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GENERAL NEWS NOTES QF THE DAY T11.H!cA"GQt DI., December 20. Weather forecast: Illinois fair tonight and Sunday; slightly warmer tonight. Missouri Fair, tonight and Sundav; somewhat warmer in south and extreme east portions tonight. Wisconsin Generally fair tonight and Sunday; slightly warmer in southeast nortion night. Minnesota Fair tonight mid probably Sunday; not much change In temperature. " WASHINGTON. D. C, December 20. The susar problem is now before the President. The house this afternoon agreed to get senate amendments to the McNary bill extending the life of the sugar equalization board until .lime 20. 1920. The bill now goes to the President for his approval, ruder the terms of the bill the equalization board is given the. power to control and purchase sugar. LONDON, England, December 20. The proposed Irish bill which Premier Lloyd George will outline in the house of .commons on Monday will, it is believed, forecast a government- for Ireland analogous to the state governmental system in America. It is understood to provide for separate parliaments for Ulster and southern Ireland respectively, with a superior body chosen by both sections. BANDOXi Ore., December 20. At least tliirtv lives were lost when the oil tanker J. A. Chanslor, bound in ballast from Portland. Ore., to San Francisco, was wrecked off Cape Blanco early Thursday night, according to the report of Earl Doolev, one of the crew, who was washed ashore from one of the Chanslor-s lifeboats near here late last night. DUBLIN, Ireland. December 20. Government police are engaged in tracking down the men who yesterday attempted to assassinate Viscount French, lord lieutenant of Ireland. Belief is expressed that evidence has been obtained Unit may result in the arrest of several of those who planned and carried out the attack.