Second Race [2nd Oaklawn Park, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-12

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SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claiming March 18 1919 143 108 THANKSGIVING b g 6 108 By Migraine Busy Girl J J Doyle 41972 Oaklwn 1 316 203mud 6 10S C 3 3 3 22 2 = G W Car 1 9 Waterproof Aztec LittleString 41839 Oaklwn 1316201 fast 3i 10S 5 3 G 4 3 3s A JohnsonlO Bof Phoenix Willdo Wai Dant 41764 Oaklwn 1 18 l57hvy 8 105 J G 5 5 4i 4S H Cassity 7 Ellison Waterproof Aztec 41741 Oaklwn 1316200 fast 12 103 78 8 7 6 4SJ II Cassity 8 Grumpy Waterproof Bajazet 41708 Oaklwn 118154 fast 2 10G 5 5 5 5 4s 4 N Barrett 5 Kcnward Saints Bridge Leta 41674 Oaklwn 1 18 l54fast 115 109 5 8 7 G 41 31 E Haynes 9 Lit String Aldebaran Crankie 41310 FGnds 114212 hvy 5 102 3 4 G 6 6 Gl I Gregory 0 Irregular QApple KNeptune 41179 FGnds 1 14 209good 185 111 5 4 3 1 2s 2nt S Sndnmn 0 LCottage Bombast Al Pierce 41054 FGnds 1 14 212 good 5 106 1 3 3 3 41 431 E Donhue 0 King Neptune Benefactor Pit Pit4089C 4089C FGnds 1 14 2llgood 15 1071 113 3 42 4i J Scott 7 Pit Quito Waterproof 38509 Douglas 1 18 l52good 6 100 8 8 7 7 7 7le E Donhue 8 Baby Lynch Bogart Fair Orient OrientS7605 S7605 Oaklwn 1 18 l53fast 38 114 6999 8J 8 L Gentry 9 Austral Mikifula D of Shelby 37508 Oaklwn 1 11G l47fast 20 107 1111 11 11 11 10 J Scott 11 Dolina Alhena H 0 Basch GORDON ROBERTS ch g 6 113 By General Roberts Woolen M Goodpaster 41820 Oaklwn 1 11U l46fast 15 10S 4 3 G 7 S Ss J Groth S Ken ward Eulogy Cain Spring 41603 Jefson Im70y 148 good 115 106 212 1 I3 11 Q Preece 8 Boxer FrMonroe Ambuscade 41358 FGnds 1 11G l48fast 110 2 2 4 6 51 G R Pauley 11 SBridge Philistine Dabiah II 41278 FGnds 1 116 l49fast 10 114 4 1 1 1 li in R Pauley 14 Brando Philistine JASridau 41009 FGnda 1 116 l54 hvy G 109 4 4 7 740S08 G 10 1022 W Crump 10 Bajazet Pulaski Hondo 40S08 Jefson 1 145 good 9 116 7 3 2 2 in 1i S Sndman 9 Indolence Dervish Sts Bridge 29410 Cheyenne 1 141 fast 17 108 33 C Gross 9 RElPleasauton MWeils Reydo 39305 Cheyenne 1 147 hvy 8 108 43J C Tmpson 0 SJames M Wells RElPsanton 39250 Chevenne 1 f lOSfast 17 105 4el C Brown 9 Felicidad Waiid Harry Mason 39057 Reno 1 l40fast 4 21 R Carter 5 Miss Wells Alinino BrFavorite 29013 Reno ll41fast 5 1J R Carter C Trulane Almiiio Minnie F FBy CARAWAY b f 3 M M419SO By Toddington Cyrene T M Botts 419SO Oaklwn 34 l14fast 20 10 G 4 J S Boyle lo AAlexnder Discord W Willow 41919 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast 30 6 C 6si S Boyle 10 BarbShilling Rookery Byrne 41S74 Oaklwn 34 l15mud 30 8 7 6l S Boyle 10 Guy Magikon Alf Veniza 41657 Oaklwn 51 f 110 slow 15 10 10 9JO H Stearns 10 Tantalus Miss Orb Byrne 41321 FGnds 51 f lCEgood 100 8 61 6 I Gregory S Sabretash Squeeler Blaise 41215 FGnds Im20y l50hvy CO 100 11 3 6 10 10 H2 H Stearns 11 EddieTranter Astraea Hondinl 41150 FGnds 1 l44hvy 30 99 7 3 G 7 7 7 H Cassity 7 Antoinette F Shannon Romeo 40604 Jefson 6J f l09good 8 112 12 86 6 S1 652 L Mink lli Toddler Minawand Shady 403S5 Latonia 5S l05mud 8 112 11 10 10 10 10l J Dreyer 11 Marion Adler Betsy Retta B 40344 Latonia 61 f l07fast 40f 107 10 12 12 12 10 J Dreyer 12 Legotal LadyLngden Wodpile 39909 Douglas 51 f l08fast 41 41STRIKEBREAKER 112 6 66 6 41 4J F Jackson 1U Aunt Flora Lucky Pearl Resist STRIKEBREAKER br c 4 4419S5 112 By Borgia Tremble C Phillips 419S5 Oaklwn 1 I43y5fast 5 114 4 1 4 4 4i 451 B Haynes 10 Saadi Suntlash Ben Levy 41836 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 20 109 3222 2J 32i J Mclntyrel2 Byrne BShillirig MBTurman 41760 Oaklwn 34118 hvy 20 114 4 43 1 I1 J MclntyrclS Rayonnant A Reona Grumlua 41120 FGnds Im20y 151 hvy 12 107 4 4 4 4 47 4 = M Garner 0 Pilsen Ch Master Th Nighter Nighter10l 41096 FGnds 51 f 111 hvy 10 112 9 10 10 10l II1 D Connllyll Maud Bacon Pilsen Lobelia 41057 FGnds 1 l46mud 30 3i 512 D Connllyl4 WMask Astraea Cterbalance 41005 FGnds 51 f lllhvy 30 30MARY 101 9Ti D Connllyl2 SidCKeener Pilsen EarlySight EarlySightBy MARY ESTELLE blk m 6 93 By Kilkerran Estradia G Tuggle 41984 Oaklwn 1 144 fast 15 105 898 7 73 710 TX rigit j Kxaminer Brando Lady Leona 41850 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 20 100 11 7 a 71 7 2 W Wright 12 Verity Keziah Examiner 41772 Oaklwn 34 l15slow 12 103 6 5t 9 92 E Whtley 12 Hasty Mabel Neg Nasledovati 41694 Oaklwn 51 f 108 fast 50 101 11 9 7 G 5 3 M Schwt2l2 Lib Star LitPrincess Stelcliff 37544 Oaklwn Im70y l46 fast 100 107 878 11 12 12 H Erlcksnl2 Thorn Bloom Marg N Zetetic 37496 Oaklwn 1 18 l55fast 50 50S6S90 102 4 7 7 7 7 7 J A OBn 7 Luther Sea Urchin Kegreso S6S90 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 30 110101013 14 14 141B M Garner 35 Blue Rock Pluto Jolin Graham 32287 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast 30 106 3 4 5 6 G1 57i H Stearns 8 Balgee Bolala SemperStalwart 22202 Oaklwn 34 l15fast 15 15DXTKE 113 9 99 8 1 8 R C WattslO Tantivy JosefinaZarate Dash DashBy DXTKE OF SHELBY blk g 8 110109J10 110 By Stalwart Piseco W E MatthewsJ 41839 Oaklwn 1 316 201 fast 30 109J10 999 81 7 L Stalker 10 BofPhenix Willdo Tksgiving 41764 Oaklwn 1 18 l57hvy 20 110 777 C gzo c2 N Burger 7 Ellison Waterproof Aztec 41604 Jefson 1 14 209good 15 15415GS 107 6 G 5 4 32 2s N Burger 0 FounFay Regreso Harwood 415GS Jetson Im70y l50slow 20 106 S S 8 7 G1 G W Hoag 11 SBroderick Handfull Harwood 41421 FGnds Im70y 153 hvy 25 2541S97 106 5 S S 8 72 7 W Hoag 8 Luther Dundreary Bean Spiller 41S97 FGnds 1 14 214 mud 20 104 7 2 4 3 G1 C W Hoag 9 Kebo Sen Broderick Ornery 41322 FGnds 1 14 209good 15 109 6 4 5 7 711 713 p Murphy S Uajazet Regreso Lucile P 41278 FGnds 1 11G l49fast 15 111 13 13 13 10 92 9TJ J Rodgezl4 GorRoberts Brando Philistine 41211 FGnds 1 14 216hvy 10 109 6 3 3 4 5 5le J Mooney 0 Bombast BenUmpson LcileP 41154 FGnds Im70y 150 hvy 9 109 6 5 6 6 6 5C1 M Buxton 0 Parrish Br Favorite Gleipuer J10S7 FGnds 1 116 154 hvy 8 8YERMAK 110 9 9 9 9 9 5 F Murphy 9 LLIgfellow BForite Harbard HarbardBy YERMAK ch g 6 6419S5 113 By Ormondale Lady Alicia W L Stanfield 419S5 Oaklwn 1 l43fast 8 115 7976 r i 6 = i H Cassity 10 Saadi SuiiHash Ben Levy 41875 Oaklwn 1 l43mud 8 113 755 5 G2 514 O Willis 7 Lucius II Horse Little String 41530 FGnds 1 lli 148 fast 15 109 G 12 12 11 Ul 93 H EricksnU IIonBoy St3 Bridge Pliiiistine 41496 FGnds 1 116 l52hvy 15 112 3652 nk 5 a O Willis S Thistle Green Kebo AI Pierce 41457 FGnds 1 116 l53mud 5 108 3 3 2 5 5 58i J Mooney 5 Progressive Grumpy Jasou 41371 FGnds 1 18 lf9mud 41 109 1 4 7 8 71 7i3 N Barrett S P and Calls Kegreso Bajazet 41295 FGnds Im70y 147 fast 10 114 8 9 10 11 TH G7 J Rodgezl2 Philistine Th Green JWakely 41245 FGnds 1 116 152 hvy 10 10lion 110 3 4 4 4 4s 3J O Willis 0 Old Ben Bine Rock Hondo lion FGnds 1 11G l54hvy 135 5 112 8433 2 3 = 1 O Willis 12 OldMCrit Bombast T Nighter 40916 FGnds 1 116 157 hvy 41 41BESSANTA 107 4 5 5 2 1s 1 O Willia Thirst Adelante Harwood HarwoodB BESSANTA ch m 5 103 B Marta Santa Bessie Simpson J A Lawry 41984 Oaklwn 1 144 fast SO 105 4 3 5 G GJ G ° H Hamfnl2 Kxaminer Brando Ladv Leona 41856 Oaklwn 24 l14fast 30 108 3 11 11 1U 12 = C Brown lli Verity Keziah Examiner 41694 Oaklwn 5J f 108 fast 50 106 10 11 12 12 12 12s = s F MerimeelL Lib Star LitPrincess Stelcliff 35269 StLouis 5i f l07fast 6 102 4 9 9 93 8 ° W Crump 11 Mab Money Immense ImmenseGh 35237 StLouis Im50y 147 fast 10 105 2 2 2 3 Gh 614 A Pickens 7 Toddling MissWaters Consoler 35141 StLouis 34 125 hvy 8 10G S 88 8 87J R Lowe 8 LCottage Nledovati LRowenu 34785 Thornfe 34 115 fast 47 99 lllz A Alcxdralu EJnnings Bird Man RMantell 24647 Thornfe 34 l16good 18 111 1010 L Gray 10 Felicidad Highway lies Smith 84495 Hiilcrest Ab58 l00fast 4 110 Ink SmithInk L Gray 9 Illzliway KLady M Represent LOUIE LISSAK b g 5 108 By Salvation Bonnie Lissak Jones Pendergast 41984 Oaklwn 1 144 fast 12 1241S5S 110 G fi 3 4 O1 C Maddox 12 Kxaminer Brando Lady Leona 41S5S Oaklwn 1 l42fast S 110 10 10 10 10 JO 10 J MclntyrelO DRerts MBTrman Rlntion 41772 Oaklwn 34 l15slow 15 113 7 76 51 Gl J Mclntyrel2 Hasty Mabel Neg Nasledovati 38776 Reno 5S l02fast 20 20S8725 108 108it 9i D Ford 10 Emelda Cruzados Jr Lois Irena S8725 Reno 58 l01fast 225 225SG071 it 108 11 D Ford 11 Dovie Lady James Dr Zab SG071 Reno G8 101 fast CO CO5S97 107 72 M Clamp t 8 Crispie Moller Bad Prospect 5S97 Reno 51 f l07fast 28 28S5S40 105 Gi D Ford 0 FavArticle Wand Toastmaster S5S40 Reno 58102 fast 25 i 106 I2i E Pool 8 Iris T Kath Francis Lantern 5784 Reno 51 f 108 fast 32 I 105 23 E Pool 9 PluckyCliHp Mnlighter Salpeal BRICKLEY b g 8 108no 108 By Ort Wells Tho Scold Romer Brumfield 41984 Oaklwn 1 144 fast 41 4141S19 no 11 s e r r10S 41 4 A Jolmsonl2 Examiner Brando Lady Leona 41S19 Oaklwn lm0y l47fast 30 10S 13 11 11 11 105 10 J Groth 13 SWJhnson Lukeniae VeniaB 41610 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 30 304I4G6 113 15 13 13 a a10S 4I4G6 FGnds 1 116 l56hvy 30 10S 4 8 S G 41443 FGnds 1 116 l5Shvy 10 111 7 7 7 7 41397 FGnds 1 11 214 mud 10 104 S 5 3 4 41357 FGnds 1 116 l4Sfast 12 111 13 11 9 S 41294 FGnds Im70y l40fast 10 104127S Ill 7 H 10 11 12 12 D Connllyl4 St Bridge BabyCal Dundreary 4127S FGnds 1 11G l49fast 20 111 6 6 G 7 51 53 T Rice 14 GorRoberts Brando Philistine 41212 FGnds 1 11G 155 hvy 30 108 7 7 7 6 6 G M Garner 10 Ninety Simplex Tito Pulaaki 41071 FGnds 1 116 l54hvy 25 109 7 G 6 9 71 5 J De Ford 12 OldManCrit Bombast Yermak BROWN FAVORITE br g 6 108 By Bannockburn Geheimniss Ri H Good 41919 Oaklwn Im70y IMSIfast 12 12417S6 113 10 9 9 9 96 9 D ConnllylO BarbShilling Rookery Byrne 417S6 Oaklwn 1 116 l4Sfast 3U 102 G li i 4 2 4l 43 T Buel 7 Gleipner Adelante Lukemae 41764 Oaklwn 1 18 l57hvy 20 108 2 3 3 4 5 G10 T Buel 7 Ellison Waterproof Aztec 41698 Oaklwn 1 116 l48fast 20 105 10 10 898 7 3 I Gregory 12 F of Steel Lnkemae Sunflash 41659 Oaklwn 34 l16slow 20 113 9 10 10 9 8 I Gregory 10 Barbara Shilling Ouwa Jane 41483 FGnds Im20y l45hvy 15 154145S 106 6 7 7 6 G G = I Gregory S DDodge Marianao Kinglinsll 4145S FGnds 1 116 l53mud 15 103 7 6 3 3 3 3 I Gregory 7 Tito Hondo Bluebannock 41371 FGnds 1 1S l59rnud 15 104 3 1 1 5 61 GI Gregory S I and Calls Regreso Bajazet 41299 FGnds 1 14 200 fast 20 109 5 4 3 5 61 G1 I Gregory 7 PamlCalls Don Dodge Regreso 41245 FGnds 1 116 152 hvy 8 105 6 5 5 G 5 553 I Gregory 6 Old Ben Blue ItoCk Yermak 41220 FGnds 1 18 203hvy 5 105 4 3 2 2 21 lult I Gregory 0 Bluebannock Fairly Aztec Aztec11G 41199 FGnds 1 116 l53mud 10 10MARCUS 11G 6 4 3 1 Il 3 W J OBn 8 WHBkner Crucow GWgton MARCUS br g 12 1241S59 108 By Bitter Root Crocket F F Johnson 41S59 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 60 60417S9 10 4 5 6 7 7s 7 J Donvan 9 B Hensley PaulnV DRolK rts 417S9 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 30 115 4 11 S 9 92 31C J Dursch 12 Itookery Verna B Sunflash 41753 Oaklwn 1 l43slow 50 111 877 G 72 82 G Leeds 9 Parrlsh Astraea Gleipner 41698 Oaklwn 1 116 l48fast 25 112J Gleipner112J 9 8 10 11 12 1222 L Gentry 1 F of Steel Lukemae Snntlash 31871 NOrlns 1 141 fast 7 7S1851 114 976 5 4 1 in T Rico 14 Tactless King 1C Baby Cal S1851 NOrlns 1 116 l48fast 30 111 II 7 8 8 3 22 T Rice 12 Buzz Around Gibraltar Petelns 31831 NOrlns 1 116 l4Sfast 40 111 9 10 5 3 2i 8 i E Haynes 12 Jabot MiltCtimpbH C Morgan 31793 NOrlns 1 l45hvy 30 3033G75 11C 4 3 5 4 6 6 W Schorn 8 HHorse UBrother FuzWuzzy 33G75 NOrlns 1 l47mud 30 303124S 112 9 11 9 10 9 9 L McAtee 11 MiltCampbell HsBrother Lynn 3124S NOrlns 1 11G l53mua 40 115 7 6 8 8 7s G5 W Schorn S Uhlvator Orange Patty Regan Also eligible to start should any of the above be scratched F C COLE hr K 5 108 By Transvaal Miss Mclaughlin J MoNulty 41943 Oaklwn ImTOy l46fast SO 113 12 10 10 11 1H ni 2 j Dursch 12 Hickorvnnt Saadi Verna B 41S75 Oaklwn 1 l43Mmud EO 107 1 6 7 7 7 7 = W Wright 7 Lucius H llorse Little String 41801 Oaklwn 1 116 l4Gfast 100 103 7 7 7 7 7 6 W Wright 7 Medusa Ellison Bajnzet 41C23 Jefson Im20y 1 45f ast 20 111 14 14 14 15 14 14 W MnderslG Abuscade SMjorle Dundreary 41599 Jefson 34 116 good 25 114 2 10 10 10 8 W MnderslO NModul Kingling II LMiller 41591 Jefson 34 116 slow SO 111 8 888 8 W Mnders 8 Langden Selma O General 40822 Jefson 1 11C l52 slow 12 112 6 6 6 7 E G A Johnson 9 SemStalwart Brando Mikifula 40SOS Jefson 1 145 good 12 116 2 2 3 3 42 52 A Johnson 9 O Roberts Indolence Dervish 407G7 Jefson BJ f lllhvy 20 109 4 56 6 GTJ A Johnson 7 Fusy Griff Dartworth Ettahe

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Local Identifier: drf1919041201_3_4
Library of Congress Record: