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NEW OWNER OF THE RANC0CAS FARM J NEW YORK, N. Y., November 10. The belief is s general in semi-official circles of horsemen that the a old Rancocas Farm, near Woodbury, N. J., lias been purchased for a breeding establishment by Mr. II. . Sinclair, who, it is generally understood, is interested in many of Mr. Hildreths horses. It lias s been the intention of Mr. Hildrcth for some time u to buy a breeding farm. Rancocas was first established . by the late Pierre Lorrilard, and after r his dentil it became the properly of Mrs. Livingston, . who has bred and raised many good horses during . the past fifteen years. Willie many of New Yorks racing folks contemplate . a winters campaign in New Orleans and ,1 Havaua, the majority will not leave until after r the Chrbitmas holidays. Max Marks and his crew-will v go to New Orleans the first of the year.