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WILDFOWL SHOOTING SEASON ENDS Tuesday, the end of the year, also saw the closing of wildfowl shooting, under the federal regulations, in practically the whole north, except in those states that give additional protection and have already closed the season. December 31, under federal regulations, was the closing day for duck, goose, brant, coot, gallinules and Wilson or jacksnipe in New York State and the neighboring states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Under the federal regulations the season for these game birds closes on January 15 in Rhode Island and Connecticut, and on January 31 in New Jersey. Delaware and on Long Island. Tuesday under the state law was also closing day on Long Island for coot and galliuule, the Wilson or jacksnipe season having closed last month: " . December 31 was the closing day for upland game animals and birds on Long Island and In Rhode Island, the only two places in the middle and New England states where the season remains open for both animals and birds. The Rhode Island game includes rabbit, squirrel. . quail, grouse and introduced pheasants. The Long Island game includes rabbit, squirrel, quail and introduced pheasants. The rabbit is the only game that may be hunted now in New York, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut. The season is alrendy closed in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts the rabbit season lasts until February 28; in Connecticut until January 31; New York up state March 1, and in Maine March 31. The muskellunge season closed in New York on Tuesday, and also for fishing In Lake George for bullheads,, pike, perch, pickerel and grea northern Pike. K