The Cullen Bon Misnamed, Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-02


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THE CULLEN BON MISNAMED LEXINGTON Ky May By some clerical error the filly The Cullen Bon in a previous start was carded as The Colleen Bawn but her registra ¬ tion shows her to be The Cullen Bon and as such started iii all her races prior to tlie recent errpr The errprThe socalled clerical error was an error at the source It was probably made in the request for registration It was certainly the intention of the breeder to name the filly The Colleen Bawn for which there is good authority Dion Boucicaults excellent Irish play based on Gerald Griffins fine novel The Collegians of tlie same name which in 1S013 was a great success in this country and England The Colleen Bavyn will rim as The Colleen Jlawn so far as Daily Racing Form is concerned even though she be hideously registered as The Cullen Bon Obvious error is not nice to follow Daily Racing Form has in the past used several corrected names notably Piute instead of Pinte and Henry of Trastamare instead of Henry of Franstamar In both cases it was found from origi ¬ nal sources that Piutes natural Indian trib name was given to the Ethelbert Yaqui colt but was transformed into the unnatural Pinte which meant nothing This was a flagrant error as the Ethelbert Yaqui colt of 1905 had been named Apache an other Indian tribal name and the 1909 filly by Mizzeiv Yiiqui was called Young Squaw again carrying out the Indian line of nomenclature Yaquis dam was Iroquols 1894 another Indian tribal name and Yaquis lialfsister 1901 was Algonquin still another Indian tribe tribeIn In the cast of Henry of Trastamare the late JVA Strode who raced him told the writer that the horse was named for a character in one of Conan Doyles works That character was Henry of Trastamure Still through an error in registration probably made in the request sent in to the registrars office the horse was named Henry of Fraiistauiarj and was so known officially but not iir the columns f tills newspaper which whenever it finds an obvious trror will correct it So The Colleen Bawn will appear correctly In these columns as Uhe Colleen Bawn and not as The Cullen Bon

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Local Identifier: drf1919050201_2_8
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