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FIFTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile 3yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesApril April 23 1918 l09 i 7 HOVi LOYALIST ch c 3 M 112 By The Manager Ancient T C McDowell McDowellS711 S711 Lutonia 5S l01fast 27 112 2 22 2l 2s J McCabe 12 Camoulleur TScial TSHdred TSHdred385G9 385G9 Douglas 5S l00fist 11 112 5 05 5 511 A Johnson 9 Cockroach Silv Light CDowns CDowns3S532 3S532 Douglas 5S 59fast 14 IOC 5 6 C C1 5 A Johnson 6 Sennings ParK By Heck Docod First start for the following followingBILL BILL RENDERED ch c 3 M 112 By Marco Forecastle E R Bradley BradleyCONSTANTINE CONSTANTINE b c 3 M 112 By The White Knight Perishable G J Long LongLADY LADY FAIR PLAY b f 3 M 107 By Fair Play Crystal Maid W L Lewis LewismSlXLatotifa mSlXLatotifa BS t l00ffooil 35 112 11 7 S Ci C10 G Molesthl2 Lady Langdon Betsv Misslvan 40127 Latonia 51 f l09hvy 56 105 7 44 Gi 717 G Molesh 8 Discssion Ckroach Sningdale SningdaleLORENA LORENA MOSS b f 3 M 107 By Sir Wilfred Kitty K D Lehan 104S1 Latonia 51 f l09ROod 33f 112 1 S 7 7l 7 C Dishmnlli Lady Langden Betsy Misslvan 10413 Lntonin 34 l19Jihvy 7f 112 3 3 11 11 11 = C ISrown 12 Rcttx B The Gleamf r Ksnano Ksnano399C9 399C9 Churchl 5J f 108 fast 24G 112 1 10 9 81 7 H Gray 12 LRachcl Retta B WatWillow WatWillowGOURMAND GOURMAND b g 3 M 109 By Braxted Festive Agnes Waldeck Stable 41836 Oaklwn 1 l42fast S 103 S 5 6 9 9l 9 O Willis 12 Bryne B Shilling Stkebreaker 41789 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 7 1031 4 3 4 3h 4 O Willis 12 Rookery Verna Sunflash 41737 Oaklwn 34 l15fast 20 115 5 24 41 48i O Willis S EdStonl Raybnnaut Gonzalesll Gonzalesll4170GOaklwn 4170GOaklwn 34114fast 30 102i 5 6 8 S 81U O Willis 1J H C Bascli Jnck K Bathilde Bathilde4167C 4167C Oaklwn 34 l14fast 15 103J 7 7 7 7s 714 O Willis 8 BonOtis SWJohnsou HMabel HMabelBECKY BECKY ch f 3 M 107 By Transvaal Mdrning Hours Keystone Stable Stable3S953 3S953 Latonia 58 l01V fast 23f 112 S 10 10 102 10IJ L Garner 12 Vansylvla War Tax Kiku KikuTHIRTEEN THIRTEEN blk c 3 M 112 By Coy Lad Run of Luck H H Hewitt 40503 Latonia 34 l15gooJ 27f 102 0 547 9IS II J 2urkel2 CarrieMoore Cockrch Emanale Emanale4WG1 4WG1 Latonia EJ f lilOslpw lit 113 5 55 71 10 D Connllyl2 Sningdale KTKinter 15 Baker 40357 Lntonla 51 f lOSslop 14 112 C S 11 12 12 D Connllyll Silv Light GenHaig Emanale liKX Churchl 34115 fast 10 112 2 23 3 6l ° D Connllyl2 GFloss GMuehlebach Emanale 39949 Churchl 51 f l07 ifast 50 112 3 7 G 92 881 PI J Burkell War 1aint Bugle Call TwiforJ TwiforJSS148 SS148 Saratoga 58 59fast 15 115 7 6 4 41 43 D Connllyl4 CharThorley LeBalafre Resist ResistS930S S930S Saratoga 5i f l07fast 10 108 13 13 13 12 121 E Sande 13 Wdermau Ceramic Melancholia 9250 Saratoga 34 l14V6slow 30 115 13 1G 10 16 16 L McAtee 10 Mormon Sundial II Shady ShadyS9233 S9233 Saratoga Ei f lOGfast 25 115 14 14 14 14 14 L Gentry 14 Sketchy Milk Maid Cerinus 9197 Saratoga 5i f 107 fast 30 115 10 9 7 4 431 D Connllyl4 Bright Lights Sketchy Cerinus CerinusCOL COL Payne3S9SO HARRISON b c 3 M 109 By Marta Santa Miss Present W S Payne 3S9SO Latonia 58 l01fast 34 112 5 12 12 12 12 M Garner 12 Larry B ChurchillDowns Byrne 3SS72 Byrne3SS72 Latonia 55 f l S fast 10 112 7 46 64 G 3 CM Garner 12 Buncrana Larry 15 Salvo 38738 Latonia 5S l01fast 11 112 8 77 Sl 8 2 M Garner 10 Ginger Candle Light Silv Light 38646 Latonia 58 l01fast G 112 S S 10 = 1015 M Garner 12 MarseJohn Ginger T S Hundred 38620 Latonia 41 f 54 fast 19 112 7 7 72 371 M Garner 10 Uncle AVhite SilLight SirBeau 38545 Douglas 5S l02hvy G2 112 8 88 71 6 J Howard 10 Ticklish SilveryLight Bonstelle