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Thirty Days Racing AT ASCOT PARK Los Angeles : California BEGINNING JANUARY 4, 1920 All Owners, Trainers and Jockeys Invited. The Racing Will Be Conducted Under the Rules of the Pacific Coast Jockey Club. ASCOT SPEEDWAY ASSOCIATION REAL INFORMATION Winnings of to be wired the following morning. Send correct address. Wm. J. CONNORS care of HOTEL GRACE, CHICAGO, ILL. BE CONVINCED g AS TO THE CALIBER OF ADVICE WE GIVE. I SEND ONE DOLLAR TO COVER COST OF 1 TELEGRAK AND RECEIVE CODE AND SERV- ICE TOR ONE DAY. U TERMS: .00,, DAILY, 5.00 WEEKLY. I CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE 1 EAST 42ND ST. :: NEW YORK. N. Y. BifjHai,a,j,iii,iJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiHM CHIEF- OBSERVER 86 WEST 42ND ST.. Room 516, NEW TORX OITJ TODAYS FREE CODE: HAVANA: Mair.c-9-6-25. NEW BOOK OUT TODAY. Jet a new copy of The Standard. Jives code to Free Specials that appear daily in ,tltbj; paper. Also a line on liorses that arc ready to win. 35c at all nevs-st:inds, or direct. 5 copies .51. Todays Form Special: No. 917. Standard Turf Guide. 82 W. Qnincv St.. Chicago. IU. VOLUME I. of ANNUAL RACING FORM FOR 1919 Is nW. onKialo. DATLY RACING FORjJITBLISHTNO CO.. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :t BUFFALO. N. Y. ROOM 804. 1482 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Well, Boys, we got away to a nice start at New Orleans, and I herewith advise my clients to pay strict attention to the method of selection for the meetings at Jefferson Park and Fair Grounds. REMEMBER: i There are some nice priced ones winning, and Dont Let the Price Scare You Off Let the system do the work. You know what it has done for you at the spring and fall meets. To those who have not vritten for particulars concerning my system, I sincerely advise them to do so at once. THEYRE FREE. Some long ones my system gave last week: konday War Garden 10-1 Won Tuesday Burgoyne ... 8-1 Won Wednesday Bonstelle ... 9-5 Won Thursday Neenah 51 Won friday Capital City. .15-1 Won Saturday Yowell 10-1Won Is that good enough for you? If so, write today, now, AT ONCE and get my FREE particulars. Let me tell you about my system, which I believe is the MOST POWERFUL and SCIENTIFIC method of turf speculation that has ever been discovered. EDWARD J. SULLIVAN P. 0. Box 565, Niagara Falls, N. Y.