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AMERICAN TURF UNDER WAR-TIME CONDITIONS, PROSPERS DURING 1918 LOSS OF CANADIAN AND MEXICAN RACING ACCOUNTABLE FOR DECREASE IN TOTAL MONEY DISTRIBUTION Witli a few exceptions the tracks in North America over which racing was conducted in 1918 returned an increased distribution of money among winning owners over that of 1017. Hut there was a falling off of 40,905 in total distribution. This quite considerable decrease is easily accounted for in the fact that twenty-nine tracks in Canada, the United States and Mexico which returned sums ranging from Tijuanas 90,125 downward in 1917 were idle in 1918 because of interdictions growing out of the stress of wartime conditions. The only lirst-clnss organizations in the United States which failed to give more money in 1918 than in 1917 were the Latonia Jockey Club and the Maryland State Fair. This did not come through any default on the part of the. officials of the enterprising racing clubs, but was a consequence of the curtailment of the Latonia and Laurel meetings last fall, enforced by the authorities to mitigate the ravages of the scourge of influenza prevalent the world over. Notwithstanding these drawbacks, racing in the United States was highly prosperous and returned owners 73,319 more than it did in 1917. The outlook is for a further increase in 1919, when we may also reasonably expect a resumption of racing over the Canadian tracks, as well as at Tijuana and Juarez. Restrictions of racing to the tracks of the United States and Cuba had the natural effect of reducing the number of racing days and races .run, as well as the output of lhoney ill stakes and purses. A comparative statement of the three itemssince 1900 follows: Itacing Races Racing Races Year. Distribution. Days. Run. Year. Distribution. Days. Run. 1918 ,425,317 010 3.9GS 1911 ,337,957 1,037 0,289 1917 4,000,253 902 5.899 1910 2.942,333 1,003 0,504 1910 3.812,471 1,035 0.09S 1909 3.140,095 724 4,510 1915 2,853,037 839 5,454 190S 4,351,091 921 5,099 1914 2,994,525 900 5,849 1907 5,375,554 1,004 0,252 1913 2.920,903 909 0.130 1900 5,420,381 1,090 0,840 1912 2,391.025 920 5,800 The following tabulation gives the particulars of the number of days of each meeting in 191S, number of races run, total of money won at each, number of winning owners and of winning horses, number of winning favorites, second choices and outsiders, . winners at odds -on and horses defeated at odds-on a udtliwrqejjfcrf o js a tr? ? tr:r t?Sv or :r 8, fa Track and- Date. 3 m 2L 2 Zi c 2. m B. : : sr a? g 8 ? i gg" ? : . . w New Orleans, Jan.l-Feb. 12 37 252 $ 1S3.790 218 310 107 47 98 11 17 .42 Havana, Jan. 1-March 31 SO 494 220,850 157 327 195 112 187 30 18 .39 Oaklawn. Feb. 28-April 3 30 193 122.150 171 209 71 53 09 17 5 .37 Bowie, April 1-April 13 12 S4 52.215 90 137 25 29 30 0 4 .30 Havre de Grace. April 10-April 30... 13 91 74.2S5 102 174 30 15 40 13 4 .40 Arlington l"k. Va., April 23-April 27. 5 15 3,325 20 30 5 5 5 4 5 .33 Lexington, April 23-Mny 9 15 105 74,180 103 190 49 19 3S 15 8 .47 Pimllco. Mav 1-Mny 17 15 105 134,140 109 -197 32 30 13 9 S .30 Churchill Downs, May 11-May 25 13 91 10S.740 9S 170 42 14 35 17 7 .40 Jamaica. May 10-May 25 9 54 50,020 70 127 17 14 23 0 3 .31 Gentlemans Driving Park Baltimore, May 18-May 23 5 35 11,100 09 SO Woodbine. May 24 1 1 2,790 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 100 Belmont Park Terminal, May 25 ..... 1 7 10,800 14 20 3 2 2 2 1 .43 Prospect Park. May 25-May 30 5 35 10.850 MS 79 Douglas Park, May 27-Juue 11 14 98 108,355 10G 191 41 20 32 14 12 .42 Belmont Park, May 27-Juue 15 IS 108 154,459 107 19S 50 21 37 12 10 .40 Latonia. June 14-July 13 20 182 200,800 138 273 70 45 07 24 9 .3S Reno. June 13-July 0 19 141 23,240 85 147 59 3S 44 22 12 .42 Jamaica, June 17-Juile 22 0 30 48,870 08 101 18 S 10 0 3 .50 Aqueduct. June 24-July .12 17 104 149,797 100 201 47 24 33 19 10 .45 Empire City, July 13-July 31 10 97 118,250 99 173 37 25 35 IS 13 .38 f Saratoga, Aug. 1-Aug. -31 , 27. 103 289,042 130 281 07 37 58 IS 18 .41 Cheyenne, Aug. 10-Sept. 2 20 147 30.KXH 98 159 05 30 52 17 10 .44 Marlboro, Aug. 22-Aug. 24 .3 14. 7,200 37 49 Indianapolis. Aug. 31-Kept. 0 ,0 21 0,000 23 30 Tinionium. Sept. 2-Sept. 7 5 35 10,750 48 01 Belmont Park, Sept. 2-Sept.-14 12 72 118.151 70 152 20 19 27 11 10 .30 Havre de Grace, Sept. IQ-Sept. 2S... 17 119 92,320 107 183 48 29 42 10 S .40 Blue Bonnets, Sept. 14 1 2 .1,050 4 O 2 0 0 2 O 100 : Lexington. Sept. 14-Sept. 21... 7 49 40,070 09 113 22 15 13 12 7 .45 Aqueduct. Sept, 10-Sept. 2S ,;.. .. ... 12 72 78,530 SS 154 31 10 25 9 9 .43 Douglas Park, Sept. 23-Sept.-2S ...... , 0 42 48,355 03 105 14 10 IS 7 0 .33 Churchill Downs. Sept."30-Oct. 5..:.. 0 42 47,925 04 109 12 10 20 3 3 .29 Jamaica, Sept. iO-Oct. 12 12 72 liS.OSl 73 140 3S 14 20 14 0 .53 Laurel. Oct.- 1-Oct. 31 ... i. . 10 110 107.400 100 184 51 22 43 24 10 .44 Empire City. Oct. 14-Ocf. 20 ........ 12 72 04,290 77 127 29 25 IS 18 11 .40 Pimlico, Nov. 1-Nov. 13 11 77 122,183 90 150- -21 23 33 11 5 .27 Latonia. Nov. 13-Nov.,2S 14 98 119,070 102 172 30 ;21 47 S 10 .31 Bowie. Nov. 14-Nov. l30 15 100 S3.175 110 103, 5 15 40 11 7 .42 Jefferson Park. Nov. -S-Dsc. 31 31 IN! 90.100 153 231. . 70 ,4.7 09 21 11 .38 Havana, Dec. 7 -Dec. 31 20 125 05,020 100 177 40 33 40 15 10 .37 Totals and Grand Percentage . 010 3.908 ,425,317 .. . .. . 1,522 -893 1.405 102 290 .40 One dead heat. iSo betting on one race Reamers race against time; ; : "