untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1919-12-21


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BARNEY SCHREIBER ESTATE SALE The undersigned, -widow and personal representative of the estate of Barney Schreibcr, will sell the following horses privately: DUKE OF LATOKA, bay colt, four years old, by Duke of Ormonde Latona. Sound and trained. LEO L., chestnut gelding, four years old, b7 Duke of Ormonde Signorina, This mare is the dam of Howdjr Howdy; sound in every particular and is in training. RUSH TOWER, bay gelding, four years old, by Otis or Nealon Semolina, by Sain. A good looking horse. TICACEY, black gelding, three-years old, by Ban-nockburn Hand Bell, by Hanover. This horse is a half-brother to Harry Shaw and a full brother to L. H. Adams. A beautiful colt and sound. In training. VERBOTEN, bay colt, three -years old, by Bannock-burn Signorina. Sound and in training. HORINE, bay colt, two years old, bv Jack Atkin Hannadaga, by Bannockburn. Mother of four winners, including Page White, Beautiful colt, slightly trained. Write or wire offer for particulars to the unaer-signed at the Phoenix Hotel, or Matt S. Walton, attorney, 604 Fayette Bank Building, Lexington, Ky. ELIZABETH M. SCHREIBER, Lexington, Ky. Thirty Days Racing AT ASCOT PARK Los Angeles : California BEGINNING JANUARY 4, 1920 All Owners, Trainers and Jockeys Invited. The Racing Will Be Conducted Under the Rules of the Pacific Coast Jockey Club. ASCQT SPEEDWAY ASSOCIATION TRUSTY 6-5 WON SWIRL, lost; BURGOYKE, 8-1. WON: CAPT. HODGE. 4-1. WON: DON THRUSH. 2-1. WON; SENTIMENTAL, 9-1, WON; THE BOY, 53.60-1, WON: Trusty, 6-1, second; Frank Shannon. 3-1, second; Saints Bridge, 3-1, second; Betsy, .50-1, second; Sans Pcur II., 15-1, third. I told you so the longer you wait tlie more you lose. :et your name on my list. 3 Grand Holiday Specials Next Week; 3 Winners, 4-1 or more, S10 Cash in Advance. Any winners at less than 4-1 is just that nmrli five to yon. Did you ever think of this? ELAKE JAY. 120 Aliens Ave., care of Jacobs, Galesburg, Illinois 35 CENTS SHOWS YOU HOW to handicap the card every day at New Orleans and Havana for a week. Dont pay "dopesters" that sit in an office .00 to S."..0 a day. Many of them use our ratines with success. Whv not vou? Get a copy of THOROUGHBRED and convince yourself. Sold at all news-stands selling Racing Form. Mailed plain sealed envelope, " weeks .30. Two Live Ones Koing next Saturday. December 117. Will wire them to you for .01. One must WIN or we wire next Saturdays two Free. Mondays Best: 1G1. American Thoroughbred. Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. Jack Reeves, 5-2, won; Mather, 5-2, won, was yesterdays Daily. Terms S5 for 6 days. A winner and a loser on our Saturday Si Specials. Mondays Form Special; March-Peach-26-27-64-31. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Boom 4C3, 22 West ttuincy Street, Chicago, Illinois THE Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America daring the month of NOVEMBER, is now on sale. PRICE .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only U sent aa registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for book sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT ;; CHICAGO. ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. ROOM 804. 1482 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The Reliable, Wonderful, Winning System 1 U a Wk winner and still winning. Gives winners I without consideration of odds. Some are long I shots. No liandicapiiiK. Jt gives a play In. nearly I every race, also one best bet a day. It selects the H winners in a moments notice from the entries. Can lie played witii small or large capital. Get in line. I Stop that cuessin? and losing. Start winning. The B price is within reach of all. Write at once. WATSON CORNELL, I 2721 Esplanade Ave. :: :; New Orleans, La. fl NEW ORLEANS RACES I J. J.SCHREINER I AMKItlCAS PKISMIKIl CliOCKKIt I S15 FOR TEN DAYS. YOU CAN EMPLOY ME. I MY MANY CLIENTS WILL VOUCH FOR MY MARVELOUS SUCCESS AT KENTUCKY TRACKS. 1 I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Tele- H graph rem itta are or remit by express order in letter. Pronositions Not Considered. :: Strirtlv Cash Only. I 2026 ST. CHARLES AVE. :: NEW ORLEANS, LA. 1 ON THE GROUND Witii HP friends, Kentucky owners and trainers, I have information on several they think will win during Jefferon Park meet at nice long prices. This is an exceptional opportunity to secure information. Vou can wager with perfect confidence. I.t me help you win some nice bets this winter. Terms: Wire or remit me 0.03 in advance every two or three weeks to help me defray my expenses. Start today. ROY WILLIAKS Caro Western Union Telegraph Co., New Orleans, La. UVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST . Reporter No. 78." good all this week. f rJ2ii. s:l8 wherever Racing Form is, andSSn 35c. Experts preferred track re-P WJKZ3 I torts. Reflections and comments on v tsJUy the condition of horses in training at yJ1 New Orleans and Havana. 10 years vl satisfying service. Think it over. , Subscribers mailed first-class, .50 for 5 weeks. iot two going Dec. LMJ. Can mail von names for .00. MONDAYS SPECIAL: No. 5. THE TURF REPORTER. 22 W. ttuincy St.. Chicago TIJUANA JANUARY 24, 1920 Pari - Mutuel Betting One Hundred or More Days Racing Seven or More Races Daily r : To Be Followed by Meetings Throughout California, Insuring Practically Continuous Use of Horses v J I NO PURSE LESS THAN 00 OVERNIGHT HANDICAPS 00 to ,000 RACES FOR 2-YEAR-OLDS LIBERAL STAKES Are Being Framed for the Meeting A Horsemen and Visitors Get a Perfect Climate. San Diegos fine Hotel Accommodations and Restaurants. More Sunshine and Less Mud Than at Any Race Course in the World THE TRACK IS MOW OPEN TO RECEIVE HORSES Address All Communications to J. W. COFFROTH Spreckels Building San Diego : : California

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919122101/drf1919122101_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1919122101_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800