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TELEGRAPHIC FORM The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are: Pimlico Baltimore, Md November 10. 1 American Boy, Tiie Sachem, Jean Bullant. 2 Belario, Ballast, Dorcas. 3 Bob Redfield, Crest Hill, Dorcris. 4 Lucullife, Sir Barton, Hilly Kelly. C GRIMALKIN, Pastoral Swain, Rapid Day. 1 Siren Maid, Lunetta, Gorma. 7 Melancholia, Peerless One, Romeo. T. K. Lynch. Buffalos Pimlico Handicap. 1 J en n Bullant, Peregrine, Cock o the Roost, Who Cares. 2 Ballast, Lazy Lou, Dan. Indian Chant. 3 Boh Redfield, Crest Hill, Dorcris, Quel Bon- lieur. 4 Sir Barton, Cudgel, Billy Kelly, Lucullite. 5 Toto,. Rapid Day, Grimalkin, Pastoral Swain. 6 GE1CMA, Pontypridd, Martha Luekett, Siren Maid. 7 Romeo, Melancholia, Peerless One, Dottic Van- diver. Observers Piiullco Handicap. 1 American Boy, Jean Bullant, Peregrine, Who Cares. 2 Belario. Dan, Dorcas, Ballast. 3 Dorcris, Crest Hill, Bob Redfield, Quel Bon- heur. 4 SIR BARTON, Cudgel, Billy Kelly, Lucullite. 5 Rapid Day, Grimalkin. Tolo, Pastoral Swaiu. C Genua, Pontypridd, Siren Maill, Martha Luckett. 7 Melancholia, Peerless 0:ie, Dottie Vandivcr, Sophia tiutewcod.