 2 2 1- 2 ::« L Gentry ■ R Bradley 9Ml 100 -MADRID • H- 10 4 P p 4 K lipaille G J Long ::o: nm 38078 LOWELL W H2 » 1 "!l 51 S: J Howard AVilliams Bros faS-Mi SILENT BTD Of Mi 4 • 0" « r-r- II McLean AI C Aloore CO5-M0 88201 COINTRBALANCE v 112 fi 1 7 71 7i C Dishmn 0 Rogers t 38173 BlSTER CLARK WB 112 S 9 9" S ?. 8A AV LiMey Clifford and AVilson r.l4i 9M S81K2--SENNINGS PARK w 112 111 l«i 9 9 J McCabe A Bianchl l:L. 10«i S8019 IvJTHAIR w 112 7 12 ll"lo- lo« D Connlly T P Hayes 2rsxi-10" BONSTELLE w 112 I 8 8- 11- 11- L. Garner R Patterson t CHARLEY 112 11 10 12 12 12 J Dreyer Gallaher Bros t tAIutnel field. Time, 24, 48%, 54«i. Track fast. mutuels paid. Joe Stahr, 0.40 straight. .40 place, .10 show; Iwiniwin, .8.50 place, 1.20 show; By Heck. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds — Joe Stahr. 420 to 100 straight. 170 to 100 place. 105 to 100 show; Iwiniwin. 2825 to 1H place, 900 to 100 show: By Heck. 150 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Plaudit — Kliailn-th D. trained by W. N. Potts; bred by Air. John II. Alorris. AVent to post at 2:20. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second aud third driving. JOE STAHR. away forwardly. raced into the lead 011 the stretch turn and won with s|»eed iu reserve. IWINIWIN raced forwardly from the start and outstayed BV HECK through the last sixteenth. l.V HECK set the earlv pace fast and had no mishaps. AIADItlD ran green, but was going fast at the end. SKNNINGS PARK, a bad actor, was caught in a jam after the start and had to be eased up when lie ran out on the first turn. Scratched— 38033 Wave. 112; Foster Embry. 112. OCOOCT SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Oct. 16, 1913— 1:11— 2— 105. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and UUalatli upuard. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second. 42; third, 8. Index Horses AWtPPSt U % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt :i78I4 CUBAN IP wa 4 lOS.lO 4 3 |*| iu ]U i fynnliy M Shleld.s IU loo 3812 1 IMI.l. IK B w 5 109 o " 4 3s 2 2i L Gentry H AV Plant 320 100 37797 SIR EDGAR w I 112 I I • 2 3* .!* J Kederis J K L Ross 12KT, HW MOW »* IRON AI STER WB S Ml H 9 "• •i1 4 4 J Gruber C F Busohemeyer 2.5.50 100 381S4 CHARLEY NOLTE w :: 101 •! M «" ♦ 5?. 5 II Jeffcott J Specht ■ aWE-M* 37796 -KEVIVOR w 5 112 t: M 10 « ti L Mink A Joseph 3301-100 2S1SS*W*D8 O W1SDOA1 w 4 109 7 E 7" P 7- 1- E Donliu.- J AI Goode EOVMi 37757 ••LORD BYRON W 4 110 I s f* ■ ! s= J MeCaaa L F Marshall 13215-lon 381241* ViKK ILLE WB t 107 9 7 8i 7 9- 91" H Lun f l E L Fitzgerald 15.Tf,-100 37903*V1LEV wli 9 104 1 - -" 1ilo M J Aloomy J P Phillips 17925-100 Time, 234a, 474;, 1:14. Track last. mutuels paid. Clean Up, .«iO straight, .10 place, .80 show; Billie B., .50 place. .10 show; Sir Edgar. .20 show. . . Equivalent IsM.kiug odds— Clean Up. 1-" *° 100 straight. 55 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Billie B., 75 to 100 place. 55 to 100 show: Sir Edgar. DM* to 1 N show. Winner--Br. g. bv Hamburg Swecpaway trained by AI. Shields; bred by Air. James Bowe. Went to post at 2:57. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. CLKAN I"! raced into the lead on the last turn, but was forced to stand a hard drive in the stretch Mm] but for a vigorous ride would have bet 11 lieaten. BILLIE B. ran a gixsi race and finished fust and ganielv SIB EDGAR set the early pace aud in.ed forwardly to the end. IKON MASTER was gaining at the" end CHARLEY NOLTE ran well. WORDS O WISDOM was always outrun. AILEY quit badlv. Scratched — 3S120Siroceo. 93; 38105 Alartre. 105; 33803 Olympian King. 95; 37777 Aliss Jasbo, 100; 3S133 Clairvovaiit. 90; 37797 Tom Can.. MB; 38147 Ophelia AV.. 1H; 3.M05 Gladys I Am, 100. Overweights -Charley Nolte. 3 pounds: lean 1 p. iij. 9QOOC THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. 25. 1911— 1:44%— 5— 105. 00 Added. 4-year-olds OOaafO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 70; second, 18; third, 2. Index Horses AAVtPPStV4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 38153 OLD BROOAI WB fi 111 ■* c r1 5i •r8 "i li L Alink G E Chancellor 9.5-100 37774 3* HIGH HORSE w E K*4 E a 4! 4- 2 » || 2" E Sande D S Fountain 1400-PN o8216 JOHN HIRIE vn 8 109 fi 3 31 3" 4i 4" 3i D Connlly L F Alarshall 4105-100 nt0t**KATHBYN GRAYw 4 98 1 1 V 2" :!i B 4i H Lunsfd J K L Ress HMN 38111 *DANCER wii5 11G 1 2 l* li 1 V 5- J Gruber O Johnson 295-100 38096 SIN MAID WB I 11:! 4 4 C fi « I fi L Gentry T P Hayes lSSO-100 Time. 25%. 4»1s. IWs. 1:41 */5, 1:48%. Track fast. niutu.Is paid. Old Broom. .90 straight, .00 pl.iee, .80 show: High Horse. .10 place, .00 how: John Illllie. .3o show. Equival-nt iMN.king lias 1TM Broom. 9.. to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Hih Horse. SOB to 100 place, ISO fo KM show; John Ilurie. SB to 100 show. Winner — P.. g. by Broomstick Rose of Dawn trained by J. Coffey; bred by Air. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to post at 3:29. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. OLD BROOM was outpaced iu the early ruu uiug aud had to come wide iuto the stretch, but finish. .I gamely ami outstayed HIGH HORSE through the last s1.xt M-ntli. HIGH HORSE raced forward- 5 ly and held ii well, Imt tired after taking the lead. JOHN HIIIIE came fast in the streteli. KATHUYN i GRAY tired in the last quarter. DANCER set 1 1t*- pace to the last turn, hut «iuit badly in the stretch. | SlX M.II» was always outrun and seemed to sulk. | OQOQ7 FOURTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlonrs. May 8, 1909— 62%— 2—103. $£00 Added. 2-year-olds. -"T fa - 4 Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner 66; second, 16; third, 0. . — — p Index Horses AWtrtK % % and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 381 OS CARRIE M XRE w 111 4 1 1 I* p F Murphv C T Worthington .T.K-KK ■ IWIN w UK 3 4 4* 3s 2?. J Metcalf A B Spreckels MUM , S8 rS" = HATTER CAKE w 109 2 2 V 21 3«~ L Gentrv E R Bradley 225-100 i LADY RACHEL. w HOI 15 6 5 4«t J Met ratio O A Bianchi 1C45-100 laMNORlU T. w 111 I 3 V 0 5 D Connlly F Johnson 125-100 Time. 23«i. 4$. 64%. Track fast. $" nintiiels paid, Carrie Moore, .80 straight, place, .20 show; Iwin, 4.90 place, .90 show" I.atter Cake. ,410 show. Equivalent Invoking odds— Carrie Moore. 390 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show; Iwin, . 045 to 1«"» place. 145 to 100 show; Batter Cake, 50 to 100 show. Winner — B. f, by Mc«;oo — Dutch Barbara trained bv W. X Potts; bred by Mr. Charles W. Moore. * Went to | ost at 4:03. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but LADY RACHEL. Won ensilv: second and third driving. CARRIE MOOKK began fast and, taking the lead with a rush, drew awav in t ii»- stretch to win as her rider pleased. IWIX finished fast and gamely and saved much ground on the stretch turn. BATTER CAKE swerved out in the stretch and tired near the end. LADY RACHEL bolted at the start and finished fast. XO KMA T. ran out on the stretch turn and quit badly , later on. . overweights — Batter Cake, 3 pounds; Lady Rachel, 314. n?j Q FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. , 1911— 1:44%— 6— 106. Purse ,000. 3-year- j CjIIO olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 75; second. 60; third, 6. 7ml. -x Horses AWtlISt 14 K % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt SKIK«:VA!iOR w 4 10C 4 4 2 1" B l4 1« J Kederis C H Berryman 155100 3*149 MHPiRTrNiTV w 4 115 I 1 11 2 2J 2s 2 W Crump W Woodard 8!"-100 37C48 lEAVERKILL wb 4 108 2 2 4 3 P 3s 3« D Connlly R M Henderson 125-100 M17I WARSAW we. 4 106 1 3 3«M 4 4 4 E Donhue Waldeck Stable 700-1UO Time, 24%, 40, 1:14%. 1:40%, 1:49. Track fast. .«•_• nintiiels paid. Yalor. $."..HI straight, .10 place; Opportunity. .70 place; no show mntnels sold. Equivalent Ixtckiug odds— Yalor. 155 to ItHI straight. 55 to 100 place; OpiHirttiuity, 185 to 100 place. ! Winner — Ch. c. I»y Ballot— Muriel trained by J. S. Ward; bred bv Estate of Mr. .Tallies B. Haggin. Went to at 4:30. At | ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- J Inc VALOR was rushed into the lead after going the first half mile and won drawing far away as his ri.l. r pleased. OPPORTTNITY ran his usual game race and held on well in the final drive. BEAVER-KII.I- »;,s Kivea a liad ride and lost much ground ou the turns, but finished resolutely when hard ridden. : WARSAW retired after going well for a half mile. nHhQA SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Oct. 16, 1913—1:11—2—105. 00 Added. 3-year-olds. andOMmt*9 Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 21; third, 4. ln.hx Horses AWtPPSt A V-i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqtiiv. Odds Strt , 380.15 VIOLET BONNIE w 11C 7 1 D 2s 2 In l, Gentry A L Kirby 50-100 H8I72 -VIVA AMERICA w 116 6 3 2 1" 1" 21 W War on C T Worthington 500-100 :,81»8"RAHU wk 111 I 2 P 3= 3s 3s J Morys A B Hancock 1270-100 , 38185 UI PS Y QUEEN wb 111 2 6 7 61 4 4s H Stearns H Perkins 855-100 SKUKiICHI-BAN w 104J 5 7 61 51 5= 55 C Dishmn F J Kelley 9675-100 :.«*«5 CRYSTAL DAY w 111 4 4 6 4" 6i 6= O Willis W L Lewis 16150-100 38063TALLY wb 111 15 4" 7 7 7 D Connlly Pastime Stable 2385-100 Time, 24, 47%. 1:13%. Track fast. mntnels paid. Violet Bonnie, .00 straight, .40 place, .30 show; Viva America, .00 place, *•.« show; Rahu. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds— Violet Bonnie. 50 to 100 straight, 20 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Viva Hinerh -a. 50 to 100 pla -e. 30 to 100 show; Rahu, 55 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. f, by Transvaal — Mary Day trained by A. L. Kirby; bred by Mr. Jesse Spencer. Went to |ost at 5:12. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow". Won driving; second and third the =:ime. VIOLET BOX X IE was away fast, showed much speed and, standing a hard drive in the stretch, ..utstaved VIVA AMERICA in the last stride. VIVA AMERICA raced forwardly and well from the start, : Imt after taking the lead, tired in the last few strides. RAHU was hard held in the early running and finished gamelv. GIPSY QIEEX was allowed to drop too far back soon after the start and lost much ground, then finished fastest of all. TALLY quit. Overweights — Ichi-Ban. 4% ]»oiinds. OCOOA SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 MUes. Sept. 26, 1911— 1:44%— 5— 105. 00 Added. and0andandJ 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 24; third, 6. Index Horses AWtPPSt V* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt , 381 74 = MISTRESS POLLYwb 104 5 6 41 2" U lJP H Lunsfd H Neusteter 505-100 38197 -«uR. McDAWELL w 106 2 8 6 5* 2« 2"" 2= R Simpson M C Moore 200-100 3H094 BLBBG LOUDER wb 109 3 2 8 61 4s 31 3« L Gentry E R Bradley 310-100 3H197 SAXA-NAMY WB 104J 4 1 31 41 3« 4? 4= C Dishmn F J Kelley 9485-100 38196 *REDMON w 109 1 4 21 3o 7* 5* 5s O Willis S K Nichols 620-100 38I96*LUCKY DAY w 100 6 7 71 7s 61 CJ 61 H Burke H H Hewitt 6975-100 38I3S»UNAR w 103 8 3 1= 11 5i 7 7= E Donhue Gallaher Bros 605-100 Mil20 QUEEN BLONDE wb 109 7 5 5" 8 8 8 8 L Gaugel C W Gasser 11S7!M00 Time. 24%, 60. 1:15%. 1:40%. 1:47%. Track fast. S2 mntnels paid. Mistress Polly. 2. Hi straight, .10 place, .30 show; Rrownie McDawell, .80 place. .50 show; Rubbling Loudtr. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds— Mistress Polly, 5*5 to 100 straight, 155 to 100 place, 65 to 100 show; r.rownie McDawell. 90 to 100 place. 25 to 100 show; Bubbling Louder. 35 to 100 show. Winner — B. f, by Duval — Polly Prim trained by H. Neusteter: bred by Messrs. Gallaher Bros.. Went to iMtst at 5:47. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow for all but ItROWXIE McDAWELL. Won easily; second and third driving. MISTRESS POLLY, lucky and away forwardly. raced into the lead after going a half mile and held ItROWXIE McDAWELL safe to the end. BROWNIE McDAWELL was left at the post and closed an immense gap into a game second. LTHHLIXG LOIDKlt was outrun most of the way. but finished fast and gamely. SAZA-XAMY ran well. REDMOX retired after going three-quarters. IXAR set the early pace, but tired after going a half mile. Overweights — Saza-Xamy. 1 4 pounds.