Exterminator In Triumph: Takes the Ben Ali Handicap in Real Race Horse Style.; American Ace Gives Him a Game Battle--Viola Gaffney a Disappointment., Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-02


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EXTERMINATOR IN TRIUMPH Takes the Ben All Handicap in Real Race Horse Style American Ace Gives Him a Game GameBattle Battle Viola Gaffney a aDisappointment Disappointment LEXINGTON Ky May 1 Willis Sharpe Kil ¬ mers crack Exterminators return to the scenes of his early triumphs was an auspicious one for he clearly demonstrated to the local populace that he is a racing prospect of the first magnitude when lie accounted for the Ben All Handicap todays carded feature and worth 2015 net to the win ¬ ner in the most easy manner from some highly rated ones that included the sensational American Ace and the sturdy Midway Exterminator was con ¬ ceding much weight to all the others but carried his impost in race horse style and clearly proved in the running that had his rider so elected he could have overhauled the speedy American Ace at any point after going the first half mile Exterminator however was saved under restraint a close fol ¬ lower of American Ace until the trying hill had been covered and once headed for the finish after rounding the stretch turn Morys called on Ex terminator and the result vvasquickly foreshadowed for the Kilmer representative raced by the leader with apparent ease and won by as big a margin as the rider chose American Ace though tiring being pased by any of the others for second place Midway was badly outrun to the stretch where lie came resolutely and succeeded In overhauling Hanovia in the last few strides for third money Viva America retired early and seemingly Avas han ¬ dicapped by the rough going Weather and tract conditions again nilitated against the sport but it had no marked effect on the attendance An assemblage of immense size was again on hand to view the sport The card was an excellent one considering the difficult track and the racing was interesting but finishes were again straggling stragglingThe The defeat of Jago in the fifth racfc was par ¬ ticularly unexepected and proved costly to the ma ¬ jority of those at the track trackOutsiders Outsiders begantheir successes with the initial race when Hasty Cora won after a mild drive to outstay Circulate the favorite Mustard landing third thirdThe The dash for maiden twoyearold fillies wit ¬ nessed the downfall of the highly regarded Viola Gaffney which failed even of getting a portion of the purse mostly due to her green behavior at the post and inclination to run out on the turns Annette Teller a disappointment at Hot Springs proved an easy winner of the race from Midia and Goldine GoldineSEWELL SEWELL COMBS BEATS HIGH COST COSTGallaher Gallaher Bros Scwell Combs was the winner of the third race from High Cost with Herald land ¬ ing in third place Paddy which in a former start triumphed over Legotal in muddy going ran a dull race and was far back all the way wayJockey Jockey Davics was suspended for three days by the starter for disobedience at the post postMose Mose Goldblatt shipped his horses to Louisville and those he is training for Harry Payne Whitney tonight He was advised during the afternoon that Vindex Harry Payne Whitneys Kentucky Derby starter had been shipped from Baltimore and would arrive in Louisville tomorrow He will be looked after by Goldblatt until trainer James Howes ar ¬ rival from Hed Bank N J JIt It D Williams claimed Sungold from the last race at a cost of 2200 The horses owned by J Lochheimer in charge of Dan Clark were shipped to New York this morn ¬ ing to engage in the racing there thereTrainer Trainer Henry McDauiel went to Ringhamton N Y tonight to consult with owner Willis Sharps Kilmer Exterminator will be kept here and his next start will be in the Cauiden Handicap A complete canvass of the horses in these carts shows 755 available for racing including 230 twoyear olds oldsJockey Jockey Boyle under contract to E R Bradley sustained a slight injury this morning while exer ¬ cising a youngster over the Idle Hour Farm track and will be out of the saddle for several days daysPat Pat Dunne stated this afternoon that Under Fire would be among the starters in the Kentucky Derby

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919050201/drf1919050201_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1919050201_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800