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i i r : ; i 3 1 1 J 1 - 2 : t J s a . s u . r . . . ,1 r v THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS : Jockey Sande has good reason for satisfaction with his part in last weeks racing, eight winning mounts rewarding his good work in the saddle and putting him in a tie with C. Kunimer for sixth place in the list of thirty leading riders of 1919, Kunimer only landing two races. L. Fator was next to Sande with six races won. Leader Robinson is enjoying a well earned rest and will have no fur-, ther opportunity for increasing his score until Thanksgiving day ushers in a renewal of late fall and early winter racing at Jefferson Park. At present the accounts of the thirty leaders are: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C.L.W. Robinson, C S22 177 132 11S 395 .22 0 Murray T 705 147 97 93 42S .19 0 Fator, L 599 127 101 82 2SG .21 0 Lunsford, II 537 S7 OS 07 315 .10 0 Thurber, II 0S3 S5 105 83 410 .12 1 Sande, E 335 78 05 57 135 .23 S Kunimer, C 390 7S 5S 00 194 .20 2 Loftus, J 177 05 3.0 24 52 .37 . 0 Rice, T 415 03 OS 09 215 .15 0 Royle, S 392 59 43 40 250 .15 0 Rutwell, J 341 58 57 4S 17S .17 0 Kelsay. W 372 5S 54 40 214 .10 0 Connelly, I 423 57 5S 59 249 .13 0 Ambrose, E 329 57 55 42 175 .17 2 Garner, M 3S1 55 7S .50 19S .14 0 Elisor, I, 277 55 39 30 147 :20 1 Pool, E 327 55 38 40 . 1S5 .17 0 Nolan, T. 329 52 51 4S 17S .10 0 Mooney, J 470 49 51 47 323 .10 0 Schuttinger, A.. .220 49 43 21 107 .22 0 Johnson, A. .....34S 47 4S 47 200 .14 1 Burke, II. J. ...354 10 34 45 229 .13 0 Brown, C 345 42 32 43 22S .12 0 Stirling, I 311 41 48 35 1S7 .13 0 Wida, S 377 41 43 57 230 .11 0 Hamilton, II. ...2S1 3S 35 30 179 .14 0 Fairhrother, C 107 30 39 29 03 .22 1 Erickson, II 335 35 40. 32 228 .10 0 Troxler, R 178 34 33 29 81 .19 0 Cassity, n 221 34 19 30 13S .10 0