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BUFFALO BILL THE HUNTER In 1S69 Buffalo Bill and a man named Rose took a contract to do some grading for the Union Taclfic Railroad during a lull in Indian hostilities Cody at hat time was ixwsessed of a wonderful horse which he had named Brigham which became re ¬ nowned as a buffalohunting steed of the first water waterCody Cody was working Brigham on his scraper one afternoon when one of the graders came running In with the announcement that eleven buffaloes were coming over a distant hill As freh meat had been scarce in the grading camp for several days Cody immediately unhitched Brigham from the scraper grabbed his famous old neediegun and without either saddle or bridle started after the buffalo herd herdAs As lie advanced toward the game he discerned five horsemen riding out from the fort apparently l ent an the same errand as himself They proved to be newly arrived officers who were unknown to Cody As the latter appeared the captain called out Hello my friend are you going after those buffaloes buffaloesYes Yes was the reply I saw em coming over the hill and as we needed some meat I thought Id try to get one oneWell Well laughed the officer youll never kill i buffalo on that old skate Dont you know that t takes a mighty fast horse to get in close to a iiuffalo herd i iOh Oh does it queried Cody innocently Thank you for the information informationYes Yes indeed but come along if you care to see the sport We only want the tongues and you can have the rest restThe The officers dashed ahead Cody noted that the animals were making toward a distant creek and knowing the habits or the creatures he headed for tlie stream streamDashing Dashing down a little ridge he was soon within a hundred yards of the animals while the officers were far in the rear Guiding his horse by the nee only Cody was soon alongside the nearest ani ¬ mal liaising the old needlegun he killed the buffalo at the first shot A fow jumps and Brig ham was alongside the next one oneIn In this manner Cody killed the entire eleven buf ¬ faloes and the astonishment of the officers knew io bounds when they witnessed the remarkable feat featWell Well by smoky exclaimed the astonished cap ¬ tain I never saw the like of that before Who ill thunder are you anyway anywayMy My name is Cody was the reply replyThe The officers had heard the name before at the Tort They were a crestfallen bunch but took their lefeat with good humor and later proved most ex ¬ cellent friends of Buffalo Kill