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MAY RACE AT LATONIA TO NOVEMBER 30 Cincinnati November 10 With a continua ¬ tion of the remarkable and almost unprecedented fine weather that lias favored the Latoniu Jockey Club during the first part of its long delayed meeting it is reasonably certain that the season will IK prolonged until Saturday November 30 tlius affording the race patrons sixteen days of racing instead of the ten days that would terminate the meeting Saturday November 3 From the present outlook it would appear that there is no obstacle in the way of accomplishing this unless it be a decided change in weather conditions toward the end of the present week However horsemen and racegoers can rest assured that General Man ¬ ager John Hachmeister will continue the meeting to the later date if such a step is at all possible Inasmuch as the Kentucky State Racing Commis ¬ sions rules prescribe that there be no racing in the Ktiltu after December 1 and prior to April 1 Mr Hachmeister would l e within his rights in keeping the meeting going to November 30 30Tim Tim meeting so far has been one of the best in the tracks history and this despite the rather pes ¬ simistic outlook prior to the opening due to the postponements and the late date in finally getting the racing started Majiager Hachmeister is accord ¬ ingly greatly encouraged and is going to redouble his efforts to give the clubs patrons an even l et ter grade of racing during the remaining days of the meeting