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RACING IN CALIFORNIA BEGINS TODAY I.os AKGBLK8, CaL, January ::. The experimental meeting of thirty day* over the inside track at the Ascot Bpeedwaj Iark begins tomorrow with a card of six races for purses of s:"Ml or more. A numlicr of horses are now at the track and more an- coming. Bdward oMalloy. formerly of Chicago, is ]. residing judge: .1. V . Haymaii. secretary and ban dicapper; .lames Haley, tarter, and Edward Smith, patrol judge. In addition to the six running raees tomorrow a hundred -mile motorcycle contest will take place over the speedway. I he program book for the first eight days of the meeting has beea issued. It provides for six race* daily. A las|i of three -eighth* for two year-olds is one of the fe. nitres of the first day.