Jefferson Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1919-12-05

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"- " " :i ""JEFFERSON PARK FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS, LA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1919. Jefferson Park. Seventh day. Jefferson Parish Fair Association. Winter Meeting of 30 days. Weather clear; temperature 65. Stewards, Joseph A. Milrnhy, Francis Nelson and Herman P. Conkling. Starter, Edward Tribe. Racing Secretary,. J. B. CampbalL- Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. in.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of eacli race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. A iQOIC FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Dec. 22, 1917 1:14 4 ICG. Purse S500. 3-year-olds and LjdtJ upward. Allowances. Not value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt M Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 44852 AVAR GARDEN w 3 117 2 10 2 l1 IS 1 W RidenrA L Kirby 1 7-5 13-102-5out , C 14005 SAUER -w 1 115 10 3 V, 3J 2 2 F Stevens W L Shafer 5 C C 2 1 442iOsMOSE wn 4 115 C 2 4l 2J 3 3A J Scott W Gorman 5 C 5 8-5 4-5 -14216 COURCELLES w 3 108 3 5 6 ih 4S 41 M Buxton C Buxton 12 20 20 S 4 4404S NAPTHALIUS w 3 108 5 0 9J ! 51 - C Robson J W Schorr 4 fi 5-2 4-5 44548 HOPOVER w 3 108 1 4 5 51 fi G1 G Stack H Oots 20 20 20 S 4 42320 BILL RENDERED w S 103 9 7 S 8 71 7"" S Boyle E R Bradley 20 3 30 8 4 44905 MISS STERLING .w 4 10S 8 71 9 S- S- H EricksnK Lutz 50 50 50 20 8 44893 PLURlSEN w 3 109. 4 1 l 7" 01" 911 H Lunsfd T W OBrien 15 20 15 r, 3 BRONNER w 3 HO1. 7 S 10 10 10 10 C Hunt L M. Holmes 30 30 2i 8 4 Time, 24, 50, 1:15. Track fast. Winner B. g, by Sweep Scrpenturiu, by Dick Welles trained by A. L. Kirby; bred by Mr. A. Vogeler. Went to post-jat lc5t!.- .At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. AVAR GARDEN was away slowly, but raced into the lead in the til-si quarter, held on gamely all the way and won going away. SAUER raced forwardly from the start and m;ide a game finish. MOSH raced well, but had to be ridden hard in the last eighth. COURCELLES caiiie with a rush in -the last quarter. NAPTHALIUS was far back to the stretch turn, where he saved ground, but tired in the last eighth. Scratched 14092 Rainbow Girl, 105. Overweights Courcelles, 3 pounds; Bronner. 2,j. ii i ClOfi SECOND 3ACE-i-5 1-2 Furlongs. Dec. 3, 1919 1:0" 2 113. Purse 5500. 2-ycar-jt4StO?0 olds. Claimins. .Net value to winner ?30; second, 100; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt . Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 44900 PUEDLO w 112 9 3 1?. 1 l3 1 J Butwell J M Zimmer 21 3 13-51 2-5 44853 VIArA CUBA w 107 5 2 2" 21 2- 2 .T Morys AV C Overton 41 4i 13-51 1-2 44853 CANCION wn 107 2 9 10 8 Gl 3 M Ganer R F Coppage 7 8 S 3 7-5 44312 MOAE ON . wn 103 C 5 4 4 4 4- E DonhueL Erb 15 20 20 7 3 44006EMMA AVELLER w 102 7 4 3?. 31 3 -r.n S AVida . F Shulman 15 15 15 C 3 44892 DEAVITT w IOC 4 7 71 7S 51 C R Pauley NewbgandDentts 20 25 25 10 5 448533 DOUBLE VAN w 105 3 1 Gl Gi 71 1- S Boyle G H Abbott 3 4 4 7r5 3-5 44900 BOHER-NA-BRNA w 107 .11 8 9 91 91 S H Myers F B Capra 50 65 G9 20 10 44853 DANDY VAN w 110 8 C f.i 51 8 9l H Lunsfd Kkamp and HownS 12 12 5 21 44900 RIDDLE w 103 1 10 81 10 10- 10 H Stearns H Masterson 50 GO 50 20 10 43106SGREAT HAAVK, w 98 10 11 Fell. G YcarsinR Allen 12 15 15 G 3 Time, 24. 49. 1:02, 1:03. Track fast. AAMnner Cli. g, hy.Rockton priska. by Clifford trained by A. Zimmer; bred by Mr. John Sanford. AVent to post at 2:23. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AAcn easily: second and third driving. PUElLO, given a good ride, raced into the lead in the first eighth and easily held sway to the end. AlAA CUBA raced "forw.ardly froui .the start and made a game finish. CANCION came from far back in the stretchy DOUBLE VAN suffered badly from interference. MOVE ON, showed Improvement, but tired in the stretch. GREAT HAWK apneared to have been crowded to a fall. Scratched 44S33 Princess Lou, OS. Overweights Pueblo,- 2 -pounds. fj i CandT THIRD RACE 3-4 Milo. Doc. 22, 19171:144105. Purso 00. 3-7car-oids and TCTttJAl 4 "upward." Claintinff. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U i Si Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOP S 44051 BILLIE B. w Glli 4 4 3- 3 21 P .1 Mooney R H Harvey 8-5 11-511-54-5 2-5 445251MUMBO JUMBO w 5 111 8 2 1 Ink pi 23 M Buxton J A Coburn 3 31 13-51 1-2 44832 D. OF DEVSHIREw-4 111 10 3 21 21 3 3 G KschmJ Cunniffe 4 5 5 8-5 4-5 14875 THISTLES BEAUw 4 114 3 0 41 41 43 4- AV AVaronC E Lenahan 8 10 10 4 2 43970 PHILISTINE wn 0.111 2 9 71 7l 51 5 P Smith T F Bornman 30 40 30 12 C 44209 MAB w 5 10S 7 8 C G- G3 G F Stevens H T Batchler 15 15 15 G 3 4490tLITTLE STRING wit 7 10G G 10 101010 72 7 R Boyle C R Ellison 20 20 20 S 4 43997 KIRSTIES CUB w 4 111 1 7 51 5 S S,s D ConnllyDale and Chaney G 8 7 21 G-5 41632 MEDDLING MISS w 5 108 "5 5 9l 9 9 9 C Hunt L M Holmes 100 100 100 40 20 42023SAYONARRA w 6 103 11 1 81 S2 10 10 AV RidenrM Miller 15 20 20 8 4 40983 BRIAN. BORU wu 7 111 9 11 11 l! 11 11 F Murphy J M Booker 50 50 50 20 10 Time, 24. 48, 1:145. Track fast. AAinncr Ch. g, by Thicket Belle of Harrisburg, by Dr. Hasbrouck trained by F. A Staton; bred by Mr. W. M. Mickel. AArent topost at 2:4. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BILLIE B. Was saved for the first half mile and. when ridden hard, came with a rush and outstayed MUM HO .1UMUO in the final. drive. MUMUO J UMBO showed the most early speed and made a game finish.- DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE raced well from the start, but tired in the last eighth. THISTLES BEAU rami good race. KIRSTIES CUR had no mishaps. MAB ran well. Scratched 44S94Jas T. Clark, 114; 4487C3 General, 109; 44876 Mabel Trask, 111. A Q FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Dec. 3, 1819 1:07 2 113. Purse 00. 3-ycar- JfcfcJjiiiJO olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. - ; " . . Index Horses AWtPPSt M Str Fin Jockeys Owners O TI C P S 4 44129UIUMMA w 4 113 5 4 2l 11 P P H Lunsfd Kkamp and Hownll-53 6-5 1-2 out 4 4 G 1 9 E RM IT AN A w: -1,102 4 5 Gl 75 6" 2" S Boyle P Ford 41 G G 2 1 44852 3SPEEDSTER wu 4 110 11 8 71 G1 71 3 H AVakoff F P Lettellier 12 20 15 G 3 44033 HIGH NOTE w 4 1081 2 1 ." 31 21 4 M Garner J" Bishop 15 20 15 G 3 44857 KORFHAGE wn 8:105 3 3 41 4h 4 5" F CUilcttiJ" M Booker S 12 12 4 2 44854 AL PIERCE , w 7 Sl S 8s G""k AA AAaron J Marino. 8 20 20 S 4 44911 SARASOTA w 3.l0211v2 "51 5 it 7Jr H Saladin CT AAorthihgtonSO-40 40 15 G 44854 MILD A wn 3 109 G 6 ll 2 3" 81 M Buxton J W -Schorr- 31 S 8 3 8-5 44804 QUARTETTE w 4 110 12 9 9 93 9s 9l J Dreyer J A Brause 30 30 30 12 G 42044 ROSEMARY wn 107 8 10 WWIOIO" D Stirling C N Freeman 10 15 12 5 21 43005 C. A COMISKEY w 4 110 9 11 ifaonsojisonao H EricksnM E Williams 8 12 12 21 42533 DANCING GIRL w 3 107?- 7 12 12 12 12 12 .1 Pita J S Ownbey SO 50 50 20 10 , . Time, 24, 49. 1:025, 1:094. Track fast. AAinncr B. g, by Swe;p Teetotnni II., by The Bard, trained by G. Arvin; bred in France by Mr. Herman Duryea. ,. . AVeht to post at 3:12. At post 1 minute. Start bad anil slow. Won driving; second and third tlie same. IIUMMA. away well and hard ridden throughout, ran a good race, but just lasted long enough to win. ERM1TAXA was forced back sharply in the. first quarter and, closing a big gap, was going fastest -at the" end. SPEEDSTER also closed a big gap and finished fast. HIGH NOTE raced prominently. SARASOTA was gaining at the end. MILDA set the early pace and tired. The last three were practically left when caught in the harrier.1 Scratched 11303 Kultur,. 113: 41913 Irish Maid, 102; 44831 Little Princess, 107; 41832 Sovereign II., 110; 43ni5sMaudiSmitli, 107; 44579 Aransylvia, lOfi. Overweights High Note, 1 pounds; Sarasota, li; Dancing Girl, 1. A 4tfClk FIFTH RACE X Mile. March 14, 19191:40307. Kcnncr Handicap. Purse 00. 44Sf7 All Ages. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; .third, ?75. Index Horses AAVtPPStVi Str Fin Jockeys Owners. O H 0 P S 448903LTvEL- w 5 115 1 3 11 1J 11 11 l D Cohnlly.T L Solomon 21 3 13-34-5 1-3 44533BREEZE wu 5 109 4 5 41 4- 43 3- 23 C Robson G H Abbott 3 18-531 1 2-5 4483H PANAMAX 4 120 5 4 21 2 2l 2" 3 E AmbrseN Turner 21 3 3 1 1-3 449082ENMITY w 3 11G 3 2 3l 31 31 4 4- J Groth J E Connley 21 3 11-51-3 1-3 44896 DAIRYMAN w 4 ICG 2 1 5 5 5 5 5 H Lunsfd P J Sullivan 15 15 12 4 S-5 Time, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:40. Track fast. Winner Ch. g, by Ballot Livonia, by Star Shoot trained by D. AYomeldoriT; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 3:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third tlie sanle. LIVELY, well ridden, took tlie lead at once and, standing a hard drive near the end, just lasted long enough to win. BREEZE raced well up and would have won had his rider made his drive a bit sooner. PANAMAX raced ganiely, but tired in the stretch. ENMITY quit after going well for three-quarters. Overweights Dairyman, 1 pound. A A Ck?fti SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. March 15, 19191:455102. Purco 00. 3tk:J ijJ 3-year-olds arid upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0." Index Horses - A WtPPSt Vx Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 44910 MATHER w i 112114 2 2 P P p 1 AV AAaronF C Bain G 12 12 5 21 44894 SLBETII Wn 10 114 3 1 3 3l 21 2- 2- J Pitz P J Sullivan 0 If 7 3 7-5 418553AUDRFJY K. wn 4 103 4 4 51 4 31 AV HeinchKkamp and Hownl5 15 13 fi 3 449 10s ALEXANDER wi:T 10G 9 9 fi 73 fil Ci 4 L CanfieldM Rieser . 31 4 18-57-37-10 44 SUB CONSTANT w S 111 15 1" 91 X 81 fi .V G MolesliJ J Quinlan 13 20 13 fi 3 44853MSS KILLEY w 4 108 2 3 71 5- 7- 71 i- H.I Burke AV H Post 3 4 4 7-5 7-10 44911 JACK K, Willi 11 7 1" 2 3 4 7: D ConnllyJ L Solomon 8 8 fi 21 fi-5 44283 BOB: HAICER w3 101J 7 5 t 4i 5i S ! H Saladin C T AVorthingtonlO 12 fi 2". fi-5 4459BL4SAH COCHRAN wi: G 103 10 15 101 9 9l 93 9 S AVida C U Heath 10 15 15 fi 3 44895 J. C. CANTRILL w fi 111 13 11 ll1 101 103 10 10 J SchiliingP Dwycr 20 30 30 12 fi 37721 3CAPITANIA w C 112S 1 S 8 ll3 11 Ull-- J Groth A-GDunlap 20 20.20 X 4 4203LADY LEONA w 5 113 12 12 13l 12 12112 121 J Zoeller J A" Brauso 50 CO 00 20 10 44895 PREVARICATE w 3 10S 8 1115 15 15 135 33" P Murphy P Arrieux 20 SO 3 12 44878 BLUEBANNOCK wn 5 111 5 10 12?. 13 13l 14143 .1 Morys M AValle 8 12 12 5 21 44910 BERTODANO w 9 112 G G It3 14 ll3 15 15 J Butwell SchlesrandArnult 12 15 15 0 3 Time, 24, 49, 1:15, 1:41, 1:46. Track fast. AAinner B. g. by Martinet L:dy Esther, by Lord Esterling trained by A. B. Gordon; bred by Messrs. AVilliams Bros. A; Hollaiyl. - AVent to post at 4:02; At post" 1 minute. Start good aiul slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. MATHER raced into a good lead after going a half mile and won in a canter. SLEETH ran well and finished gamely. AUDREY K. finished fast. ALEXAXDER had no mishaps. CONSTANT closed a big gap. JACK K. showed speed. Scratched 44S77 Star Shooter. Ill; 41132 Yodeles. IOC; 44905 Frank Mattox. 105. Overweights Olatlier, pounds: l.ob Baker. l.; Capitania. l; Prevaricate, 3; Itertodano, 1. flflOQ"! SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. March 15, 1913 1:555 9 109. Purse 00. 3-ycar-TtTCtJ.O.-JL olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AVtPPSt U VI- Str Fill Jockeys Owners O H C P S 44040s TIE PIN wu 7 100 5 2 1 InL ji z i L CanfieldJ S Ownbey 5 G G 2 1 448972MOUN. ROSE H.wit G 109 i 8 713 41 1 23 C Duggan AV AValker 1S-54 4 7-5 1-2 449lOMcADOO wn 7 10J fi G fi3 713 f.3 4l 31 J Mooney R L Baker 2 2 9-5 1-5 2-3 44877 CONTESTANT wn 5 107 7 5 4 43 G3 G 43 M Garner .1 Funk 13 20 20 8 4 44855 KING NEPTNEwn 6 10S 2 3 23 2" 2- 31 53 V CltilettiFrazier and Hayes 7 7 2.. fi 5 44G5SEL KEY wit 5 109 8 4 3U 3J 33 51 G AV RldenrJ Marino 7 8 8 3 S-5 44011 TANLAC w 4 107 4 1 5 51 713 7s 73 N Iarrctt AV H Wilson S 10 10 4 8-3 44878AVATERPROOF wu 7 109 17 8 S X 8 8 J Dreyer J A Brause S 10 10 4 8-3 Time, 24, 40, 1:15, 1:41, 1:54 new track record. Track fast. AVinner B. g, by Armeath II. Toi San, by Possum trained by W. Bernie; bred by Mrs. L. A. Livingston. AVent to post at 4:21. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but MOUNTAIN ROSE II. AVon driving; sewhd aiul thjrd tlitr same. TIE PIN rushed into the lead at once and showed the way throughout, but hud -to be ridden hard near the end. MOUNTAIN ROSE II. was away poorly and closed a big gap, but tired-njuir the finish. McADOO seemed to sulk and was sore when going to tlie post but finished fast. CONTESTANT ran well. KING NEPTUNE tired and so did EL RHY.

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Local Identifier: drf1919120501_2_3
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