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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111., November lOt Weather forecast: Illinois Unsettled and colder tonight; possibly showers in north portion; Tuesday partly cloudy and colder; strong southwest winds. Missouri Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday; colder tonight and in east and south portions Tuesday. General forecast: Additional niin will occur today and tonight in the western region and upper Mississippi Valley, and some snow in the upper Missouri Valley. The temperature will be lower in the middle states, but no cold weather of consequence is anticipated. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 10. Labor leaders predicted today that international officers of the United Mine Workers of Amerca, meeting at Indianapolis, would not call off the coal strike as directed by Federal Judge Anderson, whatever the legal consequences might be. One of the spokesmen for the miners organization said he doubted if Acting President Lewis and his associates had the power, even if they had the inclination, to comply with the mandate. "The strike was ordered by a delegate convention in the event the operators refused to grant our demands," the spokesman said, "and Lewis merely carried out inctructions in ordering tin strike. The convention must call it off." WASHINGTON, D. C, November 10. "The situation is in the hands of the conrt. The sovereignty of America must be upheld." This statement was made at the White House today relative to the coal situation and the declaration or the American Federation of Labor in support of the strike. President Wilson stands ready to appoint a tribunal for the settlement of the trouble if the miners comply with the order of the courts, it was announced at the White House. Until the order of the courts is complied witli the situation will rest with the judiciary, it was stated. One high official stated today that it appeared like "another Fort Sumter." CHICAGO, 111., November 10. Chicago voters defeated the fifty-ward irfeasnre proposed at the election last Tuesday by 5,297 votes. An announcement to this effect was made today by the board of election commissioners following an official canvass of the vote cast in all wards. An error in the unofficial computation of the vote was responsible for the announcement that the fifty-ward plan had been victorious by 859 votes. Major Arthur Partridge, who has been acting as official starter for the Trans-Atlantic flights, has just got back from Newfoundland looking hale and well. He says that the airplane is being used to a .considerable extent for the development of seal fisheries, and that the value of the catches has been much increased since light seaplanes were introduced to seek out and follow up the herds of seal. London Graphic. YOUNGSTOWN, O., Nov. 10. Numerous dashes between pickets and deserters from the strikers ranks marked the opening of- the eighth week of the steel strike bere. Observers estimated 2,000 additional workers returned to the steel plants today. Joe Gradutich, a picket, who is alleged to have attacked a mill worker at his home, was stabbed and may die. FARIS, France, November 10. Field Marshal von Mackensen, who was one of Germanys most successful commanders on the eastern front against the Russians and Roumanians, is to return to Germany from Saloniki. The supreme council decided today to permit his return, taking into consideration his ago and poor health. He is nearly 70 years of age. COLU3IBUS, O.. November 10. Fate of the federal prohibition amendment was made more uncertain today as additional official returns were tabulated at the office of the secretary of state. The official returns from 86 of the SS counties tabulated at noon gave the drys a lead of only 45 votes in favor of the amendment. LONDON, England, November 10. The committee on the Irish problem has submitted a new home rule proposal to the cabinet. It provides for two Irish legislatures, one for Ulster and one for the remainder of Ireland, with a council made up of equal delegations from each, the Times reported today, RIO JANEIRO, Brazil, November 10. The chamber of deputies has approved the Versailles peace treaty without disenssion or amendment. It now will go to the senate. Deputy Joaquin Ozorio praised thd work of President Wilson at the peace conference, characterizing him as the worlds leader of human progress. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 10. Crop production estimates issued Saturday by the department of agriculture in its November crop report include: Corn, 2,910,250,000 .bushels; buckwheat, 20,120,000; potatoes, 352,025,000; sweet potatoes, 102,040,000; tobacco, 1,310,533,000 pounds; flax seed; 9,450,000 bushels. VALPARAISO, Chile, November 10. The strike called early last week in the copper mines of the Bradcn company at Rancagua, forty miles south of Santiago, lias been settled. Eight thousand miners had been idle. Other labor difficulties in Chile have been reconciled aiid good feeling exists between employers and workmen. LONDON, England, November 10. Great Britain has no intention of opening peace negotiations with Lenine and Trotzky until the house of commons has had an opportunity to discuss the subject, Bonar Law, the government leader, declared in the house today. 3IEXICO CITY, 3Iexico, November 10. Virginia Salinas Carranza, -wife of President Carranza of 3Iexico, died yesterday afternoon at Quertaro. Senora Carranza had been 111 for four months, and all hope for her recovery was abandoned several days ago. FARGO, N. D., November 10. Western 3Iinnesota and eastern North Dakota were in the blizzard belt today. Snow, driven by a twenty-five-mile wind, prevailed through the night and continued to fall this forenoon. The temperature is moderate. BERN, Switzerland, November 10. The Swiss parliament met today in extraordinary session. It will be principally called upon to consider the question of Switzerlands adhesion to the league of nations.