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HAVRE DE GRACE FORM CHART HAVRE DE GRACE MD FRIDAY APRIL 25 1919 Ninth day Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association Spring Meeting of 13 days Weather clear temperature 50 ° Stewards C J Fitz Gerald W S Vosburgh and K Parr Judges C Cornehlsen and Joseph Mc ¬ Lennan Starter James Milton Kacing Secretary F Rehberger Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p ni W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentlieses following the distance of eacli race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance JOg fl O FIRST RACE 412 Furlongs April 26 1915 53 2 108 Purse 117619 ttf JL JL5j 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 87619 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 42051 JHDDEN SHJP wnli2 3 3 2 k 2 ink ii RTroxler Kentucky Stable 115100 42091 SEDGEGRASS w 107 22 1 Il 23 2 L McAtee R T Wilson 915100 42091 COL MURPHY w 110 54 34 34 3 3J J P Ryan D Shaw 3125100 42077 DRUSILLA will 11 4i 4s 4s 4 J G Corey N D Smith 175100 42051 BOHERNABRNA 1140100ENRUAL w 106 4 f 5 51 53 5 J Sthpletn P B Capra 1140100 ENRUAL WB 107 C C 6 G G 6 G Avails J J Moran 3720100 Time 24 49 55 Track good 2 mutuels paid Hidien hip43p straight 340 place 70 show Sedgegrass 10 place v450 show Col Murphy 720 hpw Equivalent booking odds Hidden Ship 115 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Sedge grass 205 to100 place 125 to 100 show Col Murphy 200 to 100 show Winner f by Cuiiard Masks and Faces trained by C N Freeman bred by Mr Edward K Bradley BradleyWent Went to post at 234 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv linKs iHIpDBXjiSHIP raced in closest pursuit to the stretch turn where she came through on the inside and easily disposed of SEDGEGRASS to win easing up SEDGEGKASS a quick beginner showed tlip most early speed but tired when challenged COL MURPHY showed improvement but also tired in the last sixteenth DRUSILLA ran disappointingly OverweifJIits Hidden Ship 1 pound SECOND RACE 34 Mile April 24 1913 111 3 81 Purse 117619 3year olds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 87619 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt yt T = 4StrFin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 38533 WAR GOD w 4 115 10 2 l t I4 1 = 1i J Williams Ogden Stable 375100 42094 3SOM IN FRANCEwn 3 110 7 7 5l 45 21 2i G AValls R J Mackenzie 640100 42094 DIFFERNT EYESwit 3 110 3 3 3 33 3 = 3 L McAtee Casco Stable 795100 42109 CLEAN GONE wit 3 110 11 1 71 G 8 = 41 T Rice J J Farrell Jr 1420100 42094 ASSUMPTION wn 3 110 C 10 = 71 41 5 = L Fator J MacManus t220100 42094 SOL DEWERDUN w 3 111 89 3 8 71 G E Haynes Glen Riddle Farm t RAPID DAY w 3 110 44 4 5 5 = 7 E Ambrse C W Starr 825100 82510042094s 42094s JOS P MURPHY w 4 115 15 23 2i G 8l J Butwell E IcBride 170100 170100420G03KING 420G03KING AGRIPPA w 4 115 2 8 103 10 J 9 93 G Burns Triple Springs Farm 3125100 40392 HOHOKUS wn 3 110 5 6 8k 91J10 = 103 G Corey Crown Stable 20545100 20545100420CG 420CG W WARD w 3 110 9 11 11 11 11 11 J Connors C H Gilroy t FERNDALE w 4 115 12 Left at the post J Dreyer Sylvester Stable 31415100 31415100fMutpel fMutpel fiejd Time 23 48 1145 Track good 2 miiJuels paid ar God 950 straight 570 place 480 show Somewhere in France 020 place 550 show Different Eyes 550 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds War God 375 to 100 straight 185 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Some Tvhere in France 210 to 100 place 175 to 100 show Different Eyes 175 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Uncle Tehera trained by S M Henderson bred by Messrs Headley Miller MillerWent Went to post at 305 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow for all but FEKNDALE Won easily second and third driving WAR GOD set a fast pace from the start and drawing away into a Jong lead after r6ttfiding the last turn won easing up SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE gained steadily from a slow beginning and finished fust DIFFERENT EYES ran well but tired and just lasted long enough to outstay the fast coming CLEAN GONE The latter closed a big gap and finished with a rush JO ¬ SEPH P MURPHY was eased up when he quit after being second to the last turn turnScratched Scratched 42094 Delaware 110 42099 Auctioneer 110 42099 Marco Polo 115 115Overweights Overweights Soldat de Verdun 1 pound JO1 Qfl THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Sept 16 1912 105 3 105 Purse 117619 Jt JL f JL 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 87619 second 200 third 100 Index Horses 3iStrFin Joaieys Equiv Odds Strt 35453OLD ROSEBUD w 8 123 1 4 1H 1J 1 = I1 J Dreyer F D Weir 145100 14510040311BONIFACE 40311BONIFACE w 4 118 4 2 5 51 41 2i J Butwell J K L Ross W100 42 088 MILKMAID w 3 110 7 6 2 2i 2s 3 E Sande J K L Ross f 42095 STUT FORWARDwu 5 10G 2 5 6J G 5 4 L McAtee R T Wilson 10SO100 39338 IELMEXDORF w 4 118 5 3 3J 3l 3k 5 T Rice Quincy Stable 9770100 42079 MAHS MOUSE w 4 123 G 1 41 4k 6 G W J OBn E J McGraw 1780100 41 14fi DADDYS CHOICEwii C 111 37 7777 S Wida E C Griffith 9145100 9145100tCoupled tCoupled in betting as J K L Ross entry Time 23 47 100 106 Track rood 2 mutuels paid Old Rosebud 4SIO straight 280 place 300 show J K L Ross entry 220 plnco S240Sliowv S240SliowvEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Old Rosebud 145 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 50 to 100 show J K L Ross entry 10 to 100 place 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Uncle Ivory Bells trained by F D A eir bred by Mr John E Madden Went to po t at 330 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing OLD ROSEBUD seemingly quite himself again set a good pace and drew away into an easy lead soon after the start and was under restraint all of the last eighth BONIFACE finished fast and gamely and passed MILKMAID in the final strides The latter began from an outside position and was much used in following the pacemakers closely and tired in the stretch STRAIGHT FORWARD closed a gap and finished with a rush ELMENDOKF ran a good race MAKS MOUSE tired tiredScratched Scratched 3 159Tlie Boy 101 42094BII1 McCloy 123 42003 Marie Council 90 FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Sept 16 1912 105 3 105 Purse 117619 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 87619 second 200 third 100 Indus Horses AWtPPSt 4 4StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 42069 = GENERAL w 9 113 5 3 3i 2 23 2 T Rowan TH Wilson 3075101 42078 SCAJRPIA H wi 5 118 3 2 2 31 31 3t T Rice Mrs B Arlington 3S 510 51042100SlS 42100SlS FJMBLQM w 5 108 f 5s 4t 5 4V L Fator G W J Bissell 42U10C 4209 s TlT FOR TAT w 4 9S 8 12 7 7s 0 5 J Wessler J J Fahey 105510C 105510C421003AVION 421003AVION w 3 102 4 S G = 6 7 61 H Wakoff L Brown 36 10 989GKL1ZABETH R w 3 87 2 7 4 0 41 7 = F Weiner E Sietas t47510l t47510l4209G 4209G CLARK M WR 9 118 7 9 9 Si S1 SI J Dminick G Holmes i 42085 JILL w 3 92 9 G S1 10l 105 i S Wida W C Saunders j 42093 = LEOTI FAY w3 S7 12 11 10 1 91104 A Rlchcrk C F Bralit 1045KK 42093 iMtVKIE CONNLLwi 3 05110 13 JSilS 13 II3 G Apel J S Ownbey 275010C 42100 CORAL WB 4 113 14 10 12il2i H5 12 C Mergler W Stockton 21SO10i 21SO10i4209G 4209G PUI2DODEV WB 4 113 13 1 ili Hi 12l 33i E Hllenmn 1 T Strite 1 41584 MALICE w 4 103 11 14 14 14 14 14 J Mooney E Lutz i itMutuel tMutuel flejd Time 24 49 102 108 Track good 2 mutuels paid Toadstool 810 straight G0 place 480 shuw General 2570 place 1430 xhow ScarpJa II 940 show showEquivalent Equivalent looking odds Toadstool 305 to 100 straight 210 to100 place 140 to 100 show General 1185 to 100 place G15 to 100 show Scarpia II 370 to 100 show showWinner Winner BIk g by Mushroom Crepe trained by II E Yorke bred in England by Mr W C Grl Grlgs gs went to post at 400 At tiost 0 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing TOADSTOOL set a good pace from the start and finally won pulling up GENERAL raced for wardly andifiuLslud in resolute fashion SUARP1A II ran well but tired in the final drive SISTER KMBLEM fiuislied close up TIT FOR TAT finished well AVION ran much bflow his true form KLIXAUETH K showed speed speedSfRitriied SfRitriied 42100 Salvatello 10S 42101 Koslux 113 420II3 Master McGralli 113 120i3 Safnilmr 10S 420S5 Margaret Ellen 108 420S5 Napoli 103 103Overweljphts Overweljphts Mhrie Connell 42 pounds 3 FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles Sept 18 1915 151 4 129 Purse 117620 4year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 87020 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 42029 3LUTHER w 9 114 75 4 i 3h 33 I4 T Rice C N Freeman 82 42104 SLEETH WB W 111 17 2 21 11 2 2 G Burns P J Sullivan 1100100 1100100420973KINGFISHER 420973KINGFISHER wn 5 106 3 8 71 Gh 4s 4 = 34 L Fator T E Crist SO100 42083 ROYAT w 4 10G 8 G 11 lh 2 31 4s E Ambrse T A Murphv 11835100 1183510042103CAPITAL 42103CAPITAL CITY WB 5 IOC 92 8 9 9 = 51 T Rowan M Smith 3305100 42097 ALMA 15 wn 5 104 4 3 fl 5 6 61 6 R Moore G W Atkinson 2500100 250010042083FAIRLYf 42083FAIRLYf 5451004205B w S 102 2 1 9 S k 71 71 71 A Richcrk C F Brant 545100 4205B BAR COY w 4 104 5 9 G3 74 S 9 SU W Obert W D Althouse 12385100 42057 G M MILLER w 12114 6 4 3 t 4i 5l S1 9 J Butwell R F Carman 1175100 Time 25 50 116 145 156 Track good 2 mutuels paid Luther 1850 straight 730 place 390 show Sleeth 1070 place 500 show Kingfisher 270 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Luther 825 to 100 straight 255 to 100 place 95 to 100 show Sleeth 435 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Kjngfis er 35 to 100 show showWinner Winner 15 g by Oddfellow Coi meiia trained by C N Freeman bred by Messrs Chinn For sythe sytheWent Went to post at 441 At post 5 liuutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing LUTHER after being saved ui ler slight restraint to the stretch turn easily passed the leaders and drew away in the last eighth to Mil In a oantcr SLEKTII ran well but tired and just lasted long enough to outstay KINGFISHER Tl e latter was interfered with when CAPITAL CITY dashed across to the inside soon after the start but closed a gap and made a fast finish ROYAT set the early pace but tired in the stretch drive driveScratched Scratched 38331 Prim Harry 107 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Sept 25 1915 142 4 119 Purse 117620 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 87620 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vs StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 420893SYLVANO 102 9 1 1 1s 1 1 I3 F Cltiletti J O Talbott 42078 BEAUTY SLEEP WR 1C6 4 2 23 2 = 2 2 242089HOUDINI 2 A Richcrk J L Donahue 42089HOUDINI w 104 2 S 71 GJ 5 41 33 L Fator T H Wilson 42104 FAIRY PRINCE WB 107 5 5 5 4 4l 5 4 E Ambrse 1 J Farrell Jr 42089 TRANSPERO W 107 G 43J 3 3 = 51 E Sande E McBride 6 T Rowan S Louis 42089 51510042099REVOLUTION = PLUREN I wit 99 S G 41 5 G1 61 713 J Stapletn W V Casey 515100 42099REVOLUTION wn 92 3 7 8l 9 I S 8 = ° S Wida G T Button 850100 42J01 85010042J01 LEFT FIELDER w 107 1 3 CM 7s 8 9 9 M Mountn G A Shipman 4590100 Time 23 48 115 141 145 Track good 2 mutuels paid Sylvano 700 straight i20 place 400 show Beauty Sleep 1480 place 1010 show Houdini 520 sllo y Equivalent yEquivalent booking oilds Sylvano 250 to 100 straight 210 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Beauty Sleep 040 to 100 plrtce 405 to 100 show Houdini 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Magellan La Source trained by S A Cloptou bred in France by Mr T P Thorne ThorneWent Went to post at 513 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SYLVANO took the lead at once and setting a good pace won all the way and finished in a canter BEAUTY SLEEP ran in nearest pursuit and made a game finish HOtDINI was in close quarters at the start but made up much ground and was going fast at the end TRANSPERO showed a flash of early speed but tired FAIR Y PRINCE ran fairly well PLURENXI races inconsistently and quit early earlyScratched Scratched 420SO Comme Ci 107 SEVENTH RACE 1 V8 Miles Sept 18 1915 151 4 129 Purse 117620 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 87620 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt = iStrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt w4108 w410842090PUTS 2 23 2J 1s I4 I1 A Richcrk D S Fountain 42090PUTS AND CLLSwit 7 109 9 9 8 = 5 2l 24 T Rowan G W Forman 43093BILL HUNLEY w 4 101 S 1 41 3 = L Fator H Hcrron 42057 BEN HAMPSON wn 5 114 G 8 3l 3J 4l W Obert W V Casey 41933 LYTLE AVB 5 111 7 fi G1 7 8i 5J E Hileman J M Ridge 42083 ARBITRATOR ws 5 107 1 A 4i G1 fi G1 C Jackson E G Vivell 42070 CANDIDATE II w 4 113 2 5 9 9 9 7 G Corey K A Beal 42097 QUEEN BLONDE w 4 108 97 1 = lll 2k 41 S E Sande C AV Gasser 42103CAPT HODGE w 4 101 4 3 Gh 71 S 1 9 J Stapletn S Louis 1G70100 Time 1G70100Time 24 48 116 143 155 Track good 2 mutuels paid Prunes 770 straight 440 place 300 show Puts and Calls 550 place 340 show Bill Hunley 090 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Prunes 285 to 100 straight 120 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Puts and Calls 175 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Bill Ilunley 245 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br c by Voorhees Prestene trained by D S Fountain bred by Mr Adolph B SpreckCls Went SpreckClsWent to post at 544 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PRUNES after being saved for the first half ran into an easy lead after rounding the far turn and was under restraint at the finish PUTS AND CALLS a slow beginner closed a big gap and fin ¬ ished with a rush BILL HUNLEY worked his way in on the outside and finished gamely BEN HAMPSON was running well at the finish LYTLE can do better QUEEN BLONDE quit after setting the early pace paceScratched Scratched 42057 Piilaski 107