To Employ Official Veterinarian, Daily Racing Form, 1919-09-13


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TO EMPLOY OFFICIAL VETERINARIAN HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., September 12. Tito stewards of the Jockey Club are planning to add a new official to the roster already employed by the different associations racing under their jnris- diction. The new position created lias been that of official veterinarian and the scheme is to have each association appoint a man to act at its meeting. The duties of the track veterinarian will be to assist the stewards in more ways than one. For instance, when an owner asks that his horse lie excused for the reason that it is either sick or lame, the track veterinarian will be sent to the stable to examine and make a report to the stewards as to the condition of the animal. It will be on his report that the stewards will base their action. Then, again, if a horse gives any indication of having been stimulated he will be examined by this official. , . The position is rather an important one and will require undivided attention of whoever may secure the place. It will not do to appoint a man who has a large- practice, for many reasons; as a matter of fact, it would be wisest to secure some competent man who is independent of the owners and trainers racing horses. At many of the tracks in Maryland, Kentucky and also at some of the winter courses, an official of this kind is employed, and they find him more than useful on various occasions. It looks like a move in the right direction on the part of the stewards of the Jockey Club, and they are to be commended for their action. It is these little things that have a tendency of making the "chaiice takers" think twice before they resort to methods, which, to say the least, are detrimental to the best interests of racing.

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Local Identifier: drf1919091301_3_1
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