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CHICAGOS RACING FUTURE Plans for New Organization and a Racing Law Being Formed Important Conferences About the theEstablishment Establishment of North Shore ShoreSporting Sporting Club The Chicago sportsmen who hold the idea of es ¬ tablishing a new racing plant of a highclass mod ¬ ern type in connection with a country club and olf course of excellence near Chicago and on the North Shore have recently held several local con ¬ ferences with Hon Johnson X Camdcii chairman of the Kentucky State Racing Commission and president of the new Kentucky Jockey Club who was in Chicago on his way from Arizona ArizonaAs As a result of these conferences a bill will prob ¬ ably be framed and offered to tin Illinois legis ¬ lature for early consideration It will be built on the lines of the Kentucky law and if passed racing will come back to Chicago in a supreme way in 1920 by which time a wonderful establishment for sport in general and racing can be made ready readyThis This establishment will if erected and equipped cost more than a million and a half dollars and be complete in every club and sporting detail Opera ¬ tion of the racing in connection with the new club will probably be by a specially selected inner or ¬ ganization to work as a jockey club or racing as ¬ sociation and the racing will be on the plan so gloriously followed at the old Washington Park Hub meetings on the south side by the former Washington Park Club ClubThis This will revive the American Derby and other great stakes formerly run at Washington Park it meetings of about thirty days duration held in June ami July of each year yearJlhe Jlhe Washington Park gtakcs were attheir zenith in JJH13 the last year of actual racing at that truck and were as follows followsStake Stake Distance Added Value ValueAmerican American Derby 3 3yearolds yearolds 1 12 miles 25000 27025 27025Lakeside Lakeside Stakes 2 2yearold yearold fillies 58 mile 2000 29Gu 29GuAuburn Auburn Stakes 3year olds and over 1 11C miles 2000 2755 2755Englewcod Englewcod Stakes 3 3yearold yearold fillies 1 mile 2000 2040 2040Oakwood Oakwood Handicap 3 3yearolds yearolds and over 1 18 miles 2500 3150 Kenwood Stakes 2 2yiarold yiarold colts and andgeldings geldings 5S mile 2000 3190 3190Great Great Western Handi ¬ cap 3vcarolds and andover over 1 12 miles 3000 3080 3080Quickstep Quickstep Stakes 2 2yearolds yearolds 12 mile 2000 3250 3250Sheridan Sheridan Stakes 3 3yearolds yearolds 1 14 miles 4000 3850 3850Drexel Drexel Stakes 3year olds 1 mile 2000 2580 2580Miiywood Miiywood Stakes 2 2ycarolds ycarolds 5S mile 2000 3140 Midway 3140Midway Stakes 3ycar 3ycarolds olds and over 1 18 miles 2000 2555 2555Young Young Handicap 3 3ywirolds ywirolds and overl 3Ki miles 5000 5835 Edgowatcr Stakes 2 2ycarolds ycarolds 5 12 fur 2000 25110 Hyde Park Stakes 2 2ywirolds ywirolds 34 mile mileLrikc 7500 0130 Lrikc View Handicap Handicap2yoarokls 2yoarokls 31 mile mileWheeler 2000 2530 Wheeler Handicap 3 3yearolds yearolds and over 1 11 miles 7500 SOtiO THE RACING LAW OF KENTUCKY The Kentucky State Racing Commission operates under the Chinn bill which was made a law in March 1900 by the Kentucky legislature The law is as follows followsAn An act to regulate the racing of running horses in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and to estab ¬ lish a State Racing Commission and prescribing its powers and duties dutiesBe Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Common wealth of Kentucky KentuckySection Section 1 Any corporation formed for the pur ¬ pose of racing and breeding or improving the breed of horses and conducting races and contests of speed shall have the power and right subject to the provisions of this act to hold one or more running race meetings in each year and to hold maintain and conduct running races at such meet nigs At such meetings the corporation or the owners of the horses engaged in such races or others who are not participants in the racing may contribute purses prizes premiums or stakes to be contested for but no person or persons other than the owner or owners of a horse or horses con ¬ testing in a race shall have any pecuniary interest in a purse prize premium or stake contested for in such a race or be entitled to or receive any portion thereof after such races shall have been finished and the whole of such purse prize pre ¬ mium or stake shall be allotted in accordance with the terms and conditions of such race Such meet ¬ ings shall not be held except during the period extending from the 1st day of April to the 1st day of December inclusive In each year Xo running races are authorized or shall be permitted except during the period aforesaid nor except between sunrise and sunset sunsetSc Sc 2 A State Racing Commission is hereby established to consist of five persons to be ap ¬ pointed by the governor three of whom shall be breeders and raisers of thoroughbred slock and no two of whom shall be members of the same racing association The members of said commis ¬ sion fehall hold their offices for a term of four years and tin first commission shall be appointed within twenty days after this act shall go into effect Such commission shall appoint a secretary who Khali serve during its pleasure whose duty it shall lie to keep a full and faithful record of its pro ¬ ceedings and preserve at its general office all books maps documents and papers intrusted to its care and perform such other duties as the com ¬ mission may prescribe He shall be paid a salary to be fixed by the commission at a rate not ex cedins 1200 per annum which shall be paid by the several racing corporations or associations the amounts to lie paid by each to be apportioned by the commission which shall on or before the 1st dny of December in each year assess upon each of said corporations or associations its just propor ¬ tion of such salary The commission shall bien ¬ nially make a full report to the general assembly of its proceedings for the twoyear period ending with the 1st day of December preeciliug the meet ¬ ing of the general assembly and shall embody therein such suggestions and recommendations as it shall deem desirable desirableSec Sec 3 Said commission shall have the power to prescribe the rules regulations and conditions under which running races shall be conducted in this state and no such races shall be conducted except by a corporation or association duly licensed by said commission as herein provided Any cor ¬ poration or association desiring to conduct such racing may annually apply to the State Racing Commission for the license so to do If in the judgment of the commission a proper case for the issuance of such license is shown it may grant the same for a term of one year and every such license shall contain a condition that all races or race meetings conducted thereunder shall be subject to the rules regulations and conditions from time to time prescribed by the commission and shall be revocable by the commission for any vio ¬ lation thereof or whenever the continuance of such license shall be deemed by the commission not conducive racingBut to the interests of legitimate racing But if said license is refused or revoked said commission shall publicly state its reasons for so doing and said reasons shall be written in full in the minute book of said commission which Khali at all times be subject to inspection upon applica ¬ tion of anyone desiriiig to do so said finding of said commission shall be subject to the review of a court of competent jurisdiction provided that a refusal of the commission to grant to any racing association a license or to assign any racing asso ¬ ciation at least forty days in each year If desired for racing at such association and the decision of such commission revoking uuy license of any association shall be subject to review of the courts of the state stateSec Sec 4 Every running race meeting at which racing shall be permitted for any stake purse or reward except as allowed by this act is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and every person acting or aiding therein shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine nf not less than 500 nor more than 1000 for each day of such meeting or racing and in addition thereto in a suit brought for the purpose by the State Racing Commission in the Circuit Court of the county where it may br proposed to conduct such unauthorized racing an injunction may be obtained against the same sameSec Sec 5 This act shall not apply to trotting meetings or races nor shall it apply to racing conducted by any state county or other fair as ¬ sociation holding not more than one meeting an ¬ nually and for a period not exceeding six days for such meeting meetingSec Sec 6 Inasmuch as there is no general law regulating racing in this commonwealth and it is desirable that one should be in operation us soon as possible an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this act shall be in full force and effect from and after Us paaaagc