Miss Jemina Is Not For Sale: Otto Stiefel Refuses to Part with Fleet Daughter of Black Toney--To Race at Saratoga., Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-22


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MISS JEMIMA IS NOT FOR SALE Otto Stiefcl Refuses to Part with Fleet Daughter of Black Toney To Race at Saratoga LATONIA Ky June 21 The highclass per ¬ formances of Miss Jemima have naturally attracted countrywide attention to her and there are scores of prospective purchasers eager for her transfer to their rcspectlve establishments However their pleas to Charles Rowe of Colonial Girl fame who is managing and training the fleet daughter of Black Toney Vaila to set a price on her meets no response other than that Sho is not for sale saleOtto Otto Stiefel her owner is immensely wealthy likes racing and after a long iucst has finally succeeded ill obtaining his desire the possible cham ¬ pion of tho year as he can well afford to own as highpriced u racer as any one There is little likeli ¬ hood that Miss Jemima will pass into other hands regardless of what sum might be thu lure for her transfer transferShrewd Shrewd and conservative horsemen here who have noted Miss Jemima closely in all her starts have no hesitancy In pronouncing her an excep ¬ tionally good filly probably the best uncovered in many years and fully able in her present form to cope and administer dcfout to tho best that has been raced so far east or west westShe She has won all her starts excepting in the Debutante Stakes with the utmost ease usually pulled up in fast time and track conditions dont seem to bother her hi the least for she has raced as impressively on a muddy track ns she has when the course was conducive to record performances performancesAccording According to the critics she should not have been beaten anil u r defeat in the Debutante Stakes at Churchill Downs was due to the caution of her rider who pulled her up at the start when a jam was imminent imminentAccording According to trainer Rowe Miss Jemima will not race any nore at this meeting and will be shipped to Saratoga She is engaged in several stakes at the Empire City track and it is probable that she may be seSit from Saratoga to the Yonkcrs track to run In one or more of the fixtures to which she is eligible She is well engaged in stakes at Saratoga hul the one regret of her trainer is that she is not eligible to the Hopeful Stakes StakesKENTUCKJANS KENTUCKJANS GOING TO THE SPA SPAThis This ywir will find many more stables from these parts participating in the Saratoga racing Nearly every owner has a desire to transfer his estab ¬ lishment to tlm Spa and the exodus at the close of racing here will be heavy and tax the ex ¬ press companies for transfer equipment Edward B McLeans The Porter now racing in the name and colors of John F Schorr to whom he was leaned is the smallest horse starting in handi ¬ caps now racing In this country His dimin ¬ utive stature is the wonder of all observers but he must evidently loom hirge iu the eyes of handicappcrs for he is usually allotted top weight or nearly so regardless of those entered with him Recently trainer John Schorr was inspecting somu yearlings owned by Mr McLean now at Ilinata Farm at Lexington and while examining a youngster of no more than average height re ¬ marked This colt right now is taller than The Porter PorterThe The statement was at once challenged by his hearers and a small wager was laid Schorr won the bet The Porters small stature does not neces ¬ sarily mean that he is of the runty type On the contrary he is the biggest little horse that has carried colors in years Gallaher yearsGallaher Bros have claimed and been awarded the name of Sergeant Yorke for one of their youngsters Ought to IK a bear if he iHjrforms tcf anything like his namesake said John Uullahur hi commenting on having chopsen the name nameCromwell Cromwell and Dempsey have claimed tlm name Tho Euuuirer for the bay colt 1 by Luke MiLuke Fleeing Venus by Kautaka Qneenie by Ilimyar The yonngxter is a halfbrother to Skeer Face which gave such promise as a twoyearold twoyearoldand and was wW for 10000

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919062201/drf1919062201_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1919062201_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800