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SATURDAY GALLOPS AT NEW ORLEANS H2 NEW ORLEANS. La.. December 20. Saturdays training gallops at 1oth local courses included the following: At Jefferson Park. Weather clear; track fast; "dogs" up 137 Antoinette, five-eighths in 1:08. 137 Alouia, three-quarters in 1:22. 131 Accelerate, mile in 1:40. 135 Aztec, half mile in 50. 140 Ben Hampson, seven-eighths in 1:34. 132 Cadillac, half mile in 58. 141 Cortland, mile in 1:47,. 123 Donna Graflou, three-eighths in 41. 140 Dorothy T.t five-eighths in 1:00. 141 Dolph, three-quarters in 1:21. 138 Douglass S., half mile in 53. 139 Foxs Choice, mile in 1:58. 137 Franklin, five-eighths i:i 1:04. 140 General Glenn, fire-eighths in 1:10. 139 Huey Traris, half mile in 51. 13S Joseph P. Murphy, three-eighths in 39. 141 J. r. Stow, mile in 1:47. 131 Jazz Band, half mile in 52. 110 Jack K., five-eighths in 1 :$. 139 Kultur, three-eighths in 37. 141 Lloyd George, seven-eighths in 1:37. 131 Lively, half mile in 51. 135 .Mary Josephine, seven-eighths in 1:30. 130 Mannikin II., three-quarters in 1:20. 1315 .Mabel Trask, five-eighths in 1:04. 138 Milton Rohlee, three-quarters in 1:19. 140 Nepperlian, three-quarters in 1:27. 140 Pliii-enzi, three-quarters in 1:19. 135 Philistine, half mile in 59. 138 Plenty, seven-eighths in 1:31. 140 Prince Douglas, three-quarters in 1:21. 134 Prince Henry, mile in 1:51. 134 P. Moody, -three-quarters in 1:23. 139 Rulie. mile ill 1:50. 131 Redland. mile in 1:50. 141 Siteedster. five-eighths in 1:09. 140 Service Flag, three-quarters in 1:25. 140 Sans Peur II., half mile ili 51. 139 Say. mile in 2:02. 140 Sylvnno. five-eighths in 1:00. 110- Speedy Foot, mile in 1:40. 110 Tit for Tat. three-quarters in 1:23. 130 Tailor .Maid, mile In llo.l. At the Fair Grounds. Weather clear; track fast; "dogs" up 138 Auua Jackson, mile in 1:55. 130 Assume, rive-eighths in 1:03 if,. 139 Belle Roberts, three-quarters in .1:19. 135 Brown Bee. five-eighths in 1:03. 130 Blue Thistle, five-eighths in 1:08. 134 Bridge Player, half mile in 51-and. 138 Bethel Hill, three-eighths in 39. 135 Cacambo, half mile in 50. 131 Clmrlestonian, three-quarters in 1:19. 137 Cerinus, three-quarters in 1:23. 130 Comacho. mile in 1:50. 138 Duches-s Lace, three-quarters in 1:18. 140 Damask, mile in 1:57. 13S Dioscoride. mile in 1:53. 140 Drunitiioiid, half mile in 54. 139 Dancing Carnival, three-quarters In 1:18. 138 Emma Wcller, five-eighths in 1:00. 135 Elliott, three-quarters in 1:20. 137 Ed Stone, five-eighths in 1:07. 140 Flying Witch, three-quarters iu 1:20. 130 Fritz Ernst, three-quarters iii 1:24. 141 Fliisey. lire-eighths in 1:07. 13S General Byng, mile in 1:47. Cadling. fire-eighths in 1:05. 130 Great Dolly, mile in 1:53. 139 Grumpy, mile in 1:40. 139 George MtiPhlebaeh. three-quarters in 1:20. 13S Hadrian, three-eighths hi 38. 138 Hemlock, half mile in 52. Ill Harry Burgoyne, three-quarters ill 1:18. 13S Hoitover. three-quarters . in 1:20. 131 Jack Mount, mile in 1:47. 127 Jim Thorpe, three-quarters in 1:20. 139 Kimpalong, three-quarters in 1:18. 124 U-idy Leoua, fire-eighths in 1:00. 138 Little I., three-quarters in 1:19. 139- Little Maudie. three-quarters in 1:22. 114 Lucius, half mile in 57. 138 Madrid, half mile in 52. 138 Madras Gingham, three-quarters iu 1:24. 130 Mitb, mile iu 1:48. 134 Marie Miller, five-eighths . in 1:07. : 301 My Dear, hair mile in 52. 138 Mnlvu, half mile in 53. 115 Mistress Polly, f ire-eigliUis in 1:13. 130 Night Wind, mile in 1:45. 135 Nominee, mile in 1:41. 138 Obolus, mile in 1:50. 140 Otsego, three-quarters in 1:24. . ODonoran. half mile in 52. 131 Onwn. half mile in 53. 141 Omond. mile in 1:44. 137 Paul Connelly, half mile in 53. 138 Pit. three-eighths in 30. 138 Penelope, three-quarters iu 1:18. 139 Paddy Dear, mile in 1:4S. 139 Pueblo, three-eighths in 40. 139 Producer, half mile in 53. 13t Pickwick, half mile in 51. 140 Quito, mile in 1:45. Ragina, fire-eighths in 1:10. 14t Rufus Riley, mile in 1:45. 137 Rainbow Girl, three-quarters in 1:20. 140 Stickling, three-quarters iu 1:10. 137 Sir John Vcrgne, three-quarters- iu 1:18. 141 Sandy Mac, five-eighths in 1:09. 140 Servitor, mile in 1:57. 140 Sway, mile in 1:47. 03 Sir Grafton, three-eighths in 42. Skinny B.. mile in 1:19. 133 Sands of Pleasure, mile in 1:49. 141 Sailor, mile iu 1:50. 138 Starter, seven-eighths in 1:34. 138 Summer Sigh, half mile in 57. 137 Smiling Mux. half mile iu 19. 183 The Boy. half mile iu 5-1. 139 Tliunderbird, mile in 1:49. 138 The Lamb, three-quarters in 1:18. 138 Cnoinenl. three-eighths in 42. 137 Yvette. half mile in 52. 140 Wnr God, three-eighths in 37. 118 Woodtrap, three-quarters iu 1:22. 141 War Club, five-eighths in 1:05.