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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111.. December 27. Weather forecast: Illinois Unsettled tonight; possibly light snow and slightly colder in north portion; Sunday generally fair; slightly colder in south portion. Missouri Generally fair tonight and Sunday, somewhat colder Sunday and in northwest and extreme north portions tonight. General forecast: Unsettled weather with some snow is probable tonight and Sunday in the western lake region and the upper Mississippi Valley, while in the middle Mississippi and lower Missouri Valleys, plains states and Rocky Mountain region fair weather will continue. There is no real old weather in sight, although somewhat lower temierature is indicated in most portions of the district. WASHINGTON, I. C, December 27. Removal and .shipment home of bodies of American soldiers buried in those parts of France not in the old "zone of the armies," which include all the battle fields and advance areas, has been approved by the French minister of the interior, the war department was advised today by Brig. -Gen. William I. Connor, commanding United States troops in France. LONDON, England, December 27. Frederick William, the former German crown prince, will be included in the list of persons whose surrender for trial is demanded by the French, according to an unofficial report of a recent meeting between British law officials and Edouard Ignace, French undersecretary for military justice. WORCESTER, Mass., December 27. Internal revenue officers have started an investigation of a report that whisky is being smuggled into the United States from Canada in bales of hay. In a shipment recently received here, officers say, two liottles of liquor were concealed in the center of nearly every bale.