Lexington Entries and Past Performances for Friday, May 2., Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-02


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Lexington Entries and Past Performances for Friday May 2 2I I WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK HEAVY The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1r r 1917 nomatter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts nt 215 p m Chicago time 215 Superior mud runner XOoort inud runner i Fair uuid runner M Maidens Apprentice fillowance fillowancerFirst rFirst Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTraok Traok record May 1 1910 144 5 IOC Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHnn 421 OS3 Vlennlii 7 100X725 42188 St Jude 102 149 4 104X720 42184 Lucile I 104 147 5 10G0715 421 4210 HO Ambuscade 103 130 4 100X710 100X71041795s 41795s Corydon 4 10470T 4 02 Irish Gentleman 11 100X700 Vlgnolahas been racing well of late lateSecond Second Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesColts Colts and Geldings Track record May 11 1911 53 2 115 Westwood br c by Honey wood ISoselawn 115 11542127s 42127s 1yx 115 720 720421S33 421S33 Itooneville 115 ih 115X715 42155 Virgo 115 710 42155 Nick 115 705 7054ISMI 4ISMI St flermaiii 115 700 700Spartan Spartan Boy b c bj Elkliorn In ¬ dian Fairy 115 Weslwood is reported to be n star starThird Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Track record Sept 23 1911 142 3 98 42131 Cantilever 3 i07700 i0770042IS7 42IS7 Silver Jo 3 104 095 411527 Killgozi 4 112 090 Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan163S4 163S4 Stevenson 4112X090 2144 Oourmand 3 104 085 12182 llandblue 100 l51s 3104GSO 12154 To Yonder 4 112 080 080Nothing Nothing outstanding lion lionFourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Savoy Hotel Claiming Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Track record May 8 1917 111 f 0 115 421GS2 Iort Light 111 113 0 1 OS 725 41998 Nominee 112 l13if 4 107X720 42130s Fern Handley 103112 4 105X715 42129 Warsaw 109 112 5 110X710 39895 Manokin 109 112 5 110X705 Port Light is a good mud runner runnerFifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Track record Sept 23 1911 142 3 98 Col Harrison 3 104 700 Ionderosa 103 148 3 107 095 War Tax 3 102 090 Thirteen 3107 085 Parking 3 1040SO Swift Shot 4110GSO Col Harrison may prove best here hereSixth Furlongs2yearolds Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Fillies Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 11 1911 53 2 115 42180 EMMA WELLER 107 56h 109X7 42JG9 Viola Park 112X715 42143 Kiziz 115 50 112X715 42143 Uib 115 57jf 109X710 42143 Pop Eyes 115 55 109X705 109X705Emma Emma Weller seems much the best in the going goingSeventh Seventh Race 1 18 Miles Miles4yearolds ClaimingTrack 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 10 1910 150 1 114 42173 = Flapper 4 99X725 41972 Waterproof 105153 71090720 42030 Tito 114 207h 0 109X715 42145 Woodthrush 100 153 4 107X710 42172 lin teller Boy 100Jl58m 4 104X705 41839 Bajazet 115 l5 m 4 109705 109705Flapper Flapper is in light and racing well

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919050201/drf1919050201_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1919050201_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800