Four More Derby-Preakness Horses: Ancestral Lines of War Pennant, Under Fire, Toto and St. Bernard Quite Interesting., Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-02


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FOUR MORE DERBYPREAKNESS HORSES Ancestral Lines of War Pennant Under Fire Toto and St Bernard Quite Interesting Two of the four candidates for Kentucky Derby or Preakness honors whose pedigrees are presented here art geldings and two colts All have started this year and nil hut War Pennant have raced creditably Whether War Pennants somewhat in ¬ ferior exhibitions arc indicative of a loss of his good fojni of last year or to being backward in his training should soon develop lie was a grand two yearold last fall and it would be regrettable if lie should prove i failure in racing as a threeyear old Totos sire Hippodrome presents a remarkable case of inbreeding his sire and dam both being by Domino St Bernard is racing well at Lexington and on the basis of his performances there must be considered to possess a more than respectable Derby chance Toto is at Pimlicb and it seems probable that he will take his chance in the Preakness and not come west for the Derby although there has been no expression from his owner to that effect The fact that the two richest races of the year for threeyearolds are run with so little time inter ¬ vening is puzzling to owners Consideration of the ancestral lines of these fine and fast young horses brings out interesting points pointsSi Si Pirate of f Prince 1 Blair Athol 5 f Pen 4 Charlie 1 East Princess BJ zance Buccaneer a Sis to Aegis Diophantus s i Kate Pol Margery leticr Bnckden Brqcade C Hanover Hindoo Bourbon Belle t Tarantella Peter PeterGentle Gentle Zitella Falsetto Semper Vive lie TlJuncan Aretino Anna Glare GlareHimyar 2 r Commanr Domino HimyarMahiiie Himyar = do Mahiiie Gray GrayDarebin c lEmmn C Darebin DarebinGfieiVn I GfieiVn oV GfieiVnHimyar = Domi f Domino HimyarMannie Himyar = nncsV Mannie Gray GrayMaster u Master Kildare KildareViotMontrose 5x LEditha ° 5 H 5H ViotMontrose ViotMontroseBramble 03H 03 Ben Brush Bramble BrambleRoseville H u u f nelhi RosevilleMortemer Roseville Mortemer MortemerLizzie Lizzie Lucas LucasSt glrairj JF St Serf St Feronia Simon SimonFeronia Slipper Cinderella Hermit FeroniaHermit HermitMazurka Mazurka John o isonomy Gaunt Dead Ix ck SK Simon Quiver Hermit Pilgrim Thrift ThriftTEl ¬ TEl or T Pr age Lady Audley AudleyDoncaster Doncaster Rouge Rose Macaroni Siihshine Newminster Seclusion BrotoStrafd Gilberts dam a r Golden Beiid OK Dohcaster DohcasterRougeRose C Garter RougeRoseWenlock RougeRose Wenlock WenlockSandal Sandal SandalMusket 2 c Miss Maxim Musket MusketRealization Maxim Realization ± Ventura Virgil VirgilUlrica RealizationVirgil J Ulrica W UlricaArbitrator i = Kilwarlin Arbitrator ArbitratorHasty Hasty Girl GirlBeiid Beiid Or OrFenella M f Hastings FenellaSpendthrift Spendthrift SpendthriftCinderella Fenella 3 I Donna J Cinderella Honora Donna Mia

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Local Identifier: drf1919050201_2_6
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