General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-23


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY ROCKFORD, 111., August 22. There was excitement at Camp Grant today among the higher officers of the Sixth Division when word was received from Washington indicating a probability of orders being received within a few days for troops to be rushed to the Mexican border from here. The order which came down was to the effect that the war department wanted 15,000 men recruited at this tamp within the next two months. The recruiting officers began an active campaign at once, and many men who have been recently discharged will bo urged to re-enlist. CHICAGO, 111., August 22. The federal food administration began restoring wartime price regulation in northern Illinois today to curb profiteers. The process was started in Jolict, where 11 cents was fixed as the maximum retail price of sugar. Gradual extension of the price-fixing is expected. Other important developments in the high cost of living war are: Citys food -commission prepares to go into action against high cost of living; foodisale. through - postqffices is. .closed; Mayor Thompson asks war department to increase Chicagos allotment of army foodstuffs. MARFA, Tex., August 22. As long as the American punitive expedition continues to follow a hot trail it will remain in Mexico, unless orders to the contrary are received from the war department, Maj.-Gcn. Dickman, commander of the southern department, announced here today. Gen. Dickman did not show any special interest in the protest of the Mexican government over the advance of the punitive expedition. Ho said the protest was of the usual character. NEW YORK, N. Y., August 22. Mayor Hylan turned over to the federal authorities today a report by fire inspectors showing that enormous quantities of food were stored .in warehouses and in breweries and other buildings hurriedly pressed into service for the storage of foodstuffs. Half a billion eggs, 5,000,000 pounds of butter. 8,000,000 pounds of sugar, 7,000,000 pounds of flour, 45.000,-000 pounds of coffee and 15,000,000 pounds of fresh meat were discovered. LOS ANGELES, Cal., August 22. A general and almost complete paralysis of transportation in southern California existed today. Strikes in progress on the Pacific electric and Los Angeles railway systems were supplemented by a walkout of mem-"bers of the four great railroad brotherhoods, who quit their jobs on tiie Southern Pacific, Santa Fc and Salt Lake lines. VIENNA, Austria, Wednesday, August 20. Formation of a new Hungarian cabinet and probable resignation of Archduke Joseph as commander-in-chief of the Hungarian army were reported today in government circles. Baron Sigismund Pevenyi, minister of the interior, according to Budapest advices, has been asked to form a new cabinet. SAN DIEGO, Cal., August 22. Lieuts. F. B. Watcrhouse and C. II. Connelly, army aviators, who have been missing since Tuesday south of the Mexican border, arc safe on the east side of Lower California, according to word received today by Miss Georgia Waterhouse, sister of one of the aviators. Rockwell field cannot confirm the report. AUSTIN, Texas, August 22. John R. Shillady of New York, secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, was severely beaten in front of his hotel here today and ordered to catch tiie first train. out of town. -The beating was administered by several men, following a meeting held with negroes by Shillady. LOS ANGELES, Cal., August 22. Twenty-six persons were injured, several of them seriously, when a Van Nuys electric car crushed into a sightseeing bus carrying thirty motion picture actors. A number of the injured were women. CLEVELAND, O., August 22. The national convention of the new labor party will be held in Chicago Saturday, November 22, with 1,500 to 2,000 delegates in attendance. The date was announced today by Max Hayes, chairman of the executive committee. DUBLIN, Ireland, August 22. The executive council of the Sinn Fein met today with delegates present from all parts of Ireland. Eamonn do Valera, who was authorized to raise ,250,000 by loans in the United States, lias received permission to increase the maximum to 5,000,000. WASHINGTON, 1. C. August 22. Thomas Nelson Iage of Virginia has formally resigned as ambassador to Italy, it was said today at the state department. His successor has not been selected. PARIS, France, August 22. The Danish government announces a loan of 0,000,000 at five per cent. This is to be used for reorganization expenses in Schleswig. . , ,

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Local Identifier: drf1919082301_2_3
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