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ENCOURAGING WORDS FROM CANADA HAMILTON, Onfc. Canada, February 15. "There is no chance of the order-in-council prohibiting betting 011 race tracks until six mouths after the signing of peace being rescinded," said a member of parliament here recently, "but I do not think that there is any cause to worry about racing next summer. I think that peace will be signed before the racing season opens, and the order will cease automatically, as all orders-in-councll passed for the duration of the war will do. I think that when peace is signed that the government will date all orders-ln-council from the signing of the armistice, which means that Woodbine will be able to open at the usual time. The government may make arrangements whereby a percentage of the profits will be used for military or agricultural purposes, but I do not think that there is any doubt of Canadian tracks enjoying the same privileges they had before the war,"