Havana Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, March 25., Daily Racing Form, 1919-03-25


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Havana Entries and Past Performances Jor Tuesday March 25 25WEATHEK WEATHEK OLEAB TEACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 200 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 12 Mile 2ycaroIds Maidens Claiming Track record Fob 23 1919 18 2 115 115Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtlIan 41723 Plain Bill 112 4f 101X725 41587 Cuba 112 4 lf 10 720 41723 Flechc 8 49Vf HW715 HW71541CS73 41CS73 Queen Gaffmy 109 49lf 10ti715 41687 Oriental Park 112 49 101 106 710 41372 Sea Prince 10 109 705 41723 Steve 92 49 104 700 41411 Mary Fitzhugh 101 SO 10IJ700 41 44 Douglas Fairbanks 113 49 112 700 700Plain Plain Bill has worked fast fastSecond Second Race 5 12 Furlongs ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 lOoi 5 102 413592 Prince Bonero 100 108 4 10SX700 41731 Linkstrap 105 l09Vi 3 99XG95 41729 Mr Dooley 307108 4 110G95 41727 Tlmkins M 105 1 OS 4 113XG90 41729 Visible 112107 10113X090 410i5 Palatable 113 107 11G0C90 4158 New Orilem 9G 108 4 108ifi8i 41732 Quick 112 108 9 113XG80 Prince Bouero is fairly speedy speedyThird Furlongs3yearolds Third Race 5 12 Furlongs ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 103 5 102 41714 Conscription 7 107 3 97X725 41308 Miss Wright 101 107 4 105 720 41t 77 Fascinating 103 1071 S 111X715 41177 Billy Joe lift l075 7 1138715 409442 Flying Dart 102 110 4 108X710 4KHI2 Timothy J Ilogan 105l121im 4 110 710 417293 J 1 Harrcll 102 105 1054HJ5U 7 108x705 4HJ5U Locp Again 11110 5 111X703 Conscription lias feeble opposition oppositionFourth Fourth Race 34 Mile MileFlorida Florida Handicap 3yearolds and upward 4 111 41536 HIGH LOW 102 113 4 950750 4107 Surplice 97 l123 3 90X740 41733 The Blue Duke 100 112 3 97X740 41725 Hodge lli 111 8 11G0735 41725 Milkman 106J112 106J112High u 104 725 High Low is good and a fast horse Fifth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Claiming Track record Dec 28 191V 111 4 111 41713 McLane 110 113 110 725 41713 = Miss Ivan 104111 100c720 41713 Louise Mack 107 113 100x715 41713 Littlecote 103 114 103X715 41713 Lamp Post 110 114 10Gi710 41731 107X71041G7G1 Buster Clark 104 114 107X710 41G7G1 Duke Ruff 104 113 107X710 41G1G 107X71041G1G 110171041G15 Sunhingdale 105 114 f 1101710 41G15 Weymontli Girl 100 112 100X705 100X70541G90 41G90 Croix dOr 105115 110x705 41713 Iron Boy 1015113 107 700 41702 Mike Dixon 107 115 1111700 1111700McLnneis McLnneis speedy and good goodSixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March G 118 141 117 41728 Anlace 90 145 3 87 725 4172i2 Crystal Day 105 144 4 101X721 4l71i Little Buss 105 144 4 105 715 41728 Austral 108 144 4 108X715 4171G Mud Sill 307 143 11 114X710 41703 Bonnie Ttss 100 144 G 112X705 41728 Guide Post 308 144 1 112 705 Anlace lias a good chance

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919032501/drf1919032501_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1919032501_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800