General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1919-11-30


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GENERAL NEWS NOJES OF T HEYDAY TCH?CAJ. HI- November; 20.-,Weather forecast: Illinois Unsettled and .much coldtr torijght. with rain 111 north portion, turning to snow; cold wave Sunday; partly cloudy and; colder, strong northwest winds. Missouri Partly cloudy, tonight and Sim-, day; much t-ohler ttinight. with cold wave, in squtUr. east and esistHiitral portions cfilder iii east portion Sunday. General foreesist Disturbed conditions are indicated for the upper lake region and uiiper Mississippi valley, witlK rain turning to srjow siiid much colder as the storm moves northeastward Ihe temperature, moveover. throughout the forecast district will probably continue eomparativOIv low for some time.-although the; precipitation will end largely tonight. LONDON, Kriglaiid. - November 29. Ltdv Astors election to the house of commons from "Ilvmouth is easily the feature of this mornings newspapers, which devote their - Iiest -columns to incidents1 stud pictures in connection Willi yesterdiivs ceremonies at tin! Plymouth guildhall, discussions of her future status in the house of commons stnd other details of the situation,,- i iHf . SANTIAGO, Chile, November 29. The Naeion today says It has learned from well-informed diplomatic circles that there is, a possibility; of mediation bv the govetrimerits Irt the A. B. C. group Argentina. Brazil and Chile with the .object of compromising the differences that have arisen between Uuited States ami Mexico over the case of, Consular Agent Jenkins. WASHINGTON, D. C. November 29. Arrests of alleged radicals at Sheridan. Wyo were made bv civilian authorities, according to a delayed report to the war department from Brig.-Gen.- Benjamin A. Ioore. He said the military authorities had assisted the civilian offieiids, "when necessary, bnt had not acted 011 their own initiative. a . WASHINGTON, D. C. November 29. Coal production during, the third week of the strike was 44.8 per cent of normal, according to the weekly coal report today of the United States geological survey. During the first week, before the strike ordr was, withdrawn, it was 29.U per cent, and during the second week 33.3 jier cent. NAPLES, Italy, November 29.Abont SO.00O immigrants have returned to Italy from the United States through the. port .of Naples since January 1. The number is increasing month by month, and with the recent release of ships hitherto requisitioned bv the allies it is estimated 10.000 Italians will greet Vesuvius agsiin every moiith, PABIS, France. November ;29. A slight earthquake lasting seven seconds Was felt at 9:40 oclock last night at Cannes In the lliviera. A heavier shock was experienced half an hour after midnight at Foix, forty-five miles south of Toulouse, sit tint foot of the Pyrenees. Only slight damage was done at either place. TOLEDO. Ohio, November 29. Officials of the city and Toledo llailways and Light Company will make another -attempt today to restore street ciir service, which has been inoperative since three-weeks ago this morning, when the cars were removed on the strength of an ouster ordinance voted by the people. PABIS, France, November 29. German Democrats and Socialists are urging- the Berlin government to modify its attitude relative to prisoners of war and reparation for ships sunk by their German crews in Scapa Flow, .according to dispatches: front Berlin published by the Presse de Paris. BOISE, Idaho, November- 29. Southern Idaho is experiencing the coldest, weather in November for four years. The thermometer has registered as low-as eight above "zero. Last night the temperature moderated, but a heavy snow is falling all over the southern part of the state. AMOY, China, November 29.- Reports resiching this city front Fuchow- sttite thiit many Chinese have been arrested there by detachments lauded by Japanese warships.. . The district X anti-Japanese, and feeling is reported to be bitter. Ueports from inland are that tl? situation there is even more serious.

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Local Identifier: drf1919113001_7_2
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