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HAD NUMBER BUT MISSED MAN In a certain part of my position the men are dug in in individual holes some four feet deep and ibout big enough to accommodate one person A lirect hit on one of these holes is customarily the Hd of the occupant Of course a man is much out of luck when lie gets a direct hit we have had inly four or five in two weeks with about 1000 to 2000 shells a day dayOne One of the men had a sixinch shell come into nis little individual hole Imt it happened to be i dud failed to explode He spent the remainder f the night with the shell as his companion probably thinking what would have happened to him 1iad the shell been a good one In the morning lie had the curiosity to examine his bedfellow and was amazed to find that the number on the shell was the same as the number on his identification tag tagWhen When you realize that the number on an identi ¬ fication tag is something like 652319 you can imagine the coincidence Now that man is ready for anything That shell had his number and was meant for liim tlie shell was dud now nothing can hit him Prom a letter from Colonel Alvord V 1 Anderson 312th Infantry printed in ti Montclaire X j jt t Times