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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Richmond Stakes 4yearolds and upward Allowances May 11 1911 137 5 108 108CHEER CHEER LEADER b g 5 106 By Ogden Belle of Ashland Williams Bros BrosS994S S994S Churchl 1 1S l53fast 12 10S 2 3 3 2 1 1i J Howard fi Hocnlr Sutigold Mistress Polly 39S73 Polly39S73 Douglas 1 138 fast 18 106 5 5 5 4 420 411 J Howard 5 VAmerica FrCake Rancher RancherE9734 E9734 Lexton 1 l3Sfast S 3051 443 2 31 3 = J Howard 5 Pif Jr Kama J J Murdock 39094 Latonia 1 116 145 fast 1310 100 5 4 3 1 I5 1s E Sande 8 Mar Goosby OlgaStar ErnestB ErnestB3S919 3S919 Latonia 1 116 l44faat 2 108 2 3 5 4 G 4 H Lunsfd 5 Rifle Marion Goosby SansyminK SansyminKSE639 SE639 Latonia 1 116 l44fast 75 112 1 4 4 G A 451 B Sande 7 FauxCol Rifle Whirling Dun DunSS45G SS45G Dquglas 1 18 l51fast 135 109 1 2 2 2 I1 I1 B Sande 4 BribedVoter Lottery SmMoney 3S375 SmMoney3S375 Churchl 118156 fast 910 10G 1 1 1 1 I2 I1 E Sande 5 Ernest B Brynlimah Lottery 38174 Churchl 1 116 l49mud 135 114 2 2 2 2 11 3i J Gruber G Manokin Mist Polly Brynlimab 37813 Oaklwn 34 112 fast S 110 7 7 7 7 711 L Gentry 7 Assume TothMint OntunitT OntunitTS7772 S7772 Oaklwn 1 116 l47mud 75 107 3 5 5 6 4J 3 J Callahan 7 Warsaw Woodtrap Berlin HERALD b c 4 109 By Coy Lad Angcrona H H Hewitt Hewitt4211G 4211G Lexton ImTOy l4affast 27 104 u 33 3 4 = 573 H J Burke 5 liiiford Jiffy Viva America 40525 Latonja 0 116 l50i mud 71 lOt 8 2 1 3 3J 5 H J Uurke 8 ExternatorDrastic WMchine 40445 Latonia 2 14 406hvy 52 102 3 a 66 6 62 H J Burke G Externator Bverkill Mscowa 40389 Latoriia 1 144 mud 1C 1111 123 3 6 7 D Connlly 8 Drastic Basilius Opportunity 40333 Latonia 1 l37fast 43 99 7 7 7 7 6s G10 II J Burke 9 Grundy WMachine SofPsure 39973 Churchl 1 l39fast 51 ICG 1 1 1 1 2J 21 D Connlly 5 Freecutte NAVind Amalette 39912 Douglas Im70y l42fast G 107 3 3 4 4 5 51 D Connlly 5 FHandley Precious Courtship Courtship39S53 39S53 Douglas Im70yl43y5fast 16 105 3 4 3 3 11 1J D Connlly 5 NightWind EIRey Sansymine 39772 Lexton 1 139 fast 80 106 1 4 3 3 4l 4 A H Burke 5 N Wind FHnndiey Freecutter 39325 Saratoga 1 l3Sfast 13 108 6 8 9 9 9 9 D Connily 9 Smart Money Wise Man Valais SEAFARER ch e 4 103 By Rabelais Ocean Bound H Field 41996 Oaklwn Im70y l43 fast 20 100 4 2 2 G G2 5 G W Carl CnderFire Diversion St Isidore 41751 Oaklwn 34 I14y5slow 15 106 5 6 6 6i 655 G Molesth 6 Ultima Thule Top Coat Kama Kama41G8G 41G8G Oaklwn 1 140 fast 10 106 5 5 4 5 6 = 65i H J Burke 7 Troilus Hary King BShannon 41510 FGnds 1110148 good 85 103 4 2 2 1 I4 1 H J Burke 7 Amelita Prunes BroomPeddler 41471 FGnds Im70y l51hvy 3 107 4 2 4 2 31 3J H J Burke 7 Optnuity K Neptune Amelita 41407 FGnds 51 f 111 hvy 75 111 4 44 3 2H T Connlly 7 Discussion GrnGrass CDowns 41367 FGnds 51 f l09mud 15 113 7 65 3H 31 D Connlly 9 Top Coat Blaise Discussion Discussion410S5 410S5 FGnds 1 116 l53ihvy 85 102 6 5 3 3 31 1J J aiooney 7 Don Dodge LCottagc KenBoy 41040 FGnds Ira70y l47slow 31 105 7 7 5 2 4 4 i S Sndman 7 Opportunity Jiffy Berlin 40923 FGnds Im70y 150 hvy 75 104 4 2 1 1 2 2 S Sndman G MRosell Don Dodge Harbard 40906 FGnds Iin20y l49mud 16510212 63 1 I2 11 S Sndman 14 Bombast Cracow Old Man Grit 40832 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 100 104 12 12 12 12 12l A J0hnsonl2 Korbly Assume Bon Tromp 40164 Empire Ab34 l10fast 30 100 4 444 4 M7 Lang 4 Hsemald Thbearer ILadyll 40086 Jamaica 34 l13fast 4 111 6 6 6 4k 419 F Robson 6 Bthilde PoorBterfly Nnesuch 40061 Jamaica 34 l14fast 8 115 12 10 9 9 8 W Collins 12 Gold King Bathilde Riverside HUFFAKER b h 6 106 By Dick Welles Outwai W F Cisco 42030 Oaklwn Im70y l47fast 41 106 4 4 4 4 52 4s C Brown 11 Sunflash Ben Levy Bengali 41968 Oaklwn 34 l16mud 4 109 4 3 4 4h 2 O Willis 12 Velvet Tom Caro Alma Louise 41855 Oaklwn 34 r14fast 20 107 5 G 3 3 3s O Willis 8 KirstCub Knklux SilvShapiro 41774 Oaklwn 34 l15slow 7 113 2 5 5 51 473 O Willis 8 BobA ChoirMaster SiiShapiro SiiShapiro3SS47 3SS47 Latonia 34 l13good 133 105 5 86 4l 47 J Mooney 11 Sdmanll TAderson rrkville rrkville35G27 35G27 Douglas 34 l12fefast 9f 110 5 99 9 910 T1 Murphy 12 Gallant Lad SolGilsey Warsaw 34064 Latonia 34 l13slow 34 115 7 58 10s 914 J Metcair 11 AMiddleton B Voter HighLad 7S136 Hthorne 34 113 fast 10 100 5 666 6 H Stearns G Vogue Pesky Sir Edgar Edgar1I7U97 1I7U97 Hthorne 1 l40fast 31 971 1 2 2 3 2J 2 H Stearns 4 Franklin Wilhite Kenney 27959 Hthorne 5J f 109 slow 31 101 3 23 3l 2 C VanDun 7 Bonanza Anita Casey Jonea 27840 Hthorne Im70yl45 fast 6 98 3 3 3 3 4 21 H Stearns 5 Wilhite G Hughes CaseyJonei 27772 Hthorno 1 116 146 fast 2 102 4 2 2 2 4 41J S Wolstm 5 Leo Skolny Wilhite Olga Star SAM McMEEKIN b g 7 106 By McGee Gunrod F Rector 41795 Havana Im50y l45hvy G 102 6 S 5 G G 8 H Thurbcr S Fritz Ernst Corydon Bulger 41732 Havana 1 140 fast G 10G G 5 3 3 3l Il H Thurberll Lackrose TokalonMrch Sjrlan Sjrlan41G92 41G92 Havana Im20y l42fast 31 106 8 6 6 8 92 1010 H ThurberlO Will Soon Cork Queen Trovato 41643 Havana Im50y 144 fast 4 109 10 G 7 6 71 83 H Thurberl2 Chillum Sky Man Jake Schas 41516 Havana Im50y 144 fast 7 110 4 6 5 6 5 k Slu H Bullman 7 CtMchmont SRock Sevillian 41463 Havana 1116147 fast 3 108 8 3 3 2 21 21 H Lunsfd 8 Bac Frank Keogh Little Buss 41403 Havana Im50y I44fa5t 4 110 8 8 8 8 8 71S W Kelsay 8 PretBaby Chemung Vagabond 40749 Havana ImEOy 149 slow 2 113 7 3 2 2 3 32I J Frach 8 Petlar Algardl Arbitrator By Olambala LAlouetto K Spence 6 G73 T Murray 7 Henry G Wise Man Hocnir HocnirI2 41503 Havana Im20y 145 slow 65 109 2 2 2414G4 I2 I2 T Murray G Circulate CapitalCity KenBoy KenBoy3s 414G4 Havana ImiOy l41sfast 2 107 G 4 3s Sl T Murray 7 Breeze Don Thrush Ballad 41410 Havana ImSOy l42fast 2 108 4 3 3413TX 4 31 H Lunsfd 8 Fort Bliss GeorgeDuncan Lytle 413TX Havana 1 116 151 slow 21 108 2 2 2 t It H Lunsfd C Lytle Marys Beau Kingfisher 41205 Havana 1 l39fast 31 105 4 5 5411S5 3i Kingfisher3i 21 H Lunsfd G Dimitri SolUier Lytle LytleG 411S5 Havana 1 139 good 20 101 3 5 54114G G G10 H Lunsfd G Zululand Prospector Deckmate DeckmateG 4114G Havana 1 116 l46fast 2 102 4 G GJ G 612 T Murray G Hocnir BelleRoberts Deckmate DeckmateBy J C STONE ch g 7 103 1033G118 By Peep oDay Prairie Belle R L Baker 3G118 Latonia 1 18 l52fast 9 102 4 4 41 5 O Willis 9 Olga Star Jovial Lady Rotha 36401 Latonia 1 l38fast 2S 109 7 0 311 41 D Connlly K QuApple Basilius Flylltme 36334 Latonia 1 18 l51fast 21 IOC 10 S SS593G 6H 5 1 W Crump 10 Olga Star Fly Home Jovial S593G Churchl 1 18 l55good 9 104 3 11 M Garner 7 Turco Olga Star Sun God 3D71C Douglas 1 11G 148 fast 8 107 S 11 31 3s C Dishmonl2 Black Broom Yermak Ormttlu 35563 Lexton 1 18 l52fast 2110 107 1 4 2b 21 SI Garner G Olga Star Margaret N Yermak 35469 Lexton 1 11G l47fast 8 108 12 10 2H 21 M Garner 12 Yenghee Julia L Foxy Griff 35409 Lexton 1 116 147 fast 16 106 C 6 21 11 M Garner 7 Dovedale The Grader FLegend 34199 Latonia 1 1S l53fast 3 1071 6 7 73406G G 531 J Hanover 7 Bean Spiller Waterproof Alert 3406G Latonia 1 116 l47fast 225 105 10 11 41 431 C Hunt 12 BFellow ColMmont BSpiller 33833 Latonia 34 l13fast 13 108 11 8 B l W Kelsay 12 AMiddleton KBelle Lightfoot LightfootBy IRREGULAR br h 5 106 By Haslings Armilda P Dunne 41455 FGnds 1 12 245ysmud 185 109 4 3 21 33 J Mooney 0 QApple PandCalls MRosell 41310 FGnds 1 14 212 hvy 7 104 1 3 11 I1 H J Burke G Queen Apple KNeptune Jason 41290 FGnds 1 11G lUSVifast 15 107 5 6 64125C 5 S 3 S Sndman S Jiffy KewONeil LordHerbert 4125C FGnds 1 14 207 good 15 58 7 7 7 7 J Mooney 7 Bondage Courtship Bolster 41180 FGnda 1 116 149 good 4 100 7 G 3J 31 H J Burke 7 BLynch Dolina Jack ODowd ODowdG 41151 FGnds 1 116 150 hvy 10 105 3 G G 621 J Mooney 6 Bolster Soflleasure D Bright 41101 FGnds 1 1S 202hvy 6 109 6 G 412 41 J Mooney G BrPeddler Prunes KNeptune 41073 FGnds 1 11G 152 hvy 31 106 6 6 6 Gl J Mooney G Opportunity II King DBright 41021 FGnds 1 116 l51hvy 7 107 5 5 2 22 H J Burke 9 HKing BMcDawell B Peddler 40961 FG nds 1 11G l47 sood 4 108 5 5 42 11 J Mooney G KewpONeil Cadillac BLynch