The Porter Wins at Last: Defeats Courtship and Valor in Fast Time with Loftus Up, Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-23


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THE PORTER WINS AT LAST : 1 Defeats Courtship and Valor in Fast Time with Loftus Up. t Slippery Elm Wins with Ease Fait Accompli and Mile. Vivian Score at Long Odds. BY J. L. DEWPSEY. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 22. The highly rated horse The Porter, which had been extremely unfortunate in his Kentucky campaigning this year, culminating in a hard fall in the rich Enquirer Handicap at Latonia and forcing a curtailment of his starts here to enable him fully to recover from the effects of his injuries, came into his own this afternoon when he triumphed in the feature race, a mile handicap, from a speedy band that included Courtship, to which he was conceding twenty-eight pounds, despite having suffered from defeat by this racer on two former oc-fusions when the weight arrangement was more favorable to The Porter. Sam C. Hildreths recently acquired Valor carried his new owners colors into third place. Considering that the track was not at its best, the 1:37 for the mile was a splendid achievement. Courtship, under his light impost, was able to race.intoa good lend at onge.vitliValor his closest ".rftelulantanii "The Porter a laggard" for the first half mile. There was no material change in the running during the next quarter excepting that Valor was pressing the leader a bit more than he did earlier. On the stretch turn Courtship swung wide and in doing so Valor, on the outside of him, was also forced out. Quick as a flash Loftus saw his opportunity with The Porter and, driving him at top speed, gradually gained on the leaders and in tin last sixteenth overhauled them to win going away. Courtship and Valor fought it out hard for second place and Courtship held on long enough to secure it by a head. After the finish Fator, on Valor, claimed a foul against Courtship, but the stewards did not disturb .the placing. The Porter raced this afternoon minus blinkers and showed conclusively that he is in need of a sturdy rider to make him extend himself to his utmost. Another "eagle bird" upset calculations in the fifth race, in which two-year-olds met, witli J. W. McClellands Hurry having the call, when J. II. Rosseters Fait Accompli won in easy style after having raced in the lead from the start. Tache oGaunt and Repeater followed the winner home. Repeater changed owners via the claiming route, H. P. Perkins securing him for ,S00. WAR ROCKET FAILS HIS SUPPORTERS. . A continuation of the previous days upsets came in the initial race, which was at a mile, when War Rocket, supported with rare confidence, failed to get a portion of the purse, the winner turning up in Carpet .Sweeper, which headed Clean Gone in the stretch to win by a safe margin. Clean Gone made a game effort, but was not good enough for the winner. Senator Crow finished fast through the stretch and headed the others in time to be "awarded the shorter portion of the purse. War Rocket kept well up with the leaders to the stretch, but after three-quarters of the race had been done he bagnn tiring. Jockey Elisor, who had the mount on Carpet Sweeper in the opener, followed his initial success witli a victory on Slippery Elm. There were only four starters in this dash, which was also at a mile, and Slippery Elm was held to be much the best. Such he proved, for Erisor allowed liim to race into the lead at once and he continued to show the way for the entire way, being eased up in the last eighth. "Warsaw sufered from some inter-. ference just as he emerged on the main track from he elbow of the chute, but being best of the others had no difficulty in outstaying Sasin for second place. Frogtowns showing was a dull one and he was eliminted as a serious factor after going half the way. Easterners will not be able to see the crack youngsters High Command and Distinction in action this year, for Thomas C. McDowell has decided on their retirement from racing until next year and will send them to his Ashland Farm" in Lexington shortly, where they will be turned out. The unbeaten Colin, which is now doing duty and rapidly coming into prominence at E. B. MeLeans Kentucky Farm, was insured today by his owner for 0,000. Joseph Rhinock, a former Uniter States congressman from Kentucky, was among todays- visitors. Jockey Kummer received a 500 riding fee for his success on Believe Me Girls. One of the gamest exhibitions noted in a long time developed in the third race and few in the big throng were aware that anything out of the ordinary was transpiring. The performance was that of E. R. Bradleys highly considered Believe Me Girls, which had, during the early running of the race, been jumped on and his right hind leg almost cut to the bone. Despite his severe injuries Continued on second page. THE PORTER WINS AT LAST Continued from first page. he wrested the lead from his opponents when three-eighths from the- finish and, standing a punishing drive, won from Right Angle and Audacious. He returned to -the scales bleeding profusely and later was with difficulty led from the track. The gxtcnt of his hurt will probably not be known for several days, but the hasty examination, in connection willi the first aid administered, caused the veterinarians prediction that lie is done with racing for this year. E. R. Bradley had designs on two purses during the. afternoon and after Believe Me Girls success, tiie double was more forcibly in prospect, for Beaming Beauty, which carried the white and green, was held to be tliO best betting prospect of the afternoon, but she proved a sad disappointment. She . acted badly on the way to the barrier and unseated Loftus and her actions were not much improved at the post, resulting in her getting away poorly. She displayed dazzling speed in taking the lead in the first quarter arid "when approaching the stretch seemed the winner, but tired badly in the last sixteenth,, with the. result that slip failed of getting a portion of the purse. An extreme outsider, with the uufashiouablc C. II. Miller in the saddle, winning by a nose from Swirl, with-May-Alley, carrying the Montford Jones colors, taking third place. The horses that will be in charge of Mose Gold-blatt were shipped tonight to Lexington. Those that Gohlblatt will train and race for Harry Payne Whitney include Dominant, Truly Rural, Rowes Bud, Guess Again, Wendy, Querca, Grand Slam and several tp there. Before shipping Goldblatt bought for his own account Matinee Idol, which went with the consignment. . Matt. J, . W.S.nn. general manager of the Kentucky Jockey Club,- who lias been here for some time looking after the interest of the Lexington, Louisville and Latonia tracks, departed tonight for his home in Covington. Mr. Winn expressed satisfaction with the liberal way in which owners here responded with entries in the ricli stake races that will have their decision next fall on Kentucky tracks. Among the late entries were those of Sam C. Hildrcthpand W. S. Kilmer. It is also probable that a. race at a mile or over at Latonia, with a view to Sun Briar and Cudgel meeting, is a near possibility. Mr. Winn- lias expressed a willingness to hang up 0,000 for such a race. The proposed "sweep" having for its object a meeting of the stars Naturalist, Cudgel, Purchase, Hannibal and Sun Briar has been abandoned. A meeting of this quintet would hav been an epoch iii. racing and attracted an attendance here that would have crowded even this spacious plant. Good progress toward the meeting of the five cracks was being Eiade.w.hen some .hitch came up and secretary Earlocker said last night that the proposed race ! was off.., W. S. Kilmers Vancouver, wliichrnptt-witli an injury in arace Wednesday, had trijpbe destroyed this .morning, duej to. blood poisoning. Bob HensTeys condition is encouraging and it is now probable he will be serviceable for racing again next winter. Miss Jemima will be sent into winter quarters at Louisville at the close of racing in Kentucky. The remainder of the horses trained by Charles Howe will be campaigned in New Orleans.

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Local Identifier: drf1919082301_1_3
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