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CHANGE IN SCALE OF WEIGHTS FOR AGE Now Rule Proposed to Give Fall Two-Year-Olds More Founds. NEW YORK, N. "Y., January 4. A change in the scale of weights for eastern racing has been proposed by Mr. II. K. Knapp and Mr. F. Hitchcock, stewards of the Jockey Club, the details of which will be recorded in the Racing Calendar for January. Before its adoption the proposed changes will have to be published twice in the Calendar as the rules dictate, to give every member of the Jockey Tub an opportunity to become well versed in the proposed changes. It is believed action will be taken at a meeting of the Jockey Club members at its February session. So far as can be learned the alterations in the scale will affect two-year-olds chiefly in the fall seasou, when entered with older horses. The scale proiosed adds from six to eight pounds to the old scale. For many years the official handicapper. Mr. W. S. Vosburgh, has advocated a revision of the scale of weights, but not until this year has he had any encouragement from Jockey Club members. There is every reason to believe the new scale will be adopted as outlined. " - Lucien Lyne. one of the accomplished American riders, who lias been abroad for a number of years, is spending his honeymoon in this country. He will return to Spain next month to ride for the king of Spain. Today he left for-Washington en route to Kentucky to visit his home. Mr. Lyne does not think the sport" of racing will again be in full swing in European countries for at least another year. Friends of Jack Goldsborough. who trains Roumer and other horses for Andrew Miller, will be pleased to learn that he and his family are recovering from an attack of influenza.