untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1919-09-28


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BANG! BIG CLEAN-UP SPECIAL AT LATONIA TUESDAY SPECIAL NO. 1 STARTS IN A RACE TUESDAY. Let me state here that the horse I select is well prepared by his connections and is considered a certainty. If you want to know this extra good special, go to any telegraph office; wire your subscription, , and send mo your correct street address. If in -town, call and see me between 11 and 12 a, m. Tuesday. Special Terms for Tuesday Only This is a separate proposition from my regular service. The above terms refer to TUESDAYS "CLEAN-UP" SPECIAX ONXY. MY ONE HORSE WIRE FREE FOR A WHOXE WEEK UNXESS THIS BIG ?5 SPECIAX WINS. Out-of-town clients telegraph your money. TERMSr-S0 WEEKLY. JOE" GILFOIL 31 EAST NINTH ST. :: :: CINCINNATI, O. REAL TURF ADVICE. YOU! Mr. Man, who wants exclusive information, I aim to reach you. If you will do your part by wiring proceeds of 0 straight play Thursday on my EXTRA SPECIAL for Wednesday, then I will show you. Write or wire at once. FRANK G. WILLIAMS 1337 Sycamore St. :: Cincinnati, 0. I LATONIA R AC E S i I J. J. SCH REINER! 1 AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKEIt M Thirty Years Experience, Trainer, Clocker. S YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU 1 S15 FOR 10 DAYS; 520 REMAINING 18 DAYS. 1 1 Dont fool your time and money away on quack I dope, cheap tips and pay-nfter-you-win stuff. I AVake up. Tie up with a man that knows the I game in all its angles. JNot handicapping or I H guesswork with me. jfememberpthe stable money I I is bet on those I give. T61egraph remittance or B S remit by express order in letter. I wire one I B or two horses daily at 11 a. m. f 3 211 WEST FOURTH ST., COVINGTON, KY. g DID WE WIN? WELX, I HOPE WE DID. MONOMOY 7-1 WON STOCKWEXX 3-1 WON BELLE MAH.ONE 2-1 WON Last Week ;We Sent Out DUOHESS XA0E ..35-81 WON FRUIT CAKE .00- WON Terms, 0 Per Wire Cash in Advance. Must win 4-1 or more, or subscription continued. Remit by oxpross money order or telegraph. You get a ride for your money with me. "EX ARE JAY" 120 Allen 3 Ave, care of Jacobs, Galesburg, Illinois, CONSENSUS ! I OF TRAINERS f i THE COMBINED OPINION OF T THE SMARTEST RACING MEN X IN THE COUNTRY. 5 I If YOU ARE SKEPTICAL 1 write and ask why we sell this information. X S " reply will contain much interesting racing information, with statistics, the best systems, percentage of winners of the lead- J ing nevspaper tipsters and other valuable matter, 4 A Owners, trainers and the race-going pub- X i lie in general are invited to write. X ROSS SERVICE CO., f 2 WEST I07TH ST. :: NEW YORK CITY. LATONIA WINNERS If you seek winners at the present Latonia meeting communicate with the man who gets the right information and cheeks and verifies it before "eudiu" STOP YOUR GUESSING RIGHT NOW My terms are the winnings of a 0 investment on what I send, to be wired me the following day. Write or wire your address. J j R PERRY GIBSON HOTEX :: CINCINNATI. O. TWELVE WINNERS, 2 SECONDS. 4 THIRDS. 3 XOSERS out of last 21 STARTERS on. our FREE BESTi Watch, ads in this Paper. AVe givo a FREE BEST Code for same vrlait ?OEOyG,KBD. on sate ANY NEWSSTAND. 25c ami is GOOD FOR A WEEK. MONDAYS BEST: No. 143. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED, Baltimore Building ; ; Chicago. IUinoli CHICK BARKXEY 22.05-100 WON See report No. 23S Xatest Reporter. 0lJ.sai? n.ow at a"J" ews-stands that f-hXV sVlls Kaclnff Form. Its good for all tSSjg this week. Chuck full of advance V SJv ln on many other good things. J V,Vtt.er Ket il cl-v- 0ni costs 2jc. C- Mailed direct in plain sealed envelope. .00 per month. MONDAYS SPECIAX: No. 210. THE TURF REPORTER. 509. 22 W. ftuiney St. Estab. 1904. Chicago. 111. THREE NICE ONES At Latonia This Week. TUESDAY. THURSDAY. SATURDAY At Good Xong Prices. Terms, winnings of a S10 Straight Bet on Each One. My winnings Must Be wired me early morning after race. Remit me 51 as a guarantee of good faith and that you will accept my telegrams, or dont answer. RICH WILLIS. STATION F, :: XOUISVIXXE, KY. The Reliable, Wonderful, Winning System is a big winner and still winning. Gives many S, 10 and 15 and LO to 1 shots. No handicapping. It selects the winners in a moments time from the entries. Can be played with large or small capital. GET IN XINE. STOP THAT GUESSING AND XOSING. START WINNING. The price is within reach of all. AVrite at ouce. WATSON CORNELL, XATONIA :: :: :: KENTUCKY Big Getaway Special GOES TUESDAY, SEP. 30. AT HAVRE DE GRACE. AVould like to hear from soron people of integrity. My terms are the Winnings of a 0 STRAIGHT PLAY, to be telegraphed the following day. AVire your name and correct sitrect address at once. Also have other good ones that will start later. J. M. MURPHY 707 FIRST ST., N. W. :: WASHINGTON, D. C. Fluzey, 6.45-1, Won; Toto. 4-1, Won; Martha Xuckett, 4.60-1, Won; Crank, 3-1, Won; Sedan. 5.C5-1. Won, and many others were given in Book t4D. Bont fail to get a copy. For sale at all newsstands 2oe. Mondays Special:March-Ba.nana-30-28 32.19. Standard Turf Guide, Chicago, 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919092801/drf1919092801_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1919092801_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800