Lexington Jockey Percentages., Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-02

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LEXINGTON JOCKEY PERCENTAGES From January 1 191S to April 2 191J Inclusive At or Under Jockey Wt Mts 2d 3d Robinson C 100 292 39 CO Murray T 98 300 38 42 Ulluy W 111 77 11 4 Schuttinger A 108 328 50 29 Lunsford II 102 999 190 137 1372S Crump W 110 200 2S Wolstenlwlm S 112 41 4 Howard J 108 785 80 Burke II J 104 278 Howard C 105 03 turner M 100 485 Mclntyre J 103 171 Connelly I 109 798 112 10G Thurber 11 101 592 83 84 Krach J 10G 175 15 22 22GO Gentry L 111 519 GO GO Simpson U 110 429 49 42 Murphy P 107 333 Barrett X 100 313 Johnson A 107 081 Brown G 104 370 DurMh J 111 250 Leeds O 107 82 Metcalf J 110 214 At or Under Jockey Wt Mts Morys J 109 14G Stevens F 104 115 Pool K 107 479 Willis O 100 472 Callalian J 99 273 Van Dusen C 102 80 Troise R 103 508 Molesworth G 100 392 Hanover J 108 142 Gaugel L 109 155 Kopplcman IS 94 104 Borel C 110 50 Stearns II 100 145 Hunt 0 113 121 Boyle S 90 100 Ilidenour W 98 35 Canfield L 102 17 17KU Davies II KU 180 Hamilton II 101 100 Gray H 105 2G Hoag W 102 29 Dislimon C 105 1G7 Cummins K 100 1 Median W 113

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919050201/drf1919050201_4_2
Local Identifier: drf1919050201_4_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800