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JAMAICA FORM CHART JAMAICA L I N Y SATURDAY JUNE 21 1919 Ninth and last day Metropolitan Jockey Club Summer Meeting of 9 days Weather clear temperature 75 ° ey Club W S Vosburgh Presiding Judges E C Smith and C Cornehl sen Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary W C Edwards Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance f Qfl4 FIRST RACE 1 116 Miles June 18 1917 145 6 123 Purse 72375 3year iJJe olds and upward Allowance Net value to winner 52375 second 185 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 42808 5CRYSTAL FORD wn 3 107 G 1 1 = 1 = lt 2 = lnk C KuiumerW J Starr 577245 577245428G 428G = MATINEE IDOL WB 4 115 4 3 2t 2J 2 3i 2 J Butwell Cleveland Stable 12 15 15 5 2 42725 OVER THERE wn 3 107 5 4 4 ° 4 = ° 3 = 1J 3 H Myers AV R Coe 3 4 18545 14 428433KING 14428433KING PLAUDIT WB 2 115 1 2 3 31 4 = ° 4s0 4o J Loftus Broolcside Stablel 1 71014 out 477245342332LE 42274TICKLIS1I w 3 115 2 C C C C 51S 550 J P Byan A II Morris 477245 342332LE REQU1N w 5 991 3 5 5 ° 5 ° 5 = C C R McCrnnGreentree Stable 50 60 50 15 6 6Time goodWinner Time 24 48 113 139 l46s Track good Winner SanfordWent Ch c by Clifford GHmmerglass trained by J H McDonald bred by Mr John Sanford Went to post at 145 At post minutcs Start poor and slow Won driving second and third the same CRYSTAL FORD fortunate at the start set a fast early pace under restraint then withstood challenges ill the stretch but was doing his best at the end MATINEE IDOL was always in closest pursuit and held on well to the end OVER THERE was fractious at the barrier and wasted much strength and began slowly then tired in the final sixteenth after racing into the lead KING PLAUDIT ran well and was next to tiie inside rail in the slower going all the way TICKLISH was left at the barrier but pursued the others and caught the sluggish LE REQUIN Tiie latter refused to extend him ¬ self after a bad start startScratched Scratched i26S8Snapdragon II 114 42842 Woodtrap 117 42570 Mormon Elder 103 42825IWyn dovcr 107 42S54 Alma B 109 42895 Tailor Maid 95 95Overweights Overweights Matinee Idol 1 pound Le Requin 21 42905 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFiu Jockeys 42794BELLE MAIIONE w 5 102 2 1 I1 1 = I1 3k 11 j Wcsslcr J E Seagram 12 20 10 4 S5 428G6Q OF THE SEAwn 5 102 1 2 2i 2k 3 2 2 = i R McCrnnG AV Fonnan 2i 1451351 12 1254iLORD HERBERT wn 4 99 4 C 6 4t 4t 4i 33 L Fator T Francis 8533 1 12 42 88 = SNAPDRAGON Hvn 4 11G S 4 5k C G G 4i A SchugrA Miller 44245 25 42785SPOOR 2542785SPOOR BUTRFLY WB 4 105 5 3 3 = 3J 2t 31 51 L Ensor H R Schaffer 3662 45 42795 PIEDRA w 1 10SJ G 5 4i 51 53 5 G L Stalker R J Mackenzie 15 20 20 7 3 3Time goodWinner Time 24 49V4 115 141 154 Track good Winner B in by Ypsilanti II Irish Lass II trained by W II Bringloe bred by Mr Joseph E Seagram SeagramWent Went to post at 315 At iwst 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the sariK BELLE MAHONE took the lead at once and won all the way but was doing her best at the end QUEEN OF THE SKA ran i gooi race and after losing ground on the stretch turn finished fast LORD HERBERT ran well and had no mishaps SNAPDRAGON II was outrun early but saved ground on the turns and finished gamely POOR BUTTERFLY moved up fast while rounding the last turn but jumped on BELLE misluipsScralihed MAHONES heels then foil back beaten PIEDRA Had no misluips Scralihed 42lKlRT rchbwirer 112 42720 Gex 97 12S54Benevoleiit 107 42S42 Woodtrap 115 42S32 = N K Real 11O 42879 XeniUi 100 100Overweights Overweights Piedni li pounds THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs May ID 1910 105 4 122 Seventh Eunning YOUTHFUL STAKES Guaranteed Value 5000 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 3S50 second 700 third 300 Index Horses AWtPPSt SiStrFin Jockeys 42750 MAN O WAR w 120 4 3 I1 1 I4 li J Loftus GlenRiddleFarm 35 35 12 out 42750 = ON WATCH WB 10S 21 3 = k 3a 25 A SchugrG W Loft 3 4i 4i 45 out 428 3LADY BRUMMEL WB 103 34 4 3i 2i 3 ° L Knsor BriBliton Stable 4 5 lS07lOout 42883 ST ALLAN WB 105 12 2l 4 1 4 A Collins North Shore Stb CO 40 40 G 2 goodWinner Time 23 47 100 106 Track good BclmontWent Winner Ch c by Fair Play Mahuhah trained by I Fcustel bred by Mr August Bclmont Went to post at 347 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MAN O WAR set a great pace from soon after the start drew away easily after rounding the last turn ami was easing up in the filial sixteenth ON WATCH stood a drive gamely LADY BRUMMEL jumped in the air at the barriers rise and tired in the final eighth from the early effort to get up ST ALLAN was badly outclassed outclassedOverweights Overweights Lady Rumuiel 3 pounds lOOAT FOURTH RACE 1 11G Kiles June 18 1917 145 6 123 Eighth Eurining t ± ltJJ A LONG BEACH HANDICAP Guaranteed Value 5000 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 3850 second 700 third 300 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt V StrFin Jockeys Owners 42823 NATURALIST WB 5 128 G 4 2 1J 1 = 1 = Ji C Fbther J E Widener 2i 3 42855 LAN1US w 4 115 35 5 k Dot sk 2 2s J Loftus G D Widcncr 5 S 42H23 = STAU MASTER wu 5 122 1 7 C3 G f k 41 3 W Knapp A K Mucombcr 23 3 C5 35 39141 BALLY w510G 2 G 3i 2J 21 33 43 A Pickons J Butler 20 20 12 5 2 421 0STR FORWARD w 5 103 4 3 l k 3 4 = 5 5 C KummcrK T Wllaon 34485 45 4542784SNATUR 42784SNATUR BRIDGE w 3 100 7 2 7 7 7 7 G H Myers W R Coe 10 12 12 5 2 42823 ROAMER w S 11G 51 41 4 k G G1 7 A Schusr A Miller 10 10 8 3 S5 JTime S5JTime 24 48 lj3 l39i 146 Iraols gooa Winner R g by Rabelais Nature trained by T Welsh bred in France by Mr Joseph E Widener WidenerWent Went to post at 416 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same NATURALIST forced wide on the first turn raced into the lead after entering the backstretch and drew away but was doing his best at the end to withstand LANIUS challenge The latter while being reserved through the early running saved ground on the turns and responded gamely to punish ¬ ment in the final drive STAR MASTER ran well and finished fast BALLY ran a good race for him and finished close up STRAIGHT FORWARD tired and quit NATURAL BRIDGE began slowly and was a distant follower to the final eighth where lie caught ROAMER easing up ROAMER showed speed but failed to stay stayScratched Scratched 12842 Recount 97 4213 Orestes 105 105Overweights Overweights Straight Forward 2 pounds A OCirtQ FIFTH RACE 1 Mih June 19 1919 l385i 3 129 102375 Added 3yearold Tt fciiJfVO and upward Handicap Net value to winner 83375 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners OHO 42842 WOODTRAP vn5100 4 1 2 t 31 2 li 1 H EHcksnNortn Shore Sta5 G 5 8535 41798ABADANE w 4 116 2 3 5 2nklnk2 2 J Loftus fi D Widener G5 95 95 35 15 42843 CAMOUFLEUR w 3 105 5 2 45 5 5 3i 33 C KummerW Vlau 66585 35 42794 M1NTO II w 5 105 1 4 1 ink k 4nt 4 L Fator Kentucky Stable 85 S5 32 35 14 42794 AFRICAN ARROWw 4 95 3 5 3 4 = 43 5 5 J StapletnN Turner 20 20 20 6 2i 2iTime Time 25 43 113 140 Track good goodWinner Winner Ch h by Trap Rock Woodvine trained by J E Hewitt bred by Mr August Belmont1 Belmont1Went Went to post at 444 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing WOODTRAP raced ABADANE to defeat while rounding the final turn then drew away easily ABADANE saved ground on the turns but tired when hard ridden in the final drive CAMOUFLEUR ran well MINTO II set a fast pace and tired AFRICAN ARROW tired badly after going three quarters quartersScratched Scratched 428SOThunderstorm 100 404172Cirrus 118 42S43 Orestes 107 iOrfclCk SIXTH KACE 34 Mile Oct 13 1918 11114 3 126 72375 Added 3yearolds 4 4WtfU5f WtfU5f Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 68375 second i125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners OHO 42571 RAPID DAY wn US 11 7 1 1i I3 1i C KummerC W Starr 3 3 11545 13 42204 SOM IN FRANCE WR IIS 5 5 4 k 4 4J 2 T Rice R J Mackenzie 5 5 5 2 1 42322 JOE JOE w 118 34 21 2 Z 3 T Davies T J Tault 30 40 SO 12 5 542689DOLEFUL 42689DOLEFUL w 118 12 1 3 3 ° k 45 L Lyko J E Seagram 67621 42204 SOMERLED w 118 9 11 84 81 5 B1 J Loftus Grcentree Stable 3 1853 1 12 42882 SADDLE ROCK w 118 4 6 61 61 63 61 J Metcalf E F Whitney SO SO SO 12 G 42221 COURCELLES w 113 8 2 9 10 = 8 = 71 A SchugrA Kornbloom 30 30 30 10 5 39533 NANETTE FLACK w J13 7 10 101 92 71 81 W Bethel A Bellevue 100 100 GO 20 10 42821 TRIOMPHANT WB 118 10 3 71 75 93 91 L Stalker Wdland Sk FmSO 50 50 20 S 42831 KWONESHEE w 118 112 11 11 11 10s C Fbther G D Widener 20 SO SO 10 5 42880 SINN FEINER WB 118 6 9 5 5nMOJ 11 J Frach A Rohrback 30 CO 50 15 6 42374 PRIDE OF INDIA WB 118 2 S Pulled up AV Knapp II A Porter 21 5 5 21 21Time Time 24 48 115 Track good goodWinner Winner Ch g by Rapid Water Sweet Day trained by 1 H McDonald bred by Mr F D Knight KnightWent Went to post at 515 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same R PID DAY set the pace all the way and was ridden out at the end SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE escaped the general early confusion just after the start and finished gamely JOE JOE tired in the stretch DOLEFUL tired at the end after a good early showing PRIDE OF INDIA was pulled up after going an eighth COURCELLES and SOMERLKD suffered from interference interferenceScratched Scratched 38303 War Note 118 42379 Different Eyes 118 42218 Assumption 118 Sweet Tooth 118