Fifth Race [5th Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-02

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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Govans Handicap 3ycarolds and upward Nov 4 1916 111 133 WESTY HOGAN or h 5 129 By Dick Finnell Carrie Jones W Viau 29311 Sartoga 1316156 fast 125125 1 1 I1 2 C Kummer 4 Cudgel Bondage Ticket 39243 Saratoga 1 18 l53hvy 185 127 4 1 I1 I1 C Kummer G Midway Bondage Franklin 39237 Saratoga 1 l42slop G 122 4 1 1s I6 C KummerlO Naturalist Crank Boniface 219 Saratoga ll 6fast S 125 3 33S748 5 41 65i G Byrne 6 Sun Briar Midway Motor Cop 3S748 Aqduct 1 18 150 fast 7 122 1 5 6l 6 C Kummer 8 Cudgel Roamer George Smith 38656 Jamaica 1 116 l45fast 12 122 8 8S8379 6 2nk 32 c Kummerll George Smith Roamer Cudgel S8379 Jamaica 34 l12fast 3J 140 9 7 8 863 C KummerlO CuinSah Startling George Starr 36422 Pimlico 1 12 231fast 75 120 1 1S6366 1 I2 I1 W J OBnlS OKhayyam Su bonnet FWand S6366 Pimlico 1 l39fast 85 124 3 1 23 23 J Butwell 8 Leochares Stargazer CrnTassel 36003 Laurel 34 112 fast 32 128 5 1 1s lz J Butwell 8 Leochares Bringhurst W Lady 35686 Laurel 34 l13fast 710 125 3 1 1 I1 E Haynea 8 TeaCaddy Stargazer WatLady 35600 HdeGce 34 112 fast 25 126 3 2 21 13 E Haynes 5 Bghurst TothMing WLady 35420 HdeGce Im70yl47slop 34 124 5 1 in 2 ° E Haynes G Pr Mullens EdRoche Waukeag WaukeagBy GRU1IDY ch e 5 110 By Roquelaure Prude Lester Henderson 40362 Latonia 1 l41slop 3310 110 C 1 I3 I5 M Garner 6 FCake WMachine Freecutter Latonia 1 l37fast 2 105 1 1 1 1 = M Garner 9 WMhine SofPsure FHdley 39930 Douglas 34 lllfast 235 111 5 3 11 1 J Kederis 7 WWHastings Kama BTromp 39091 Latonia 34 l12fast 185 107 6 6SS956 5 6 67i J Howard G Sedan Skiles Knob Bon Tromp SS956 Latonia 34 112 fast 32 108 3 2 23 2i H Lunsfd 5 Fruitcake Buford VivaArnerica 38902 Latbnia 34 lllfast 8 106 2 I VivaArnericaI 11 2b H Lunsfd G Boniface Buford Leochares 38849 Latonia 1 138 fast 1110 106 2 23S623 1 31 4 1 H Lunsfd 4 BVoter StAugustine Diversion 3S623 Latonia Im70y l42V fast 5 107 1 5 5 51 O Willis 5 The Porter Am Eagle BVoter BVoterBy ESttUIMAU hr s 3 106 By Theo Cook Northern Girl R Parr 40312 Pimlico 1 l40fast 24 107 5 3 41 33i C Kummer 8 BeFrank Mkmaid BDncerll 40274 Pimlico 34 113 fast 65 112 1 2 1 = 1 A Schugr 9 UndFire Thistledon Earlocker 40242 Pimlico 34 l14slow 10 107 1 1 I1 2n c Kummer 9 DuchLnce LilShaw FleSheik 40216 Laurel 34 l13fast 19 115 9 8 61 G C Mergler 12 FleSheik DuchLace Bagheera 40078 Laurel 5i f l07fast 7 105 7 4 21 11 C Kummer S Knot MVoski Ambassador 40049 Laurel 34 l14fast 3710 110 3 2 11 I1 C Mergler 11 Belario DaintyLady Earlocker 39983 Laurel 34 l13ysfast 20 107 1 4 4 31 C Mergler 7 D Vandiver D Lace Bagheera 39897 HdeGce 34 114 fast 145 113 2 1 2s 33J C Mergler G D Lace Tommywaac J of Arc I 39817 HdeGce 51 f l07fast 2i 116 6 6CAMOUFLEUR 2 2 2H C Mergler 15 Pinard AbassadorlH JofArc I IBy CAMOUFLEUR ch c 3 108 By Astronomer Penitence II W Viau 40523 Latonia 34 l171imud 1310 108 2 2404C4 1 1 I6 F Murphy S Legal Adelia W RoderickDhu 404C4 Latonia 34 l15slow 1910 109 3 1 I1 1 = F Murphy 7 Ambusdorlll Emnalc RDIui 40103 Latonia 34 l16hvy S 107 3 1 jut ont F Murphy 10 Iwiniwiii AAander Hermann 40331 Latonia 51 f l07fast 8 107 6 6S9993 II HermannII 11 = 11 2 F Murphy 12 Iwiniwin Dixie Carroll Ilelmi S9993 Churchl 34 l14fast G 101 3 3JJ9S93 6 ti 5 F Murphy G Legal Madge F Sam Roll JJ9S93 Douglas 5i f l07fast 135 103 3 3 31 5 = 3 F Murphy 5 SReh Huntermann Pastourcau 39730 Leston 51 f l10hvy 11 105 2 4 21 11 F Murphy 12 Exempted AAxandcr Okroach 29037 Latonia 5J f l07fast 1 111 6 5 41 32J H Lunsfd 7 Madge P Wyndover Manicurist 38995 Latonia 51 f 103 fast 1110 111 3 6 3s 3 = 1 H Lunsfd 11 Madge F Orenzo Pcrigord 38860 Latonia 51 f l08fast 4i 106 9 9OPHELIA 5 41 21 H Lunsfd 11 Linden Orenzo Sentimental SentimentalBy OPHELIA b f 3 108 By Senseless Ghent Azalea Mrs J E Davis 42065 HdeGce 58 l01slow 2910 118 G 2 2U 4 = 2 G Walls 7 Pig Wing Stickling DuchLace 40261 Pimlico 34 l12fast 29 110 6 5 5 532 G Walls 6 BillyKelly MadHtter OThere 40250 Pimlico 51 f 107 fast 3 110 5 5401S7 4 53 5i G Walls 7 Cirrus Sherman A Clilm Swift 401S7 Empire 51 f 106 fast 1310 115 1 1 I3 1 G Walls 7 Polygon Herodias M Maitland 40181 Empire Ab34 l09sfast 8 114 4 4 3 = 35J G Walls 4 WarPcnnant Cirrus YngAdain 40148 Empire 5i f 106 fast 12 112 1 1 I1 21 G Walls 7 Cirrus War Marvel Scoots 40021 Jamaica 34 l13fast 5 113 4 1 11 33i G Walls G WMrvcl Tderstorm Bstrade 39828 Aqduct 58 59good 8 103 1 3 in 21 G Walls 9 Balustrade Purchase LadsLove 39768 Aqduct 58 l00good 125 109 1 3 2U in G Walls 7 Looking Up WarKiss BBeauly 39653 Belmont 58 st 55fast 4 110 4 4S9542 3 4l 43 G Walls 7 Pen Rose Pigeon Wing LobkUp S9542 Belmont 5if st l04fast 3 110 3 2 11 23 G Walls 4 Purchase Lion dOr Roi Craig 39432 Saratoga 51 f l06fast 85 112 7 7323S7 2 li H G Walls 10 Marchesa II Sea Way Cirrus 323S7 Saratoga 58 57fast 15 115 5 2 23 21 G Walls 7 Pigeon Wing Polygon Colinella 29323 Saratoga 5J t l05fast 30 112 13 13 13 15 A Schugrl PasShwer LRscbud Taloosa

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Local Identifier: drf1919050201_6_2
Library of Congress Record: